Sunday afternoon, November 21, 2010
Lakeview Lutheran Church - East Hall
4001 Mandrake, corner of Mandrake & Northport Drive
Madison, Wisconsin
Free & open to the public
gathering in music by Celtic bard Michael Doran begins at 2:30 pm
presentations from 3-5 pm, followed by social
Program includes music, prayers, dance, readings, & other sharings about Thanksgiving across cultures & faith traditions.
This year's keynote address is "Come Ye Thankful" by Rohany Nayan. Rohany Nayan is a doctoral candidate in the Literacy Studies program in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests focus on immigrant families especially on Muslim families, literacy practices and identity development of Muslim children the United States. For four years, she worked as a principal at the local Islamic school - Madinah Academy of Madison. Currently she works as the Graduate Fellow at the Lubar Institute for the Study of Abrahamic Religions. She is actively involved in encouraging dialogues among the various communities of faith.
Those attending are invited (not required) to bring:
- canned food for charity food drive, with proceed to benefit Dane County food pantries
- appetizers & other types of finger foods for the social that follows the program
Organized and sponsored by the Greater Madison Interreligious Association (GMIA) with the support of these co-sponsors:
- American Hindu Association
- Benedictine Women of Madison - Holy Wisdom Monastery
- Circle Sanctuary
- Deer Park Buddhist Center
- Inroads Ministry
- KARING Hypnotherapy Association & Wellife Mind, Body, Spirit Expositions
- Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice of South Central Wisconsin
- Lakeview Lutheran Church
- Madison Baha'i Community
- Madison Eckankar Community
- Madison Interfaith Dialogue
- Madison Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
- Madison Sufis
- Madison-area Urban Ministry
- Memorial United Church of Christ
- Niagara Foundation
- Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
- Springdale/West Blue Mounds Lutheran Parish
- The Crossing Campus Christian Center
- Tri-Unity Welllife Association, Inc.
- Westminster Presbyterian Church
- Wisdom's Well Interfaith Spirituality Center,
- and others
Free childcare provided in the church nursery, 2:30 - 5:30 pm.
For more information, contact:
email: gmia.staff@gmail.com
or call GMIA President Selena Fox, (608) 924-2216.