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October 25 - 27, 2024
at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
near Barneveld WI

We are the Ancestors of our Future

Coordinated by:  Rev. Messina, Rev. Sharon, Leigh & Raven

Join us for Samhain 2024 as Circle Sanctuary celebrates its 50th anniversary and embraces our roles as the Ancestors of the Future. This milestone year, we reflect on the legacies we create and the stories we leave behind. By living with intention and nurturing the world around us, we ensure that future generations will remember us as guides and guardians. Though we may not be physically present, our actions plant the seeds of wisdom and compassion that will flourish long after we're gone. As we honor those who came before us, we also step into our own power, knowing that the future holds echoes of our lives. What we do today shapes tomorrow.

Please feel free to look through archives of prior years' Samhain events, as well as our Celebrating the Seasons reference pages with information on what Samhain is & and how you can celebrate it!

If you have any questions about Samhain, please email us.

REGISTRATION IS CLOSED:  Sorry we have reached our maximum capacity!  

Full Event Adult = $145 Saturday only Adult = $85 Friday + Saturday Adult = $110 Saturday+ Sunday Adult = $110

Full Event Youth = $55        Saturday only Youth = $35 Friday + Saturday Youth = $45   Saturday + Sunday Youth $45

Children 0-5 = free

Registration is open until midnight on Wednesday night October 23rd or until all tickets are sold. 

Cancellation Policy:   Written cancellations with refund requests received five days before the event will be issued after the event, less 15% fee for processing.  No refunds will be granted for cancellations made less than 5 days before the start of the event. 


(Children are welcome, but please note there is no Family Programming being offered at this event.)

Friday October 25th

Noon Gate Opens for Arrivals

2pm Opening Welcome Circle with Event Coordinators and Opening Ritual with Rev. Laura Gonzalez

Please gather for opening announcements about the festival by the event coordinators. 

Followed by the Opening Ritual with Rev. Laura Gonzalez. 

3pm Engagement of and Leadership Development with Young People - with Rev. Jake and Rev. Messina in the Temple Room

Teens and young adults often have incredible potential and skills that adults may not always fully recognize.  Our community is filled with youth who bring creativity, charisma, and a genuine desire to improve and enrich the world around them.  In this workshop, we'll explore ways to thoughtfully engage younger participants in a variety of activities and programs, while fostering their leadership in ways that are safe, developmentally appropriate, and sustainable.  By doing so, we can create meaningful benefits for both them and the wider community, now and in the future.  This PLI (Pagan Leadership Institute) workshop is open to everyone.  

4pm Samhain Mindful Nature Walk with Dennis Carpenter

Join Dennis in front of the main entrance to the barn for a mediative walk to sacred sites on Circle Sanctuary Land.  The focus will be on connecting deeply with the Spirits of Land and Nature to ground and prepare for Ancestors work as this Samhain time.  Be prepared to walk in various weather conditions, including sturdy shoes and drinking water. 

6pm Dinner served behind the farmhouse

9pm Golden Jubilee with The Tooles Band in the Temple Room

As we break away from the traditional Witches' Ball this year in order to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Circle Sanctuary, we cordially invite you to dress formally for this grand celebration! Bring out your gowns, suits, dressy Witchy costumes, and accessories!  Let's make it a celebration to remember!  Snacks will be served.  Bring your own beverages please.

Saturday October 26th

7am Chair Yoga - with Colleen Koziara in the Temple Room

Our community NEEDS its Elders! Most of the standard physical challenges that come with aging and cause us to retreat from fully active involvement in our life, can be avoided thru lifestyle choices. Eating well, getting enough rest, maintaining a healthy mind, body and spirit thru good life choices and selfcare, and especially continuing to be mobile and able to physically participate fully in life and in our nature based spiritual path, are crucial not only to our own quality of life, but to the future of our spiritual community.

Join Colleen for chair yoga and see just how effective it can be in helping you safely address 4 of the main issues that negatively affect us, and our ability to remain actively engaged, as we age.

  • Posture - shown to affect even digestion!
  • Joint flexibility - no fun to move if it hurts!
  • Lung/breath capacity - can you go for a hike?
  • Incontinence - girls AND boys y’all! - it’s a $6BILLION dollar a year industry!

Let’s be a rowdy active bunch of Spiritual Elders and continue contributing to our communities for many years to come!  Wear whatever loose-fitting comfy clothes like, and shoes that are easy to remove.

8am-9am Continental Breakfast begins at 8am in the Summer Kitchen and is taken down at 9am.  

9am Newcomers Meet and Greet with Rev. Minerva in the heated tent

Come meet new friends, learn about Circle, and ask any questions you may have.  Everyone is welcome!

10am Annual Meeting in the Temple Room 

Come enjoy a trip down memory lane as we honor Circle's 50th Anniversary.  Participate in review of Circle Sanctuary's activities over the past year, recognition of contributions of volunteers and staff, and presentation of the Annual Report.

Noon Lunch served behind the farmhouse

1:30pm Circle Sights, Sounds & Stories in the Temple Room with Rev. Selena & Others

Photos, videos, storytelling and reflections by Circle Sanctuary Community.   This program will be live streamed for free to Circle's YouTube channel.

3pm Commune with the Ancestors in the Cemetery

"Life is for the living. Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. And death a note unsaid." -Langston Hughes

Join us in Circle Cemetery to celebrate our beloved dead with song, food and find out what the ancestors have to say from beyond the veil about your future. Bring your favorite ancestor chant, poetry, or just bring your voice - even if you're not a "singer", all voices enhance the space.

Help us tidy the space by clearing the headstones of debris and other light cleanup efforts.  Feel free to bring flowers and food to honor the dead.

Commune with the ancestors as we share a light snack and reveal their wisdom for the upcoming year through divination.   

4:30pm Silent Auction / Raffle Ends

Meet at the Raffle tent for the ever-exciting conclusion of the Silent Auction and awarding of the winnings!  All proceeds from the silent auction and raffle will go toward the road fund.  You must be present (or send a proxy) to win!  

6pm Dinner is served behind the farmhouse

Please eat together at the tables in either the Summer Kitchen or heated tent as we begin our process of preparing ourselves for tonight's ritual. 

8pm Main Ritual with Rev. Sharon, Leigh, Circle Sanctuary Ministers & Ministers in Training

We are the Ancestors of the future.  The legacy we create now impacts our future generations.  Listen, listen to the voices of our ancestors speaking. 

Gather outside the big tent by 8pm.  Bring your altar items, photos, and the tarot card you received earlier at the cemetery.  

9pm The Spiral Labyrinth, a Self-Guided Journey with Kristol Mist

The Spiral Labyrinth is an ancient universal symbol of transformation, and creates a sacred space where time slows and the potential for inner growth and spiritual development manifests. It is a powerful meditation tool, helping to quiet the mind, and allowing time for personal reflection. As your feet follow the path toward the center, you are drawn deeper into yourself, toward your own center. When you reach the center, you will find a cauldron with tokens inside. Please take one to remind you that we are the Ancestors of our Future. This token will aid you on your continued Journey. As you trace the path back out, emerge with clarity, gratitude, and connection to the Tree of Life throughout this next Wheel of the Year.

Late night Drumming with Shouting Mountain and Coven of the Drum in the Temple Room

Bring your drums, rattles, shakers and come celebrate!  

Sunday October 27th

7am Chair Yoga with Colleen Koziara in the Temple Room

Join Colleen for day two of chair yoga and see just how effective it can be in helping you safely address 4 of the main issues that negatively affect us, and our ability to remain actively engaged, as we age.

8-9am Continental Breakfast begins at 8am in the Summer Kitchen and is taken down at 9am. 

9am Circle Sanctuary History & 50th Birthday Celebration 

Circle was founded at Samhain time in 1974 and four years later, on October 27, 1978, Circle was incorporated in the State of Wisconsin as a non-profit religious organization -- one of the first Nature Spirituality (Wiccan/Pagan) churches to be legally established.

Join Circle Sanctuary Archivist Robin Umber and Senior Minister Selena Fox on a journey through 50 years of Circle Sanctuary history!  At the conclusion of the hour-long presentation, there will be an opportunity to take part in a future visioning process.

11am Working with Ancestors:  We Are the Ancestors of the Future with Rev. Gonzalez in the Temple Room

In this journey, we'll explore the profound connection between us and the ancestors who came before. These ancestors, both known and unknown, have left their imprints in our history and our very DNA, shaping who we are today. Their legacies come with both the gifts and challenges of their unique characters and personalities. As we examine this exploration, we'll uncover the magic of connecting with these remarkable figures, understanding their influence, and harnessing their wisdom for our future. Prepare to be inspired as we bridge the past and future through the fascinating lens of our ancestral heritage.

Noon Lunch served behind the farmhouse

1:30pm Closing Ritual with Rev. Dia in the Temple Room

We give thanks and honor the ancestors for the presence.

3pm Final Departures

The festival is not done until the last task is complete.  Please feel free to join in with the team to help take down and clean-up.  Teamwork makes the dream work and builds community!

REGISTER IS CLOSED - sorry we have reached maximum capacity. 


  • An item or two to donate for the Raffle/Silent Auction.
  • Ritual garb as appropriate for the time of the year.
  • Mementos, candles in jars or battery-operated cancels, photos, for the Ancestor Altar.
  • Offering of small stones, crystals, rocks, flowers for the Stone Circle/Cemetery.
  • Your own bottle or cup for water, and/or a mug for coffee, tea, hot chocolate.
  • Warm clothing for Wisconsin weather; a hat, coat, warm socks, gloves, etc.
  • Drum, rattle, or other musical instrument.
  • Camping gear:  tent, sleeping bag, pillow, air mattress, flashlight, personal toiletries, biodegradable soap/shampoo, clothing and footwear for all kinds of weather, insect and tick repellant.
  • A notebook and pen to take notes during workshops.


  • Any peanut products or peanuts due to severe airborne allergy of several attendees. 
  • Unregistered people.
  • Firearms or fireworks.
  • Illegal drugs.
  • Pets.

Registration is closed.  Sorry we have reached maximum capacity. 

Cancellation Policy:   Written cancellations with refund requests received five days before the event will be issued after the event, less 15% fee for processing.  No refunds will be granted for cancellations made less than 5 days before the start of the event. 

All attendees are asked to complete a 2-hour community service shift during the festival.  

Please sign up at the gate upon your arrival.  Thank you.

© 2023 Circle Sanctuary, all rights reserved.
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Call or Email us:
Phone: (608) 924-2216

Mailing Address:
Circle Sanctuary
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507

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