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  • All shows before December 2018 can be found on the Pagans Tonight Radio Network website.
  • The December 2018 programs can be found on the Global Wicca Summit site or click on the episode title below.
  • Listen Live by telephone: Call (929) 477-3055 at the start of the show. 
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Nature Mystic with Selena Fox:

Encore Presentations of Journeys in Nature Spirituality & Religion

Every Sunday at 7:00 pm Eastern

May 5, 2019:  Flower Magic
Learn ways of working with Flowers in ceremony, meditation, and other forms of spiritual practice in this encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2013.

May 12, 2019:  Mother Goddess of Full Moon
Honoring and working with the powers of the Goddess as Mother and Full Moon.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2014.

May 19, 2019Pagan Spirit & Community Rituals
Celebrating and supporting Pagan diversity and unity through community building and ritual crafting such as is doen each year at the Pagan Spirit Gathering sponsored by Circle Sanctuary. 
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013.

May 26, 2019Supporting Military Pagans and Families
Rituals, projects, groups, and other ways to remember and support Pagans serving and who have served in the military and their families.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013.

June 2, 2019Pagan Town
Guided inner journey into the Pagan festival village created each year during Summer Solstice time at Pagan Spirit Gathering sponsored by Circle Sanctuary.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013.

June 9, 2019Sun Gods and Goddesses
Honoring and working with Sun Divinities across cultures and traditions.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2014.

June 16, 2019Celebrating Summer Solstice
Rituals, meditations, chants, traditions, and other ways of celebrating Summer Solstice, also known as Midsummer and Litha in this special episode broadcast from 2013 Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013

June 23, 2019Sun Magic, Sun Circles
Celebrating the daily and yearly cycles of Sun and Seasons.  Working with personal group Sun rituals.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2012

June 30, 2019Pagan Roots of America
Examining Pagan traditions, philosophy, and imagery that are foundational to the birth and development of the United States of America as a nation.  Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2012.

July 7, 2019Sacred Gardening
Working with the spiritual dimensions of plants, garden blessings, rituals for planting, cultivating, and harvesting.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2014

July 14, 2019:  Mugwort Magic
Lore, spiritual properties, and sacred ways of working with Mugwork (Artemisia vulgaris) for cleansing, intuitive development, visioning, dreamcraft, healing, meditation, rituals, and celebration.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013

July 21, 2019:  Mint Magic
Sacred work with Peppermint, Spearmint, and other types of Mint for healing, wellness, and spiritual transformation.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2014

July 28, 2019:  Celebrating Lughnassad
Rituals, chants, symbols, lore, and ways of celebrating the height of Summertime and the Celtic Fire Festival of Lughnassadh, also known as Lammas.  Ways of creating personal, household, and commuinty celebrations.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2012

August 4, 2019:  Green Man!  
Exploring Green Man lore, magic, and meditation for personal and planetary renewal and well-being.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2012

August 11, 2019:  Working with Plant Allies
Developing and deepening spiritual relationships with herbs, trees, and other plants.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2014

August 18, 2019:  Ritual Uses of Herbs
Working wiht Elemental forms of Herbs.  Ceremonial work with living plants, with freshly harvested herbs, and dried herbal leaves, roots, flowers, stalks, and seeds.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013

August 25, 2019:  Herbs for Divination
Selecting and using herbs in various forms to aid Tarot readings, I Ching consultations, Rune casting, Scrying, Dream incubation, and other forms of divination.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Study from 2013

September 1, 2019:  Sacred Work with Incenses
Selecting and buring herbs and herbal blends to aid spiritual practice.  Ritual uses of incenses of various forms for purification, meditation, divination, spiritual healing, divinity honoring, and intention manifstation.
Encore presentationof Circle Craft Studies from 2013

September 8, 2019:  Spiritual Herbcraft
Working with Sacred Herbs and their Plant Spirits as part of rituals, meditations, and other forms of spiritual practice.
Encore presentationof Circle Craft Studies from 2013

September 15, 2019:  Harvesting Ceremonial Herbs
Harvesting sacred herbs and working with them in personal and group rituals.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2012

September 22, 2019:  Celebrating Fall Equinox
Traditions, lore, chants, rites, and meditations for celebrating Fall Equinox and attuning to Autumn.
Encore presentationof Circle Craft Studies from 2012

September 29, 2019:  Sacred Oak Magic
Pagan lore, symbology, and ritual uses of Oak trees, leaves, acorns, and wood.
Encore presentationof Circle Craft Studies from 2013

October 6, 2019:  Celebrating Samhain & Halloween
Work with old and new traditions, symbols, rites in creating personal and community Samhain celebrations.  Explore similarities and differences in Samhain & Halloween observances.
Encore of Circle Craft Studies from 2012

October 13, 2019:  Ancestor Magic
Prepare for Samhain by learning ways of discovering, honoring, and working with ancestors and ancestral places, artifacts, traditionos, and stories.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2012

October 20, 2019:  Samhain Divinations of the Future
Explorer some ways of working with Tarot, Oracle Cards, and other divination tools and methods to get tuidance for the future as part of Samhain observances.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2014

October 27, 2019:  Circle Craft Samhain Ritual
Attune to Samhain with this Rite rooted in the Circle Craft tradition.  Remember the year that has been.  Envision the year to come.  Honor the Dead.  Listen to the Ancestors.  Celebration Samhain.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2014

November 3, 2019:  Death Transitions
Rituals, life reviews, conversations, guided meditations, and other spiritual support for those dying and their loved ones.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2014

November 10, 2019:  American Veterans Day Ceremony
Veterans Day ritual of remembrance, appreciation, and support for Military Pagans and their loved ones.
Encore presentation of Circle Craft Studies from 2014

November 17, 2019:  Powers of the Crone
Connecting and working with the Goddess as Crone and Her powers of Wisdom, Maturity, Inner Sight, Release, Healing, Death & Rebirth.
Encore presentation from 2012

November 24, 2019:  Powers of Thanksgiving
Personal and community rituals of gratitude and thanksgiving.  Includes Thanksgiving meditation ritual.
Encore presentation from 2013

December 1, 2019:  Crafting Yuletide Celebrations
Get ideas for creating a series of festive observances of the Winter Solstice holidays time.  Explore ways to incorporate ancient & contemporary customs & rites into personal household & community celebrations.
Encore presentation from 2012

December 8, 2019:  Sacred Plants of Winter Solstice
Learn about the folklore & rituals uses of oak, mistletoe, holly, ivy, pine, fir, birch, apples, wheat, frankincense, bayberry, and other plants connected with Yuletide.  Discover old & new ways to deck the halls with evergreen trees, wreaths, garlands, kissing balls, pomanders, and other creations.
Encore presentation from 2012

December 15, 2019:  Yuletide Giftbringers
Discover the Pagan & Christian roots of Santa Claus.  Explore the lore of other Yule Giftbringers including Holda (Germany), Julnisse (Norway), Yulet Goat (Finland), Father Christmas (France), Krampus (Austria), La Befana (Italy), Old Man Frost (Lithuania), St. Nicholas (Holland), Grandfather Snow (Uzbekistan), Santa Lucia (Sweden), and others.
Encore presentation from 2012

December 22, 2019:  Winter Solstice Ritual
Welcome in Winter & the New Solar Year with this Yuletide candle-lighting ceremony that includes chanting, guided meditations & spiritual workings for Peace on Earth and Peace Within.
Encore presentation from 2012

December 29, 2019:  New Year Magic
Explore some ancient and contemporary ways of celebrating the ending and beginning of the calendar year, including year-in-review, home blessing, charitable giving, fireworks, revelry, meditation, resolutions, and divisions.

January 5, 2020:  Befana Night
Selena Fox and guest Raven Grimassi (1951-2019) examine legends, symbols, traditions, and magic of La Befana, who brings gifts and blessings to children of Italy and elsewhere on Her night, January 5, Epiphany Eve.  Explore the ancient Pagan origins of this beloved Italian Christmas Witch and similarities with other Yuletide Crone goddesses, such as Roman Strenua, Alpine German Perchata, & Russian Baboushka.
Encore presentation from 2016.

January 12, 2020:  Creating Imbolc Rituals and Celebrations
Explore ways to incorporate ancient and contemporary customs, chants, symbols, and ceremonies into personal household and community celebrations of Imbolc, also known as Candlemas, Brigid's Feast, and the Festival of Waxing Light.
Encore presentation from 2013

January 19, 2020:  Brigid Fire
Attuning to Brigid as Fire Goddess through sacred work with candle flames, hearth fires, bonfires, solar rays, and Fire in the Head inspiration.
Encore presentation from 2015

January 26, 2020:  Imbolc Ritual
Attune with the Goddess Brigid through invocations, chants, meditation, candlelighting, and energy workings.  Connect and commune with Brigid in some of Her sacred forms, including Sacred Oak, Holy Waters, Bright Fire, Swan Maiden, and Radiant Sun.
Encore presentation from 2013

February 2, 2020:  Imbolc Brigid Altar Ritual
Guided ritual honoring the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc, also known as Candlemas.
Encore presentation from 2014

February 9, 2020:  Personal Altars
Explore ways to create and work with personal altars as part of spiritual practice.
Encore presentation from 2014

February 16, 2020:  Healing Altars
Some ways of creating and working with individual and group spiritual healing altars.
Encore presentation from 2014

February 23, 2020:  Altars Through the Seasons
Explore wasy of spiritually attuning to seasons and Sabbats through altar craft.
Encore presentation from 2014

March 1, 2020:  Celebrating the Seasons
Exploring symbols, lore, customs, and rituals for celebrating the eight Sabbats of contemporary Paganism also known as the Wheel of the Year.
Encore presentation from 2012

March 8, 2020:  Goddess Magic & Women's Equality
Reflections on contributions of Contemporary Paganism, Goddess, Spirituality & Ecofemenism to the quest for equal rights for women in the USA & worldwide.
Encore presentation from 2014

March 15, 2020:  Welcoming & Celebrating Spring
Exploring & crafting personal & community Spring customs, chants, symbols, rituals, and meditations.
Encore presentation from 2012

March 22, 2020:  Spring Equinox Rite
Ceremony for celebrating the arrival of Spring.
Encore presentation from 2013

March 29, 2020:  Eggs in Myth, Magic, and Meditation
Ceremony for celebrating the arrival of Spring.
Encore presentation from 2015

April 5, 2020:  Green Cemeteries
Learn about Greening the End of Life through cemeteries that combine environmental conservation with the ancient practice of natural burial.
Encore presentation from 2015

April 12, 2020:  Celebrate Earth Day
Creating personal and community celebrations of Earth Day.
Encore presentation from 2012

April 19, 2020:  Earth Day Ceremony
Celebrate the Interconnected Circle of Life on Planet Earth and join in guided meditations, chants, and workings for a healthier environment.
Encore presentation from 2015

April 26, 2020:  Beltane Magic
Celebrating Beltane and the flowering of Springtime with ancient and contemporary personal, household, and community customs, ceremonies, and celebrations.
Encore presentation from 2015

May 03, 2020:  Beltane Inner Journey Ritual
Guided Beltane Magic meditation for enhancing creativity and inner growth.
Encore presentation from 2012

May 10, 2020:  Mother Earth Communion
Learn about ancient and contemporary ways of attuning to and working with the Guardian of Planet Earth as the Goddess Mother Earth.
Encore presentation from 2014

May 17, 2020:  Healing Meditations
Explore and experience some types of guided meditations for healing and wellness, including work with rainbow colors with the Goddess Isis.
Encore presentation from 2012

May 24, 2020:  Memorial Day Remembrances
Learn about Pagan organized Memorial Day rites across the USA and elsewhere, including honoring Pagan War Dead, decorating their gravesites, and supporting their families and other loved ones.  Includes an interview with Candie Toth, mother of Sgt Jason Schumann, Pagan Soldier killed in action in Iraq on May 19, 2007.
Encore presentation from 2017

May 31, 2020:  Moon Goddess Forms, Symbols & Lore
Explore with Lunar Goddess imagery, rites, and dimensions across cultures.
Encore presentation from 2014

June 7, 2020:  PSG Journey to Pagan Town
Guided inner journey into the Pagan Town that is created at the Pagan Spirit Gathering each year.
Encore presentation from 2013

June 14, 2020:  Celebrating Summer Solstice at PSG
Summer solstice rituals, meditations, chants, sacred sites, and traditions across time and cultures in this broadcast from Pagan Spirit Gathering 2013.
Encore presentation from 2013

June 21, 2020:  Summer Solstice Meditations with PSG Community
Creating personal and group ceremonies to welcome Summer and celebrate the Sun in this broadcast from Pagan Spirit Gathering 2014.
Encore presentation from 2014

June 28, 2020:  Celebrating Pagan Spirit with PSG Community Rituals
Ritual making and community building with Pagans of many paths and places at the yearly Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Encore presentation from 2013

July 5, 2020:  American Goddesses
Learn about Lady Liberty, Lady Justice, Columbia, Minerva, and other Goddesses with roots in ancient Pagan cultures and their evolution in the USA.  Explore wasy to work with American Goddesses for personal and social well-being.
Encore presentation from 2014

July 12, 2020:  Home Blessing Magic
Work with the powers of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit to spiritually cleanse, protect, and bless your home.  Reasons for doing Home Blessings.
Encore presentation from 2012

July 19, 2020:  Home Blessing Herbs & Charms
Learn about spiritual properties of herbs and wasy to use them for home blessing.  Learn about making a Witch Bottle and other types of charms for home protection and blessing.
Encore presentation from 2012

July 26, 2020:  Home Blessing Rituals
Learn ways to create personal and household home blessing ceremonies.  Explore ways of working with Spirit of Place, Home Guardians, and Home Altars.
Encore presentation from 2012

August 2:  Plant Spirits Lughnasadh Rite
Attune to the sacred Green realm of Plants in this guided ritual and celebrate the height of summer and the start of the Harvest.

August 9, 2020:  Sacred Sites
Old and new customs, rites, and ways for contacting, aligning, and working with the spiritual dimensions of Stone Circles, Sacred Groves, and other ceremonial places.

August 16, 2020:  Stone Circles
Visiting, envisioning, and working with the ancient and contemporary Circles of Stones as sacred sites for personal, community, and planetary transformation

August 23, 2020:  Sea Magic
Connect with the sacred powers of the Ocean, its symbols, deities, and sacred forms with communion, meditation, and rituals.

August 30, 2020:  Tree Rituals
Honoring and working with Trees, Groves, and Forests and their lore in meditation and ritual.

September 6, 2020:  Triple Goddess Guidance Quest Ritual
Attune to Maiden, Mother, Crone, and All-Goddess in this guided inner journey ritual created an led by Selena Fox.
Encore from June 10, 2014

September 13, 2020:  Cornucopia Magic
Work with a Cornucopia as a ritual tool and symbol to celebrate the Harvest, attune to the seasons, express gratitude, and enhance prosperity.
Encore from September 16, 2014

September 20, 2020:  Fall Rituals
Creating and performing personal and community rituals to welcome and attune to Autumn.
Encore from September 24, 2014

September 27, 2020:  Pagan Freedom & the Lady Liberty League
Celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the founding of the Lady Liberty League (LLL), Pagan relisious freedom activists network facilitated by Circle Sanctuary.  LLL Executive Director Selena Fox, Assistant Director Minerva Duggan, and Case Manager Casey Pope discuss LLL's work and accomplishments.
*  Live broadcast

October 4, 2020:  Stories of the Veteran Pentacle Quest
Selena Fox, Robert Stewart, and others share first-hand accounts of the decade long successful quest for Pagan civil rights which resulted in the US Department of Veterans Affairs adding the Pentacle to its list of emblems of belief that can be included on memorial markers it issues for deceased Veterans.
This rebroadcast is part of this year's 35th Anniversary Celebration of the Lady Liberty League.
Encore from April 23, 2013

October 11, 2020:  Circle Cemetery and Greening Life's End
Overview of Circle Cemetery, Green cemeteries, and Natural Burial.  
This rebroadcast is part of this year's 25th Anniversary of Circle Cemetery.
Encore from November 3, 2015

October 18, 2020:  Samhain Altars
Creating and working with personal, household, and community altars as part of Samhain celebrations.
Encore from October 16, 2018

October 25, 2020:  Other World Samhain Rite
Guided Samhain ritual and meditative journey that includes remembering, honring, and connecting with Beloved Dead and Ancestors of family, place, and spirituality.
Encore from October 29, 2013

November 1, 2020:  Samhain Divinations of the Future
Discover some ways of working with Tarot, Oracle Cards, and other divinatory tools and methods for receiving guidance for the near and distance future as part of Samhain observances
Encore from October 22, 2014

November 8, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Earth
Join Selena Fox as she starts a month-long series of healing with the sacred elements.  Tonight, Selena discusses ways of working with soil, caves, mountains, gardening, and ceramics for healing, renewal, and well-being.
Encore from May 20, 2020

November 15, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Air
Join Selena Fox as she continues her series of healing with the sacred elements.  Tonight, Selena discusses ways of working with breath, winds, feathers, and incense for healing, renewal, and well-being.
Encore from May 6, 2020

November 22, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Fire
Join Selena Fox as she continues her series of healing with the sacred elements.  Tonight, Selena discusses ways of working with candle flames, hearths, bonfires, and solar fire for healing, renewal, and well-being.
Encore from May 27, 2020

November 29, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Water
Join Selena Fox as she continues her series of healing with the sacred elements.  Tonight, Selena discusses ways of working with flowing and still waters, rain, tides, dew, chalices, bowls, and water imagery for healing, renewal, and well-being.
Encore from May 13, 2020

December 6, 2020:  Santa & Krampus Traditions
Learn about Yuletide lore and customs connected with Santa Claus as Pagan God and Christian Saint and his sometime associate, the Beast Krampus.

December 13, 2020:  Swedish Solstice Magic of St. Lucia's Day
Learn about the Goddess of Light origins of St. Lucia/Lucy/Lucina.  Explore other ways that Pagan Yuletide lore, symbols, and customs are part of contemporary celebrations of Her Feast day, December 13 and Christmastime/Yuletide in Sweden and Scandinavian communities around the world.

December 20, 2020:  Winter Solstice Rite
Welcome in the new solar year with this Pagan Yuletide ceremony.

December 27, 2020:  New Year Traditions
Old and new ways of celebrating the ending and beginning of the calendar year.

January 3, 2021:  New Year Divinations
The start of the Calendar New Year can be a powerful time for life reflecting and planning.  Explore some ways of working with divinations tools, rits, and meditations for guidance for the coming year.

January 10, 2021:  Sunrise Rituals
Making magic with the rising Sun through chants, meditations, and rituals at Daybreak, Dawn, and Sun-up.
Encore from February 10, 2015

January 17, 2021:  Brigid of Sacred Waters
Since ancient times, Brigid has been a Goddess of Sacred Springs and Holy Wells.  Learn about some of these sacred sites associated with Her and some ways of working with Brigid as Goddess of Sacred Waters for healing, wisdom, inspiration, and wellness.
Encore from January 22, 2020

January 24, 2021:  Brigid Meditations for Imbolc
Some approaches to meditation with Brigid Goddess aspects and symbols.  Brigid meditations for enhancing personal and community Imbolc celebrations.
Encore from January 30, 2018

January 31, 2021:  Imbolc Brigid Night Healing Ritual
Connect with the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc through incantations and meditationos in this ritual of healing for self, others, and Planet Earth.
Encore from January 29, 2020

February 7, 2021:  Labyrinths
Some types of Labyrinths and some way sof working with Labyrinth sacred sites and imagery for healing, insights, wellness, and spiritual growth.
Encore from February 12, 2020

February 14, 2021:  Enhancing Love in Life
Explore different forms of Love and some ways to bring more love into personal life and into the world.
Encore from February 14, 2017 

February 21, 2021:  Rock Crystals
Some sacred ways of attuning to and working with clear quartz crystals.
Encore from February 19, 2020

February 28, 2021:  Full Moon Healing Rite
Full Moon Ritual of Spiritual Healing for Others, Self, and Planet Earth.
Encore from November 4, 2014

March 7, 2021:  Goddess Power & International Women's Day
Selena Fox and Phyllis Curott discuss contributions of Goddess Spirituality and Contemporary Paganism to the Quest for Equal Rights for Women around the world.
Encore from March 8, 2016

March 14, 2021:  Irish Folk Magic
Celebrating Pagan dimensions of Irish Culture by exploring myths and magic of Leprechauns, Fairies, Shamricks, and the wearing of the Green.
Encore from March 17, 2015

March 21, 2021:  Spring Renewal Rituals
Celebrating the return of Spring with a Spring Equinox ritual
Encore from March 19, 2013

March 28, 2021:  Sacred Circles
Attuning to Sacred Directions and Ceremonial Circles as part of spiritual life.  Expanding ways of Circle Casting to include alighments with Nine Directions and Sacred Sphere.
Encore from March 13, 2012

April 4, 2021:  Egg Magic
Working with Egg symbols, lore, and rituals for celebrating Springtime, home and garden blessings, healing, and creative awakening.
Encore from March 28, 2017

April 11, 2021:  Remembering Margot Adler
Celebrating the life and legacy of Margot Adler (1946 - 2014) on the 75th anniversary of her birthday (April 16).  This encore of this remembrance podcast was recording shortly after her death and includes the sharing of memories, experiences, tributes, adn perspectives about this beloved Pagan Elder, Wiccan Priestess, National Public Radio radio journalist, feminist, environmentalist, scholar, social justice activist, and granddaughter of noted Austrian Jewish psychiarist Alfred Adler.
Encore from July 29, 2014

April 18, 2021:  Celebrate Earth Day
Exploring some ways of attuning to Nature, communing with Planet Earth, and engagign in environmental actions on Earth Day and Every Day.  Includes a guided Mother Earth Communion meditation, plus discussion.
Encore from April 17, 2012

April 25, 2021:  Celebrating Beltane
Exploring old and new ways of bringing in the May and creating personal and group Beltane rituals.
Encore from April 24, 2012

May 2, 2021:  Beltane Faery Folk Magic Rite
Connect with the Flowering of the Greenwood and the Magic of Faery Folk in this ritual and meditation.
Encore from May 1, 2013

May 9, 2021:  Fertility Magic
Perspectives and experiences working with ancient and contemporary symbols, deities, sacred sites, rituals, charms, and other folkways for enhancing fertility of land, humans, animals, crops, communities, and endeavors.
Encore from May 7, 2013

May 16, 2021:  Maiden Goddess of Waxing Moon
Explore ways to work with the powers of the Goddess as Maiden during the Waxing Moon.
Encore from June 6, 2014

May 23, 2021:  Pagan Voices on Racial Equality
Special Pagan Community discussion co-hosted by Selena Fox and Genise White.  Originally broadcast as a Special on Circle Craft Study on December 9, 2014.  Explore ways that individuals, families, and communities can help bring about changes to manifest racial equality, liberty, and justice for all.
Encore from December 9, 2014

May 30, 2021:  Stories of the Veteran Pentacle Quest
Selena Fox, Robert Stewart, and others share first-hand accounts of the decade long successful quest for Pagan civil rights which resulted in the US Department of Veterans Affairs adding the Pentacle to its list of emblems of belief that can be included on memorial markers it issues for deceased Veterans.
Encore from April 23, 2013

June 6, 2021:  Pagan Spirit Community Rituals
Explore ritual making and community building with Pagans of many paths and places, including at the Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Encore from May 30, 2013

June 13, 2021:  Sacred Oak Magic
Pagan lore, symbology, and ritual uses of Oak trees, leaves, acorns, and wood.
Encore from May 28, 2013

June 20, 2021:  Summertime Delights
Ways of personally attuning to and communing with Summer, the sacred Sun, green Spirits, and other Divine forms through Nature walks, meditations, rituals, and celebrations.
Encore from August 8, 2014

June 27, 2021:  Magical Wildcrafting
Develop skills, meditations, and rituals to enhance locating, attuning to, and harvesting plants growing wild.
Encore from July 23, 2014

July 4, 2021:  Lady Liberty, Goddess of Freedom
Sacred work with Libertas, ancient Pagan Roman Goddess of Freedom and Her emergence in American public art and popular culture as Lady Liberty.  Working with Her and Her symbols, lore, and attributes for greater freedom in personal life and society.
Encore from July 3, 2014

July 11, 2021:  EcoPsyhology
Selena Fox and husband Dr. Dennis Carpenter discuss their personal, academic, and professional work, studies, and teaching in the emerging field of EcoPsychology.
Encore from April 15, 2020

July 18, 2021:  Nature Wisdom Ways
Exploring sacred ways of attuning and communing with Nature
Encore from November 6, 2019 

July 25, 2021:  EcoSpirituality
Exploring ancient and contemporary forms of Nature religion and Nature-centered spiritual practice.
Encore from April 8, 2020

August 1, 2021:  Lughnasadh Prosperity Ritual
Attune to Lughnasadh in a ritual of plenty and prosperity for land, crops, loved ones, self, and planet.
Encore from August 2, 2012

August 8, 2021:  New Moon Meditations
Communing with the New Moon through Meditations for healing, well-being, and insights.
Encore from May 12, 2021

August 15, 2021:  Moon Magic, Moon Circles
Celebrating the phaess of the Moon with chanting, meditation, imagery, and ritual.  Working with Moon ceremonies in personal and group spiritual practice.
Encore from June 5, 2012

August 22, 2021:  Full Moon Meditations
Communing with the Full Moon through Meditations for healing, well-being, and insights.
Encore from September 2, 2020

August 29, 2021:  Daily Spiritual Practice
Enhancing spiritual understanding and development through rituals, visualizations, affirmations, meditations, observations, reflections, prayers, chants, study, service, Nature communion, dreamcraft, and other forms of sacred practice that can be incorporated into daily life.
Encore from July 11, 2012

September 5, 2021:  Interfaith & Multicultural Goddesses
Exploring some of the Goddesses around the world who have evolved over time as divinities honored by people from multiple religions, languages, countries, and cultures.
Encore from February 3, 2021

September 12, 2021:  Pagan Voices of 9/11
Circle of Remembrance and Healing, followed by sharing of experiences and viewpoints by some of the Pagans impacted by September 11, 2001 attacks on the USA.
Encore from September 11, 2012

September 19, 2021:  Harvest Moon Equinox Ritual
Celebrate the Harvest, Full Moon, and Fall Equinox in this guided meditative ceremony.
Encore from September 17, 2013

September 26, 2021:  Developing Intuition
Developing psychic perception and intuitive skills as part of spiritual practice.
Encore from February 21, 2017

October 3, 2021:  Samhain Magic
Samhain lore, symbols, chants, and customs for crafting transformative meditations and rituals as  Samhain approaches and during Samhain observances.
Encore from October 7, 2020

October 10, 2021:  Honoring Ancestors
Ancestral research, traditions, altars, artifacts, journeys, and rituals for enhancing understanding and deepening relationahips with Ancestors at Samhain time and throughout the year.
Encore from October 14, 2020

October 17, 2021:  Spirits of the Dead
Guide to connecting and communing with Beloved Dead at Samhain time.
Encore from October 28,2020

October 24, 2021:  Celebrating Samhain & Halloween
Work with old and new traditions, symbols, rites in creating personal and community Samhain celebrations.  Explore similarities and differences in Samhain and Halloween observances.
Encore from October 2012

October 31,  2021:  Circle Craft Samhain Ritual
Attune to Samhain with this Ritual from the Circle Craft tradition.  Remember the year that has been.  Envision the year to come.  Honor the Dead.  Listen to the Ancestors.  Celebrate Samhain.
Encore from October 28, 2014

November 7, 2021:  Circle Craft as a Pagan Path
Exploring and working with the Circle Craft tradition of Nature Spirituality, a synthesis of old and new Pagan practices, Wiccan ways, multicultural Shamanism, and Nature Mysticism.
Encore from April 28, 2012

November 14:  2021:  Pantheon Journeys
Developing and deepening relationships with the Divine as One and Many.
Encore from April 18, 2012

November 21, 2021:  Thanksgiving Rituals
Creating personal, household and community ceremonies of thanksgiving.
Encore from November 25, 2020

November 28, 2021:  Purification Rituals
Some types of Purification ceremonies.  Working with the Elements of Nature and associated ceremonials tools for cleaning self, place, and others.  Aligning with the sacred time of Waning and Dark Moon for personal purification.
Encore from July 17, 2012

December 5, 2021:  Santa & Krampus Traditions
Learn about Yuletide lore and customs connected with Santa Claus as Pagan God and Christian Saint and his sometime associate, the Beast Krampus
Encore from December 5, 2019

December 12, 2021:  Good Yule!
Some rituals, symbols, foods, and customs for creating personal and household celebrations of Winter Solstice, Mothers Night, Christmas, Hogmany, New Year, Twelfth Night, and other Happy Holidays.
Encore from December 16, 2020

December 19, 2021:  Yuletide Goddesses
Lore, imagery, and traditions fo some Maiden, Mother, and Crone Goddesses around the world connected with Winter Solstice, Christmas, and New Year celebrations.
Encore from December 23, 2020

December 26, 2021:  Celebrating New Year's Eve
Creating personal and household rituals, feasts, divinations, and other celebrations at calendar year's end.
Encore from December 30, 2020

January 2, 2022:  New Year Traditions
Explore some old and new ways for celebrating the ending and beginning of the calendar year, plus some examples of one card divination guidance.
Encore from January 6, 2015

January 9, 2022:  Celebrations around the Wheel of the Year
Creating personal & community celebrations of Sun and Seasons.
Encore from February 28, 2017

January 16, 2022:  Ritual Uses of Candles
Learn methods of selecting and burning candles in personal and group rites for sacred space illumination, deity community, intention manifestation, community support, healing, meditation, and other forms of spiritual practice.
Encore from January 6, 2015

January 23, 2022:  Brigid of Sacred Waters
Since ancient times, Brigid has been a Goddess of Sacred Springs and Holy Wells.  Learn about some of these types of sacred sites associated with Her and some ways of working with Brigid as Goddess of Sacred Waters for healing, wisdom, inspiration, and wellness.
Encore from January 22, 2020

January 30, 2022:  Imbolc Brigid Night Healing Ritual
Connect with the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc in this ritual of healing and wellness for self, others, and Planet Earth.
Encore from January 28, 2020

February 6, 2022:  Interfaith and Multicultural Goddesses
Exploring some of the Goddesses around the world who have evolved over time as divinities honored by people from multiple religions, languages, countries, and cultures.
Encore from February 3, 2021

February 13, 2022:  Wicca Journeys:  Circle Wicca
Learn about the path of Circle Wicca also known as the Circle Craft tradition, its origins and development, its influences, symbols, practices, and similarities and differences with other types of Wicca.
Encore from July 3, 2018

February 20, 2022:  Wicca Journeys:  Divine Ones
Explore some Wicca approaches to honoring, invoking, and working with Goddesses, Gods, Ancestors, Elementals, Power Animals, Plant Spirits, Fairy Folk, Virtues, and other Sacred Forces.
Encore from July 17, 2018

February 27, 2022:  Wicca Journeys:  Rituals
Learn about different types of Wicca rituals, including those for celebrating the seasons, marking life passages, attuning to lunar cycles, purification, healing, protection, divination, home blessing, and spiritual development.
Encore from July 24, 2018

March 6, 2022:  Circles of Womanhood
Rituals for celebrating Maiden, Mother, and Crone life passages
Encore from March 24, 2021

March 13, 2022:  Pagan Ireland
Irish Pagan sacred sites, history, spirituality, lore, and customs, old and new.
Encore from March 17, 2021

March 20, 2022:  Celebrating Spring Ritual
Spring Equinox ceremony with meditatoin, chanting, and imagery.
Encore from March 23, 2019

March 27, 2022:  Bast Cat Magic
Attuning to and working with the ancient Egyptian Cat Goddess Bast for personal healing, cat blessings, and celebrations.
Encore from April 14, 2021

April 3, 2022:  EcoSpirituality
Exploring ancient and contemporary forms of Nature religion and Nature-centered spirituality.

April 10, 2022:  Nature Meditations
Some meditative journeys and ways ot work with Nature imagery for healing, wellness, and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 17, 2022:  Celebrating Nature's Diversities
Enhancing awareness and appreciation of diversity within humankind and the greater Circle of Nature of which we are part.

April 24, 2022:  Greenwood Magic
Some old and new ways of connecting and working with Forests in the Springtime.

May 1, 2022:  Powers of Beltane
Connecting with Bringing in the May customs and the Greening and Flowering of the Land at Beltane time for personal and community healing and wellness.

May 8, 2022:  Goddess Shrine Rituals
Sacred work with Goddess Shrines, old and new.  Creating and tending a Goddess Shrine at home.

May 15, 2022:  Full Moon Magic
Ritual ways to attune to and work with the powers of Full Moon time for healing, wellness, and spiritual wisdom.

May 22, 2022:  Twilight Visions
Developing Intuition and Psychic Sight through Twilight meditations and Nature communion.

May 29, 2022:  Dark Moon Magic
Ritual ways of personal discovery and transformation during the time of the Dark Moon.

June 5, 2022:  MidSummer Month Celebrations
Welcoming in Summer-time with old and new customs for personal and household celebrations of Summer Solstice, LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Juneteenth, St. John's Eve, Father's Day, and MidSummer weekend.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from June 2, 2021

June 12, 2022:  Sacred Sun Rituals
Some ways of attuning to and communing with the Sacred Sun with rituals, chants, and meditations.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from August 4, 2021

June 19, 2022:  Summer Solstice Around the World
Celebrating Summer Solstice with customs, symbols, sacred stories, and festivals across cultures and through time.
Encore from Nature Spirituality from June 16, 2021

June 26, 2022:  Sacred Sun Charms
Sun Magic with herbs, trees, stones, and symbols aligned with the Sun.
Encore from Nature Spirituality from August 25, 2021

July 3, 2022:  Liberty & Justice Goddesses
Sacred work with ancient and contemporary forms of Libertas (Lady Liberty) and Justitia (Lady Justice).
Encore from Nature Spirituality from June 30, 2021

July 10, 2022:  Designing Rituals
Learn ways to structure and create Rituals.
Encore from Circle Craft Study from March 5, 2013 

July 17, 2022:  Spontaneous Rituals
Explore forms of Ritual improvisation.
Encore from Circle Craft Study from March 12, 2013

July 24, 2022:  Meditation as Ritual
Examine ways of working with different types of Meditation as Ritual.
Encore from Circle Craft Study from April 4, 2013 

July 31, 2022:  Lughnasadh & Lammastide Traditions
Some ancient and contemporary lore and ways of celebrating the Celtic fire Festival of Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas.
Encore from Nature Spirituality from July 28, 2021

August 7, 2022:  Forest Life
Reflections on living in a forest and experiences being part of a woodland ecosystem.
Encore from Nature Spirituality from July 7, 2021

August 14, 2022:  Forest Therapy
Healing and wellness through forest walks, forest bathing, and forest psychotherapy.
Encore from Nature Spiritality from July 14, 2021

August 21, 2022:  Forest Enhancements
Forest magic, meditations, and rituals.
Encore from Nature Spirituality from July 21, 2021

August 28, 2022:  Circle of Communities
Attuning to and working with Community as part of Spiritual practice.
Encore from Circle Craft Studies from May 22, 2012

September 4, 2022:  Ritual Tools
Selection, care, and use of ceremonial tools to aid spiritual practice.
Encore from Nature Folk from September 6, 2016

September 11, 2022:  Sacred Harvest Tools
Working with scythes, sickles, clippers, baskets, and forms of cornucopia.
Encore from Nature Folk from September 20, 2016

September 18, 2022:  Equinox Sacred Sites
Learn about ancient and contemporary ceremonial sites aligned with the Autumnal and Vernal Equinoxes.
Encore from Nature Folk from September 18, 2018

September 25, 2022:  Celebrating Seasons
Some approaches to creating and facilitating personal, household, and community seasonal rites, meditations, and festivals.
Encore from Nature Folk from May 9, 2018

October 16, 2022:  Changing Climate Change

Examining climate change and other critical environmental challenges and ways to support urgent corrective actions.
Encore of Nature Magic, December 1, 2015.




Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox:

Explorations in Nature Spirituality and practices to connect with Nature through study, ritual, discussion, and more! Every Wednesday at 8:00pm Eastern

May 4, 2022:  Earth Rituals
Sacred work with the Element Earth through invocations, incantations, meditations, imagery, folkways, and other forms of ceremonial practices.

May 11, 2022:  Air Rituals
Sacred work with the Element Air through invocations, incantations, meditations, imagery, folkways, and other forms of ceremonial practices.

May 18, 2022:  Fire Rituals
Sacred work with the Element Fire through invocations, incantations, meditations, imagery, folkways, and other forms of ceremonial practices.

May 25, 2022:  Water Rituals
Sacred work with the Element Water through invocations, incantations, meditations, imagery, folkways, and other forms of ceremonial practices.

June 1, 2022:  Sacred Sun Places
Some ancient and contemporary Temples, Stone Circles, Pyramids, and other Sacred Sites aligned with the Sun.  Creating and working with a Sacred Sun altar at home.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from August 18, 2021

June 8, 2022:  Herbs, Foods, and Flowers of Summer Solstice
Lore and rituals uses of Mugwort, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Strawberries, and other plants as part of Summer Solstice rituals.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from June 9, 2021

June 15, 2022:  Crafting Summer Solstice Rites
Working with chants, rhythms, movement, herbs, symbols, and ritual tools for creating personal and household ceremonial celebrations of Summer Solstice.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from June 10, 2020

June 22, 2022:  MidSummer Night's Fairyland
Exploring Fairy Folk connections with Summer Solstice time.  Includes guided journey.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from June 23, 2021

June 29, 2022:  Sacred Sun Divinities
Multicultural explorations of Solar Goddesses, Gods, Animal Spirits, and other Divine Forms across time and around the world.
Encore of Nature Spirituality from August 11, 2021

July 6, 2022:  Rainbow Magic
Sacred work with Rainbow Colors, Spectrum Light, and Rainbow Imagery for personal and community healing, inspiration, and enpowerment.

July 13, 2022:  Spirits of Place
Connecting and working with spiritual dimensions of home, sacred sites, ecosystems, and other places.

July 20, 2022:  Full Moon Goddess Rituals
Creating and performing rituals to honor and commune with one or more Full Moon Goddesses.

July 27, 2022:  Lughnasadh Magic Working with chants, invocations, symbols, meditations, customs, and rituals for personal and community transformations at Lughnasadh time.

August 3, 2022:  Ancestors Pathways
Connecting and working with Ancestors of Family, Ancestors of Locale, and Ancestors of Spiritual Tradition.

August 10, 2022:  Ancestors Stories
Learning about Ancestors and their lives through genealogical research and oral history.

August 17, 2022:  Ancestors Places
Attuning to Ancestors through research and visits to lands, cemeteries, and places connected with individual Ancestors and Ancestral lines.

August 24, 2022:  Ancestors Altars
Creating and working with Ancestors with personal, household, and group altars and shrines.

August 31, 2022:  Ancestor Rituals
Calling on and attuning to Ancestors with invocations, incantations, meditations, offerings, and workings for personal, family, and community ceremonies and life passage rites.

September 7, 2022:  Celebrating Harvest Moon
Explore Harvest Moon folk traditions and ways to create personal and community celebrations.

September 14, 2022:  Harvest Rituals
Explore ancient and contemporary rituals connected with the harvest.

September 21, 2022:  Equinox Magic
Explore sacred ways of making magic at Equinox time.

September 28, 2022:  Feasting Rituals
Explore feasting traditions and some ways to create, plan, and host contemporary ritual feasts.

October 19, 2022:  Samhain Traditions
Explore creating and evolving personal, household, and communty traditions for celebrating Samhain.


Lunes Lunaticos en Espanol with Laura Gonzalez:

¿Quién dijo que sólo los Viernes son divertidos?  Alócate los Lunes con Laura Gonzalez en 'Lunes Lunáticos'..... Cualquier cosa puede suceder!!!!

Primer Lunes on Lunes Lunaticos en Espanol / First Mondays on Lunatic Mondays Spanish at 8:00 pm Eastern

April 1, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Christian Ortiz y Gabriela Martinez
Esta noche nuestros invitados son: Gabriela Martinez y Christian Oritz charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de la Fraternidad de la Diosa, Paganos del Mundo y mas! También nos acompañan Carolina Amor y Monica Gobbin con sus invaluables aportaciones en esta nueva etapa de Lunes Lunáticos!

May 6, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Monica Gobbin y Laura Gonzalez ~Decolonizando Diosas
Esta noche nos acopaña Monica Gobbin quien junto con Laura González nos llevaran en un viaje de Decolonización de Diosas Nativo Americanas.

June 3, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Noche de Tarot, Adivinación y Oráculos (Junio)
Esta noche tenemos una noche más de Tarot, Oráculos y Adivinación! Nuestras anfitrionas son Carolina A. Amor y Laura Gonzalez.

July 1, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Bruja Neus - Animales Maestros
En este episodio nos acompaña María de las Nieves Soto; la Bruja Neus estará charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de todo lo que nuestros hermanos animales tienen para enseñarnos.

August 5, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Jorge Gradilla - Yoga
En este episodio nos acompaña Jorge Gradilla quien estará charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de todos los beneficios físicos, emocionales y espirituales que nos regala la práctica del Yoga.

September 2, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Día Mundial de la Diosa
En este episodio estaremos celebrando el Día Mundial de la Diosa, con Mónica Gobbin, Christian Ortiz, Ness Bosch y Laura Gonzalez.

October 7, 2019:  Lunes Lunáticos - Noche de Tarot, Adivinación y Oráculos (Octubre)
Esta noche tenemos una noche más de Tarot, Oráculos y Adivinación! Nuestras anfitrionas son Carolina A. Amor y Laura Gonzalez.

4 de Noviembre 2019 (November 4):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Gaby Martinez - Flores de Bach
¿Quién dijo que sólo los Viernes son divertidos?
Alócate los Lunes con Laura Gonzalez en 'Lunes Lunáticos'..... Cualquier cosa puede suceder!!!!
En este episodio nos acompaña Gaby Martinez charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de la sanación holística y el sistema de Flores de Bach.
Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Monica Gobbin!

2 de Diciembre 2019 (December 2):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Solsticio y fin de año 2019
¿Quién dijo que sólo los Viernes son divertidos?
Alócate los Lunes con Laura Gonzalez en 'Lunes Lunáticos'..... Cualquier cosa puede suceder!!!!
En este episodio cerramos el 2019 con Monica Gobbin y Laura González quienes te comparten tradiciones, supersticiones, magia y astrología para el fin de año gregoriano 2019.

6 de Enero 2020 (January 6):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Arte en la Piel
En este episodio nos acompañan Ness Bosch, Taly Inkz y Gabriela Martinez quienes estarán charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de el arte y la sacralidad en el tatuaje moderno. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Monica Gobbin!

3 de Febrero 2020 (February 3):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Cielo y Tierra
En este episodio nos acompañan Pedro Vadhar y Eva Desvaux quienes estarán charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca del grupo Cielo y Tierra, arte, música y espiritualidad. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Monica Gobbin!

2 de Marzo 2020 (March 2):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ CSNP 1er Aniversario
En este episodio nos acompañan Christian Ortiz, Gabriela Martínez, Ness Bosch y Mónica Gobbin quienes estarán charlando y festejando con Laura Gonzalez el primer aniversario de CSNPodcasts. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin!

6 de Abril 2020 (April 6):  Lunes Lunáticos - Ness Bosch
En este episodio nos acompaña Ness Bosch charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca de el camino de la Sacerdotisa. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

4 de Mayo 2020 (May 4):  Lunes Lunáticos - Alex Quirón (Warlock) - Helenismo
En este episodio nos acompaña Alex Quirón (Warlock) charlando con Laura Gonzalez acerca del Helenismo. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

1 de Junio 2020 (June 1):  Lunes Lunáticos - Mónica Gobbin - Sol-aridad
En este episodio nos acompaña Mónica Gobbin charlando con Laura González acerca de la Sol-aridad negada al Sagrado Femenino. Mónica nos lleva a la búsqueda de lo solar en la Divinidad Femenina con arquetipos de varias culturas. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de la semana!

6 de Julio 2020 (July 6):  Lunes Lunáticos - Mónica Gobbin - Sol-aridad II
En este episodio nos acompaña Mónica Gobbin charlando con Laura González acerca de la Sol-aridad negada al Sagrado Femenino. Mónica nos lleva a la búsqueda de lo solar en la Divinidad Femenina con arquetipos de varias culturas. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de la semana!

3 de Agusto 2020 (August 3):  Lunes Lunáticos - Haydee Hernando - Solcire
En este episodio nos acompaña Haydee Hernando - Solcire, charlando con Laura González acerca de el culto y devoción a Hecate. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de la semana!

7 de Septiembre 2020 (September 7):  Lunes Lunáticos - Audry Funk
En este episodio nos acompaña la cantante, MC y activista Audry Funk, charlando con Laura González acerca de su música, activismo y la convergencia de estos. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

5 de Octubre 2020 (October 5):  Lunes Lunáticos - Ness Boschess Bosch
En este episodio nos acompaña Ness Bosch, charlando con Laura González acerca de chamanismo. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

2 de Noviembre 2020 (November 2):  Lunes Lunáticos - Bruja Neus
En este episodio nos acompaña Maria de las Nieves Soto (Bruja Neus), reflexionando con Laura González acerca de las élites del Paganismo. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

7 de Diciembre 2020 (December 7):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Fiestas Invernales!
En este episodio nos acompañan Carolina González Velásquez y Harwe Tuileva charlando con Laura González acerca de las fiestas invernales, interreligiosidad y Paganismo. Como siempre contaremos co n la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

4 de Enero 2021 (January 4):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ 3 Reyes Magos (y 3 Reinas!)
En este episodio nos acompañan Harwe Tuileva y Mónica Gobbin charlando con Laura González acerca de los 3 Reyes Magos, su mito, tradición, y astrología. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

1 de Febrero 2021 (February 1):  Lunes Lunáticos - Gaby Martinez - Flores de Bach
Desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos te invitamos a disfrutar de: Gaby Martinez charlando con Laura González acerca de la sanación holística y el sistema de Flores de Bach. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Monica Gobbin!

1 de Marzo 2021 (March 1):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Pamela Palenciano - No sólo duelen los golpes
En este episodio nos acompaña Pamela Palenciano charlando con Laura González acerca de su proyecto "No sólo duelen los golpes". Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Monica Gobbin!

5 de Abril 2021 (April 5):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Renee Goust ~ Artista
En este episodio nos acompaña la cantante y activista Renee Goust, charlando con Laura González acerca de su música, activismo y la convergencia de estos. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

3 de Mayo 2021 (May 3):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Día de las Madres ~ Harwe Tuileva
En este episodio nos acompaña Harwe Tuileva charlando con Laura González, festejando el Día de las Madres y a todas las personas que eligen la tarea de serlo. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

7 de Junio 2021 (June 7):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Haydee Hernando (Solcire)
Desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos te invitamos a disfrutar de: Haydee Hernando (Solcire), charlando con Laura González acerca de el culto y devoción a Hecate. Como siempre contaremos con la Astrología de Mónica Gobbin.

5 de Julio (July 5):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ La sombra del Círculo
En este episodio nos acompaña Mónica Gobbin charlando con Laura González acerca de la deconstrucción de sistemas opresores dentro de los Círculos Femeninos. Como siempre contaremos con su cápsula Astrológica.

2 de Agosto (August 2):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Elhoim Leafar ~ Autor
En este episodio nos acompaña Elhoim Leafar charlando con Laura González acerca de sulibro "Manifestation Magic: 21 Rituals, Spells, and Amulets for Abundance, Prosperity, and Wealth". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

6 de Septiembre (September 6):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Jaime Gironés ~ Autor
En este episodio nos acompaña Jaime Gironés charlando con Laura González acerca de su libro "Llewellyn's Little Book of the Day of the Dead". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

4 de Octubre (October 4):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Silvia Selowsky ~ Autora
En este episodio nos acompaña Silvia Selowsky charlando con Laura González acerca de su trabajo con Oráculos, Simbología, Tarot y Diosa. Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

1 de Noviembre (November 1):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Autora
En este episodio nos acompaña Petrucia Finkler charlando con Laura González acerca de su libro "OS QUATRO SABERES: a magia do Ar, do Fogo da Água e da Terra.". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

6 de Diciembre (December 6):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Petrucia Finkler y Elhoim Leafar ~ Magia de Año Nuevo
En este episodio nos acompañan Petrucia Finkler y Elhoim Leafar charlando con Laura González acerca de tradiciones de fin de año y magia folklórica. Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

3 de Enero (January 3):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ 3 Reyes Magos (y 3 Reinas!)
Desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos te invitamos a escuchar: 3 Reyes Magos (y 3 Reinas!) con Harwe Tuileva, Mónica Gobbin y Laura González. Ellas estarán charlando acerca de los 3 Reyes Magos, su mito y tradiciones. Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

7 de Febrero (February 7):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Enrique González ~ Autor
En este episodio nos acompaña Enrique González charlando con Laura González acerca de sus libros "Flesh of God" y "Magia Folk Mexicana". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

7 de Marzo (March 7):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Arquetipos Femeninos
En este episodio nos acompaña Mónica Gobbin celebrando el Día Internacional de la mujer, charlando con Laura González acerca de la Astrología del siglo XXI y como nos presenta una nueva mirada a los factores de la Carta Natal. Desde el confín más profundo del sistema solar, Eris, Haumea, Sedna, y Salacia, representan nuevas formas de pensar los arquetipos femeninos y descolonizar los mitos asociados a ellos.

4 de Julio (July 4):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Brujas Feministas y su espiritualidad
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo, te invitamos a escuchar esta colaboración. Tertulia con Laura González, Gabriela Martínez y Christian Ortiz. La espiritualidad de la Diosa y su relación con la brujería feminista y los movimientos de reivindicación de los derechos de las mujeres y niñas.
Originalmente transmitido el 7 de Septiembre del 2019.

1 de Agosto (August 1):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Antonio Augusto Fagundes Filho ~ Autor
En este episodio nos acompaña el autor Antonio Augusto Fagundes Filho charlando con Laura González acerca de su libro "O Livro dos Demonios". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula astrológica de Mónica Gobbin!

5 de Septiembre (September 5):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Autora
En este episodio nos acompaña la autora Petrucia Finkler charlando con Laura González acerca de su libro "Los Cuatro Saberes" el cual pronto será lanzado en español. Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.

3 de Octubre (October 3):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Jaime Gironés ~ Autor
Desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: Jaime Gironés, charlando con Laura González acerca de su libro "Llewellyn's Little Book of the Day of the Dead". Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.
Transmitido originálmente el 6 de Septiembre del 2021.

7 de Noviembre (November 7):  Lunes Lunáticos ~ Petrucia Finkler y Elhoim Leafar ~ Magia de Año Nuevo
Desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: Magia de Año Nuevo. Petrucia Finkler, Elhoim Leafar y Laura González charlando acerca de tradiciones de fin de año y magia folklórica. Como siempre contaremos con la cápsula Astrológica de Mónica Gobbin.
Transmitido originálmente el 6 de Diciembre del 2021.

5 de Diciembre (December 5):  Hasta siempre, Lunes Lunáticos!
Programa de despedida de Lunes Lunáticos con la participación de Mónica Gobbin, Christian Ortiz y Laura González



Lunatic Mondays in English with Laura Gonzalez

Why should Friday's have all the fun?  Go crazy on Mondays with Laura Gonzalez on "Lunatic Mondays" ... Anything can happen!!!

Mondays at 8:00 pm Eastern

March 25, 2019:  Celia Farran - Karma
Join Laura Gonzalez as she welcomes Celia Farran as they talk about Celia's adventures and her new album, Karma.

April 8, 2019:  Chris Allaunhris Allaun
Tonight our guest is author Chris Allaun to chat with Laura about his book "Upperworld: Shamanism and Magick of the Celestial Realm".

April 22, 2019:  Byron Ballard
Tonight Byron Ballard joins Laura to talk about her book "Earth Works: Ceremonies in Tower Time".

May 13, 2019:  Selena Fox ~Pagan Spirit Gathering
Tonight Selena Fox joins Laura to talk about Pagan Spirit Gathering 2019!

May 27, 2019:  Spiral Rhythm
Tonight our guests are: Spiral Rhythm, this amazing band will visit Lunatic Mondays to talk about their summer events and presentations, including Pagan Spirit Gathering 2019!

June 10, 2019:  Tarot, Oracles and Divination night!
Why should Fridays have all the fun?  Go crazy on Mondays with Laura Gonzalez on 'Lunatic Mondays'..... Anything can happen!!!
Tonight we have another spectacular Tarot, Oracles and Divination night! Our hosts are:  Carolina A. Amor and Laura Gonzalez.

June 24, 2019:  Sky Heyn Cubacub
Tonight's guest, Sky Heyn Cubacub joins Laura to discuss gender diversity, radical visibility, and their activism with the Queer Crip community.

July 8, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Brianne Raven Wolf - Gender Diversity
On this episode Brianne Raven Wolf and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about gender diversity and acceptance.

July 22, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Fleassy Malay - Poet
On this episode Fleassy Malay will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her projects and adventures as an international traveling, and viral poet!

August 12, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Phyllis Curott and Twila York
On this episode Phyllis Curott and Twila York will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Phyllis's visit to Chicago and their work connection with Greater Chicagoland Pagan Pride.

August 26, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Twila York and Juliana Russell - Pagan Pride Day
On this episode Twila York and Juliana Russell will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Greater Chicagoland Pagan Pride and Fort Wayne Indiana Pagan Pride!

September 9, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Azizaa
On this episode Azizaa will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her journey as an artist, Voodoo practitioner, sacredness and music.

September 23, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays - Monica Bodirsky - WITCHFest North
On this episode Monica Bodirsky will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about their amazing WITCHFest North celebration and Monica's Tarot cards creations!!

October 14, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Tarot, Oracles and Divination night! (October)
Tonight we have another spectacular Tarot, Oracles and Divination night! Our hosts are: Carolina A. Amor and Laura Gonzalez.

October 28, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura Gonzalez - Day of the Dead
On this episode Laura Gonzalez will take us into a journey exploring the origin and traditions of the Day of the Dead. From the Aztec lore, to the over commercialization of this ancient sacred holiday.

November 11, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Oberon Zell
On this episode Laura Gonzalez will be chatting with Master Wizard Oberon Zell about his life's journey; a shaman, author, artist, sculptor, lecturer, teacher, and ordained Priest of the Earth-Mother, Oberon is also the creator of The Millennial Gaia and he will be sharing with us the story behind this iconic sculpture!

November 25, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Kristoffer Hughes ~ Author
On this episode Laura Gonzalez will be chatting with Kristoffer Hughes, Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order about their shared love and passion for the Tarot and the mysteries of Death.  Kristoffer is also the author of wonderful books such as The Book of Celtic Magic, From the Cauldron Born, and The Journey Into Spirit and the Celtic Tarot.

December 9, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Juliana Russell ~ Pagan Academic Circle
On this episode Laura Gonzalez will be chatting with Juliana Russell about researching techniques when studying Paganism.

December 23, 2019:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Abundance and the Magic of Giving Thanks!
On this episode Laura Gonzalez will be chatting with Aaron Marsh about Abundance and the Magic of Giving Thanks!
This is an encore presentation;  Lunatic Mondays will be back LIVE on January 13th with special guest Wendy Rule!

January 13, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Wendy Rule ~ Chicago Events! Events!
On this episode, Wendy Rule will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her wonderful album Persephone and her future events in Chicago.

January 27, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Jamie Della ~ Author
On this episode, author Jamie Della will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "The Book of Spells".

February 10, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Gregory Michael Brewer ~ Author
On this episode author Gregory Michael Brewer will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "The Ancient Magick of Trees".

February 24, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Toni Rotonda ~ Buckland Museum
On this episode Toni Rotonda will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick.

March 9, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ CSNP 1st Anniversary
On this episode Selena Fox, Debra Rose, & Jeanet and David Ewing will be chatting and celebrating with Laura Gonzalez on CSNPodcasts' 1st Anniversary!

March 23, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Forging new ways of Spirituality ~ Georgette and Bob Paxton
On this episode Georgette and Bob Paxton will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about forging new ways of spirituality. In times of social isolation we remain Spiritually connected through the magick of technology!

April 13, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Laura Tempest Zakroff
On this episode Laura Tempest Zakroff will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about archetypes, symbols, adn sigil magic.

April 27, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Louis Garou
On this episode Louis Garou will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his music, traveling, and upcoming concerts.

May 11, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Celia Farran - Musician
On this episode Celia Farran will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her online concerts, Patreon, and all the magnificent technology she uses to keep mesmerizing her audience.

May 25, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Chris Allaun - Author
On this episode Chris Allaun will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his online classes, prior books, and future publications.

June 8, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Mama Gina - Muscian
On this episode Mama Gina will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her online concerts, new productions, and future plans!

June 15, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Rev. Sharon Stewart - Pagan Spirit Gathering
On this episode from the Lunatic Mondays archives, Rev. Sharon Stewart will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Pagan Spirit Gathering.
Encore presentation from 2018

June 19, 2020:  CSNP Special - Selena Fox - Pagan Spirit Gathering
On this episode from the Lunatic Mondays archives, Selena Fox will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Pagan Spirit Gathering 2019!
Encore presentation from 2019

June 22, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Steffy Von Scott - Sumerian Paganism
On this episode Steffy Von Scott will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Sumerian Paganism and Reconstructionism.

July 13, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Michael Herkes - Author
On this episode Michael Herkes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "The Complete Book of Moon Spells".

July 27, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Monica Bodirsky - Author
On this episode Monica Bodirsky will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about the "Shasdowland Tarot".

August 10, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Stacey Demarco - Author
On this episode Stacey Demarco will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her internationally acclaimed Books and Oracles.

August 24, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Lady Tamara Von Forslun - Author
On this episode Lady Tamara Von Forslun willl be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new "Oracles of the Divine Feminine - Goddess of 10,000 Names".

September 14, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - WITCHfest North
On this episode Monica Bodirsky will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about the online celebration of WITCHfest North 2020.

September 28, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Sidney Eileen
On this episode Blogger Signey Eileen will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about their gender diversity blogs and the sigil and symbols they have created.

October 12, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen - Author
On this episode Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her internationally acclaimed books.

October 26, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Phyllis Curott - Author
On this episode Phyllis Curott will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new creating, "The Witches' Wisdom Tarot".

November 9, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Jason Mankey - Author
On this episode Jason Mankey will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "Llewellyn's Little Book of Yule".

November 23, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Rev. Florence Edwards-Miller
On this episode Rev. Florence Edwards-Miller will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about inter-religious Winter celebrations.

December 14, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Alexander Cabot
On this episode Alexander Cabot will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his personal path and Cabot Tradition.

December 28, 2020:  Lunatic Mondays - Chris Allaun - Author
On this episode Chris Allaun will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his latest books, video blog, and future events.

January 11, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Lady Tamara Von Forslun - Author
On this episode Lady Tamara Von Forslun will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her latest book "Pagan and Witch Elders of the World: Past and Present".

January 25, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Tarot and Divination Night! (January 2021)
On this episode Tarotlogists Laura Gonzalez and Chris McBrien will be offering Tarot mini sessions for the year 2021!

February 8, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Oberon Zell
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays we invite you to enjoy: Obern Zell chatting with Laura Gonzalez from his life's journey; a shaman, author, artist, sculptor, lecturer, teacher, and ordained Priest of the Earth-Mother, Oberon is also the creator of the Millennial Gaia and he will be sharing with us the story behind this iconic sculpture!

February 22, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Kristopher Hughes - Author
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays we invite you to enjoy: Kristoffer Hughes, Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order chattign with Lauara Gonzalez about their shared love and passion for Tarot and the mysteries of Death.  Kristoffer is also the author of wonderful books such as The Bood of Celtic Magic, From the Cauldron Born, and The Journey into Spirit and Celtic Tarot.

March 8, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Selena Fox - CSNPodcasts Anniversary!
On this episode Selena Fox will be chatting with Lauran Gonzalez about CSNP's Anniversary and Internatinal Women's Day.

March 22, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Byron Ballard - Author
On this episode Byron Ballard will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new book "Roots, Branches & Spirits".

April 12, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays - Kristoffer Hughes - Author
On this episode Kristoffer Hughes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "Cerridwen: Celtic Goddess of Inspiration" and other amazing projects!

April 26, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Dree Amandi ~ Oils and Tarot Magick!
On this episode Dree Amandi will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her Aromatherapy expertise and ways to combine it with the magick of Tarot!

May 10, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Mother's Day ~ Florence and Bee
On this episode Florence Edwards-Miller and Bee will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez, celebrating Mother's Day and those who choose the labor of motherhood.

May 24, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Dr. Cyndi Brannen ~ Author
On this episode Dr. Cyndi Brannen will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her devotion to Hekate, Psychology, Healing and Witchcraft.

June 14, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Virtual Pagan Spirit Gathering 2021
On this episode Rev. Moonfeather and Rev. Messina will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about Virtual Pagan Spirit Gathering -VPSG- 2021.

June 28, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Rev. Tiffany Andes ~ Throwing the Bones
On this episode Rev. Tiffany Andes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about divination and the art of Throwing the Bones.

July 12, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Storm Faerywolf ~ Author
On this episode Author Storm Faerywolf will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about the Faery tradition, some of his books like "Betwixt & Between" and much more.

July 26, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Stacey Demarco ~ Author
On this episide Author Stacey Demarco will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new book "Plants of Power" and other upcoming projects.

August 9, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Jason Mankey ~ Author
On this episode Author Jason Mankey will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "The Horned God of the Witches".

August 23, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura Tempest Zakroff ~ Author
On this episode Author Laura Tempest Zakroff will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "Anatomy of a Witch:  A Map to the Magical Body".

September 13, 2021:  Wendy Rule & Monica Bodirsky ~ WITCHfest North
On this episode Wendy Rule & Monica Bodirsky will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about WITCHfest North and the 5th anniversary celebration of this amazing Festival!

September 20, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Trans / Non-binary / Genderqueer People Allyship
On the first of the Social Justice Series, Rev. Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about Trans / Non-binary/ Genderqueer people allyship.

September 27, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Heather Greene ~ Author
On this episode Author Heather Greene will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "Lights, Camera, Witchcraft: A Critical History of Witches in American Film and Television".

October 11, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Chris Allaun ~ Author
On this episode Chris Allaun will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "A Guide of Spirits. A Psychopomp's Manual for Transitioning the Dead to the Afterlife".

October 18, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ People of Size Allyship
On this edition of the Social Justice Series, Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about People of Size Allyship.

October 25, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Jaime Gironés ~ Author
On this episode Jaime Gironés will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "Llewellyn's Little Book of the Day of the Dead".

November 8, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ J. Allen Cross ~ Author
On this episode J. Allen Cross will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "American Brueria"

November 15, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Intersex People Allyship
On this episode of the Social Justice Series, Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about Intersex People Allyship.  Many of us are unaware of what it means to be born Intersex, through there are surprisingly many people born with Intersex traits.  Learn what this means, and how we can advocate for and ally with Intersex people.  Be warned that this episode features descriptions of medical procedures that some might find upsetting, as well as the discussion of genitalia.

November 22, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Michael Herkes ~ Author
On this episode Michael Herkes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his new book "Moon Spells for Beginners:  A Guide to Moon Magic, Lunar Phases, and Essential Spells & Rituals".

November 29, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Rev. Florence Edwards-Miller ~ Interreligious Winter Celebrations
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays we invite you to enjoy:  Rev. Florence Edwards-Miller chatting with Laura Gonzalez about inter-religious Winter celebrations.  
Originally aired on November 23, 2021

December 13, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Petrucia Finkler and Elhoim Leafar ~ New Year Magic
On this episode Petrucia Finkler and Elhoim Leafar will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about year end traditions and folk magic.

December 20, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Freedom of Religion
On this edition of the Social Justice Series, Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about Freedom of Religion.

December 27, 2021:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Kristoffer Hughes ~ Winter Celebrations
On this episode Kristoffer Hughes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about winter season myths and celebrations,  including Mari Lwyd!

January 10, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Victoria Constantino ~ Author
On this episode Victoria Constantino will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "Tarot by the Moon. Spreads & Spells for Every Month of the Year".

January 17, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Allyship with People Experiencing Homelessness
On this edition of the Social Justice Series, Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about Allyship with People Experiencing Homelessness. The average age of a homeless person in the US is 9 years old, and homelessness continues as an epidemic even in this, the richest nation in the world. Listen to find out ways to understand homelessness better and to be part of the solution!

January 24, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Phyllis Curott ~ Author
On this episode Phyllis Curott will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new projects, her experiences with the online 2021 Parliament of the World's Religions and the upcoming one on Chicago in 2023.

January 31, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Mhara Starling ~ Author
On this episode Mhara Starling will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "Welsh Witchcraft. A guide to the Spirits, Lore and Magic of Wales".

February 14, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Sasha Graham ~ Author
On this episode Sasha Graham will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "The Magic of Tarot. Your Guide to Intuitive Readings, Rituals and Spells"

February 21, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Racial Justice and How to be an Ally as a White Person
Hopefully, we are all becoming more aware of White Supremacy and the whole world of systemic and structural racism. In this episode during Black History Month, Laura and Jake discuss how Racism is tangled up in everything, and how white people can work to disengage white privilege and demonstrate solidarity with people of color.

February 28, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Kelden ~ Author
On this episode Kelden will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "The Witches Sabbath. An Exploration of History, Folklore & Modern Practice"

March 14, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Jason Mankey - Author
On this episode Jason Mankey will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "The Witch's Book of Spellcraft".

March 21, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Allyship with Women, Girls and Femmes
Why can't we ALL be feminists?! Allyship with Women, Girls and Femmes.It's Women's History month, and Jake and Laura will take a look at how patriarchy and misogyny show up in dominant culture, and how everyone can stick up for femmes, girls and women.

March 28, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Phoenix LeFae ~ Author
On this episode Phoenix LeFae will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her new book "Witches, Heretics & Warrior Woman" and celebrating Women's History month!

April 11, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Tudorbeth ~ Author
On this episode Author Tudorbeth will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "The Hedgewitch's little book of Seasonal Magic"

April 18, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Earth Day
Every day is Earth Day! But especially this month! It can be discouraging to listen to the news and consider how bleak the outlook is for our planet, It might lead us to feel stuck, and like the things we do won't matter. Jake and Laura will explore some choices we can all make in our daily lives to reflect love, respect, and concern for the planet Earth!

April 25, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Byron Ballard ~ Author
On this episode Author Byron Ballard will be catching up with Laura Gonzalez on this life of Tower Times, Appalachian Magic and more (Come get the tea!)

May 9, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Chris Allaun ~ Author
On this episode Author Chris Allaun will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about the upcoming deluxe version of Underworld and Deeper into the Underworld.

May 16, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Domestic Violence Awareness
DV and intimate partner violence is still alarmingly prevalent in our national and local communities, and we still have inadequate and antiquated systems of support. Laura and Jake will talk about features of DV and Intimate Partner Violence, some methods of harm reduction if you're in a violent relationship, and some ideas for solidarity and support of those who can't even feel safe in their own homes or living spaces.

May 23, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Wendy Rule ~ Musician
On this episode Wendy Rule will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her participation on PSG, touring, and a few surprises!

May 30, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Celia Farran ~ Musician
On this episode Celia Farran will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez........ oh! who are we kidding, you put the Red Haired Everyday Goddess and the Blue Witch together, anything WILL happen. You have to be there!

June 13, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Spiral Rhythm
On this episode the members of Spiral Rhythm will be chattign with Laura Gonzalez about their musical participation and workshops on PSG adn also, future projects and events!

June 20, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ LGBTQ+ Pride
LGBTQ+ pride started out for many people as a way for those of us  who were shamed and rejected by dominant culture to declare and celebrate our existence and survival against cruelty and marginalization. Nowadays, Pride celebrations have become quite commercialized. There are obvious benefits to greater acceptance and inclusion by some corporate sectors, but assimilation brings inequities and challenges that are often overlooked. Jake and Laura will talk about "rainbow washing" and who benefits from intersections between Pride and capitalism.

June 27, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Vironika Wilde ~ Author
On this episode author Vironika Wilde will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her book "Love & Gaslight".

July 11, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Storm Faerywolf ~ Author
On this episode author Storm Faerywolf will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "The Satyr's Kiss", activism and intersectionality.

July 18, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Trans /Non-binary /Genderqueer Allyship
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series, we invite you to enjoy once again our first show, where Jake Bradley and Laura Gonzalez will be chatting about Trans / Non-binary / Genderqueer people allyship.
Originally aired on September 20th, 2021.

July 25, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Michael Herkes ~ Author
On this episode author Michael Herkes will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about his book "Astrology for Witches", devotion, identity and of course GLAM!

August 8, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Stacey Demarco ~ Author
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays, we invite you to enjoy once again our interview with author Stacey Demarco chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her internationally acclaimed Books and Oracles.
Originally aired on August 10th, 2020.

August 15, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Autism Awareness
Have you heard of "neurotypical privilege?" If you are on the autism spectrum, you almost certainly know about it! Laura and Jake will talk about autism and neurotypical privilege, and about how we can all be sensitive, respectful and inclusive of people on the spectrum.

August 22, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura Tempest Zakroff ~ Author
On this episode author Laura Tempest Zakroff will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her upcoming oracle "Anatomy of a Witch".

August 29, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Granddaughter Crow ~ Author
On this episode author Granddaughter Crow will be chatting with Laura Gonzalez about her upcoming book "Belief, Being and Beyond".

September 12, 2022:  Brandon Weston ~ Author
On this episode author Brandon Weston will be chatting with Laura González about his book "Ozark Mountain Spell Book: Folk Magic & Healing".

September 19, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~ Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month! What does the word "Hispanic" mean, and why do some people prefer the term "latino," some prefer "latinx," and some who might fit these definitions don't identify with any of these terms? Are there things that all Spanish-speaking people have in common? How do racism, colorism, xenophobia and other systems of oppression impact the lived experience and identities of people of the Americas and beyond? 
What can Anglo-Americans do to disengage Nationality Privilege and show allyship with Latin-American and/or Hispanic-American people?

September 26, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Phyllis Curott ~ Author
On this episode author Phyllis Curott will be chatting with Laura González about her upcoming book "Spells for Living Well: A Witch's Guide for Manifesting Change, Well-being, and Wonder".

October 10, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Byron Ballard ~ Author
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays, we invite you to enjoy once again: Author Byron Ballard catching up with Laura Gonzalez on this life of Tower Times, Appalachian Magic, and more (Come get the tea!)
Originally aired on April 25th, 2022

October 17, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Social Justice Series ~  Native American Heritage Month
October 10th is Indigenous People's Day, and November is Native American Heritage Month. In this month's episode, Laura and Jake explore ways to learn about and honor Indigenous heritage, how to decolonize Thanksgiving, and how to show Allyship to Native and Indigenous Peoples across Turtle Island and beyond.

October 24, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura González ~ Día de Muertos: More alive than ever!
Day of the Dead is a celebration of life and the resilience of the human spirit and, even in times of adversity nothing will stop us from celebrating our dearly departed Mexican style!
Originally aired at Circle Sanctuary's Virtual Samhain Oct. 30th, 2021

October 31, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Jaime Gironés ~ Author
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays we invite you to enjoy once again: Jaime Gironés, chatting with Laura González about his book "Llewellyn's Little Book of the Day of the Dead".
Originally aired October 25th, 2021.

November 14th, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Storm Faerywolf ~ Author 
On this episode author Storm Faerywolf will be chatting with Laura González about his book "The Witch's Name: Crafting Identities of Magical Power".

November 21st, 2022Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura González ~ House Cleansings
On this episode Laura will share her knowledge, family tradition and experience acquired on the past 30+ years of her practice on the art of Energy Cleansing for your home, sacred and work space, and obviously self! Have a candle with you for this class!

November 28th, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Astrea Taylor and Jason Mankey
On this episode authors Astrea Taylor and Jason Mankey will be chatting with Laura González about their book "Modern Witchcraft with the Greek Gods: History, Insights & Magickal Practice" 

December 12th, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Leeza Robertson ~ Author
On this episode author, Leeza Robertson will be chatting with Laura González about her book "Tarot Priestess"

December 19th, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Petrucia Finkler and Elhoim Leafar ~ New Year magic
From the archives of Lunatic Mondays, we invite you to enjoy once again: New Year magic, Petrucia Finkler, Elhoim Leafar and Laura González chatting about year-end traditions and folk magic.
Originally aired on December 13th, 2021.

December 26th, 2022:  Lunatic Mondays ~ Laura Tempest Zakroff ~ Author
On this episode author, Laura Tempest Zadroff will be chatting with Laura González about her book "Visual Alchemy"



Circle Talk with Debra Rose:

First and Third Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Eastern

March 19, 2019:  Inauguration on CSNP!
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she kicks off our new podcast network with Selena Fox, Jeanet & David Ewing, and Laura Gonzalez who will be hosting podcasts on the Circle Sanctuary Network Podcasts network.

April 2, 2019:  Jason Mankey
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Jason Mankey who is presenting at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

April 16, 2019Mama Gina
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Mama Gina who will be performing and presenting at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

May 7, 2019Louis Garou
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Louis Garou who will be performing at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

May 21, 2019Oberon Zell
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Oberon Zell who will be presenting at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

June 4, 2019Spiral Rhythm
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes members of Spiral Rhythm who will be perfomring at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

June 18, 2019:  PSG Energy
Join us as we celebrate Pagan Spirit Gathering taking place this week with an encore presentation of Circel Talk from June 16, 2015.  During this encore, Circle Ministers Jeanet & David Ewing were joined by various attendees of PSG to discuss the energy found while attending PSG.  This particular episode also reflected on the experiences during the week of severe weather which caused an evacuation of the PSG site due to heavy rain and flooding.

July 2, 2019:  Thundersirens! 
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes members of the band, Thundersirens, who recently performed at this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering.

July 16, 2019:  Circle Sanctuary Ordinations 2019
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Selena Fox and five new Ministers who were ordained at this past Pagan Spirit Gathering including Rev. Jake Bradley, Rev. Florence Edwards-Miller, Rev. Messina Duggan, Rev. Minerva Duggan, and Rev. Eric Eldritch.

August 6, 2019:  Sacred Meditations on Egypt with John Markey
Join us on Circle Talk as we take a journey to the ancient land of Egypt and hear about the ancient icons and pictographs seen in Egypt at some of the world's most sacred sites, including the King's Tomb, Temple of Isis, Luxor, and more.  Our show tonight is based on a trip that John took with Clair and William Henry who is the host of the History Channel program:  Ancient Aliens.

August 20, 2019:  Creating Bedside Spells with Rev. Charlotte Bear
Join us on Circle Talk for a discussion on using Pagan Healing modalities to gather story, find central metaphor, create sigils, and build a hermetic energy and develop chants that create a personalized ritual for persons who are bed bound or shut in at home.

September 3, 2019:  Duality in Paganism and Beyond
This Circle Talk show will discuss the aspect of dualism in regious history and within Paganism, its impact on understanding the divine, mythology, ritual, magickal practice, and identity.  We will also explore how duality empowers and/or limits us, and how we might move beyond it into plurastic thinking.

September 17, 2019:  Pagan Homeland with Guest Wade Mueller
Wouldn't it be great to have Pagan events on Pagan land?  How about temples, groves, and stone circles across the country?  Pagans have always been people of the land and if we wish to see our path move forward we need to have land and buildings to call our own.  This Circle Talk show will discuss the need for such infrastructure adn the practical means by which we can acquire our own land.

October 1, 2019:  Lady Tamara Von Forslun
Join us as we chat on Circle Talk with Lady Tamara Von Forslun from Australia, who was a featured speaker at PSG this year.  She was affectionately named "The Witch of Oz" by Raymond Buckland in the early 80's.  Tamara has dedicated mroe than 5 decades to studying and teaching Wicca.  She was the first to confront the Australian establishment to accept Wicca as a religion.  She is the founder of the Church of Wicca, which was the country's first legal neo-Pagan church, and she has lectured at universities throughout the world.  Please join us for what is sure to be a fun and informative show.

October 15, 2019:  Circle Sanctuary 45th Birthday Show
Happy Birthday to Circle Sanctuary who is turning 45 year old this year!
Join us for this special Birthday Circle Talk.  The show will feature Selena Fox and others to talk about the early years of Circle Sanctuary and the highlights of Circle's 45 year journey.  Selena is the founder and co-executive director of Circle Sanctuary, an international Nature resource center headquarterd on a 200 nature preserve in southwestern Wisconsin, USA.

November 5, 2019:  Buckland Museum of Magick and Witchcraft
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with the owner and curator of the Buckland Museum of Magick and Witchcraft in Cleveland, Ohio.  Raymond Buckland started The Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick in 1966.  After visiting the late Gerald Gardner and his collection on the Isle fo Man, Raymond was inspired to start a collection of his own.  We will find out how the museum came to be in Ohio and what is on display at the museum.

November 19, 2019:  Arthur Hinds
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with and listen to the music of Arthur Hinds.  Arthur Hinds is a very talented musician, storyteller, and student of the Bardic Path whose work enlivens both the mythic traditions and the emotional life of Paganism.  Come and listen to his music, both new and favorite classics.

December 3, 2019:  Pagan Origins of Santa
Join us on Circle Talk as we explore the Pagan myths surrounding Santa Claus, the big guy in red, that we see everywhere during the holiday season.
Encore presentation from December 26, 2017.

December 17, 2019:  Jenya T. Beachy
Join us on Circle Talk as Jenya T. Beachy takes us on a transformational journey through shadowlands and starry steppes into the deepest heart of Self.  She is the author of "In the Secret Country of Yourself".  We will be discussing her book and all things magickal.

January 7, 2020:  Mari Powers
Join us on Circle Talk as Circle Sanctuary Minister, Rev. Mari Powers discusses Divination with Tarot in her Wheel of the Year Divination for a personal New Year reading.

January 21, 2020:  Celia Farran
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with the talented Celia Farran.  Celia is part singer, part songwriter, part comedienne, and always a lot of fun.  We will be discussing what she is up to as we listen to some of her music on Circle Talk.

February 4, 2020:  Lady Liberty League
Join us as we learn about the Lady Liberty League, an international information and networking organization sponsored by Circle Sanctuary.  Lady Liberty League provides religious freedom support for Wiccans, Pagans, and other Nature religion practitionoers worldwide.

February 18, 2020:  Brian Henke
Join us as we catch up with Briane Henke - IPMA Award winner for Best Male Artist 2019.  He performs his music like a painter putting images on canvas, a king of sonic shaman who draws inspiration from Mother Earth.  We will be chatting with Brian and listening to his music during the show.

March 3, 2020:  Circle Sanctuary Ministry Training Program
Circle Sanctuary Ministers commit to serving the Pagan community.  Our ministers are dedicated to serving peoples of many Nature Religion paths through the creating and sharing of rituals, meditations, music, imaging, and other spiritual art forms.  Join us as we learn about Circle Sanctuary's Ministry Training Program.

March 17, 2020:  EcoActivism Panel at PantheaCon 2020
Join us on Circle Talk as we listen to Circle Sanctuary EcoActivists Selena Fox, Andrew Bear, and Char Bear share effective ways of engaging in local and global environmental activism, including networking, education, rites, rallies, interfaith coalitions, and more.  This panel discussion was recorded with permission at PantheaCon 2020 on Sunday, February 16, 2020.

April 7, 2020:  Ellen Hopman
Join us for an encore presentation of Circle Talk from 2018 where Circle Sanctuary Minister Debra Rose was joined by Ellen Hopman to discuss Tree Medicine and Tree Magic.

April 21, 2020:  COVID-19 Support
Join us for a special encore Circle Talk presentation.  Circle Sanctuary Chaplains, CSNP Ministers, & Community Members join together in this special podcast of spiritual support to all those impacted by COVID-19.

May 5, 2020SJ Tucker
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of SJ Tucker.  Names a vanguard of the Myth Punk movement and even "the face of neo-tribal Paganism" by Witches & Pagans Magazine, Tucker is teh voice of lore at the campfilre and the sharp laughter of modern myth.

May 19, 2020Deborah Blake
Join us as we chat with author Deborah Blake.  Her non-fiction books include Everyday Witch Book of Rituals, Witchcraft on a Shoestring, and her newest book, Modern Witchcraft.  Deborah is also the award-winning author of the Baba Yaga and Broken Rider paranormal romance series and the Veiled Magic urban fantasies from Burkley.

June 2, 2020Mama Gina
Join us as we chat with the talented Mama Gina.  With her down-to-Earth, bluesy vocals, a bit of humor, and straight-ahead, rhythmic, acoustic guitar, djembe, and frame drum, Mama Gina tells the true stories that fall into her head and heart.  We will be seeing what she is up to as we listen to hear her music on Circle Talk.

June 16, 2020Belladonna LaVeau & Dusty Dionne
Circle Sanctuary Minister Debra Rose talks with Aquarian Tabernacle Church Arch Priestess Belladonna LaVeau and Arch Priest Dusy Dionne about their work and their ways of celebrating Summer Solstice.

July 7, 2020:  Lupa Greenwolf
Join us as Circle Sanctuary Minister Debra Rose welcomes Pagan artist & author Lupa Greenwolf to Circle Talk to catch up on her last art and book born from Nature and Spirit.

July 21, 2020:  Christopher Penczak
Join us for an encore presentation of Circle Talk where we welcomed Pagan author and ritualist Christopher Penczak to the program to talk about his books, workshops, and local activities.
Encore presentation from June 13, 2017

August 4, 2020:  Marianne Kollar
Join us for a Circle Talk encore presentation of Circle Talk where Circle Ministers Jeanet & David Ewing welcomed Marianne Kollar to discuss her Shamanic path and using the Reverie Harp.
Encore presentation from August 22, 2017

August 18, 2020:  Thundersirens
Join Circle Sanctuary Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes the Thundersirens to chat and listen to their music.  Thundersirens are a multifaceted ceremony-inspired musical group that combines sound therapy, shamanic influences, and a variety of styles of music into their performances.

September 1, 2020:  Lou Garou
Join us as we chat with talented Lou Garou.  For over forty years Louis Garou has travelled the South, working, playing, and writing...  Always observing...  And always returning the shadows of the beloved Appalachia.  Join us for this encore presentation and hear the haunting music of Lou Garou.
Encore presentation from May 15, 2019

September 15, 2020:  Rev. Jerrie Hildebrand
The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans or CUUPs is an organization dedicated to networking Pagan identified Unitarian Universalists (UUs).  Join us tonight as we chat with Rev. Jerrie Hidebrand, the president of CUUPs and learn more about this Pagan organization.

October 6, 2020:  Rev. Charlotte Bear
Join us tonight on Circle Talk as we explore the topic of eco-activism and eco-magic with Rev. Charolette Bear.

October 20, 2020:  Dree's Aromatherapy and Magick
Join us tonight on Circle Talk as we discuss Aromatherapy and Magick with Dree

November 3, 2020:  Rev. Mari Powers
Have you heard of the Feri Traditions but do not know much about it?  Then you will want to join us on Circle Talk as Rev. Mari Powers discusses her tradition of Feri.

November 17, 2020:  Byron Ballard
Join us on Circle Talk as we cach up with author and Villiage Witch Byron Ballard.

December 1, 2020:  Yule in a Christmas World
Join us for an encore presentation of an episode of Circle Talk where Deb Rose welcomed Cern and Regina Sovall to discuss how they celebrate Yule when so many around us are celebrating Christmas.
Encore from December 20, 2016

December 15, 2020:  Meet Newly Ordained Circle Ministers
Join us on Circle Talk as we meet two of Circle Sanctuary's newly ordained ministers, Rev. Laura Gonzalez, and Rev. Juliana Dawson and learn more about their journey to ordination with Circle Sanctuary.

January 5, 2021:  Pagan Homeland with Wade Mueller
Wouldn't it be great to have Pagan events on Pagan events on Pagan land?  How about temples, groves, and stone circles across the country?  Pagans have always been people of the land and if we wish to see our path move forward we need to have land and buildings to call your own.  Join us for this encore presentation of Circle Talk as we discuss the need for such infrastructure and the practical means by which we can acquire our own land.
Encore from September 17, 2019

January 19, 2021:  Rev. Charlotte Bear & Circle Chaplain Program
Join us on Circle Talk as we meet one of Circle Sanctuary's new ministers who was ordained this past Samhain - Rev. Charlotte Bear.  Char is also the first to be ordained through Circle Sanctuary's new Chaplain Program.

February 2, 2021:  Mare Cromwell & 1000 Goddesses Gathering
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Mare Cromwell, author and visionary behind the annual 1000 Goddesses Gathering

February 16, 2021:  Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick
Join Circle Minister Debra Rose as she welcomes Steven Intermill, Curator for the Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magick as they discuss the museum.

March 2, 2021:  Mama Gina
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with and listen to the music of Mama Gina.  Mama Gina is a touring singer/songwriter, fearless storyteller, and wanderlust.  We will be featuring Gina's music and also be chatting about her new music that will be released soon.  Please join us for a fun and musical show!

March 16, 2021:  COVID-19 Support
Join us for a special encore Circle Talk presentation as we mark the one-year anniversary of this pandemic.  Circle Sanctuary Chaplains, CSNP Ministers, and Community Members join together in this special podcast of spiritual support to all those impacted by COVID-19.
Endore from April 21, 2020

April 6, 2021:  Duality in Paganism and Beyond
This encore Circle Talk show will discuss the aspect of dualism in religious history and within Paganism, its impact on understanding the divine, mythology, ritual, magickal practice, and identify with guests Rev. David Sassman and Rev. Cern Greenman.
Encore from September 3, 2019

April 20, 2021:  Pagan Academic Network
Tonight on Circle Talk, we will be discussing the Pagan Academic Network with Rev. Juliana Russell.  Pagan Academic Network is a Circle Sanctuary is an interdisciplinary organization that supports Pagans in Academia.

May 4, 2021:  Spiral Rhythm
Spiral Rhythm is a nine-member earth-based a cappella/hand percussion Spirit music loved by all ages. They have evolved and changed, but their goal has always been the same-to raise the spirit through voice and song. Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Spiral Rhythm. They will stir your soul!

May 18, 2021:  Wendy Rule
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Wendy Rule. Australian Visionary Songstress, Wendy Rule defies categorization - combining gothic, folk, world, ambient and cabaret music, woven through with ...mythological and magical references that honor her Pagan Spirituality.

June 1, 2021:  Music of Kellianna
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Kellianna, who is a featured musician at this year's PSG. Kellianna is an American Neo-Celtic singer and songwriter internationally renowned for her powerful performance of song and chant inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. Experienced in the art of ritual chant, she uses song to move energy, to celebrate the ancient mysteries, and to empower intention.
More information about Kellianna and her music are available on her website:

June 15, 2021:  Creating Bedside Spells with Rev. Charlette Bear
Join us for an encore presentation of Circle Talk for a discussion on using Pagan Healing modalities. This process includes gathering story, finding central metaphors, creating sigils, building a hermetic energy and developing chants that create a personalized ritual for persons who are bed bound or shut in at home.
Encore from August 20, 2019

July 6, 2021:  Jenya T. Beachy
Join us on Circle Talk as  Jenya T Beachy takes us on a transformational journey thru shadowlands and starry steppes into the deepest heart of self. She is the author of "In the Secret Country of Yourself".  We will be discussing her book and all things magickal.

July 20, 2021:  Monica Bodirsky:  WITCHfest North International
WITCHfest North International is an annual Arts and Culture Festival held every year from October 1-31st with music, art, discussions, workshops and events programmed by Witches for all earth based, Indigenous and Pagan spiritualities. Join us on Circle Talk as we talk to WITCHfest founder, Monica Bodirsky.

August 3, 2021:  Oberon Zell
What happens to our soul/spirit consciousness after we die?  Tonight on Circle Talk, we will explore this topic and others with Oberon Zell as we chat with him about his new book, The Undiscovered Country: A Traveller's Guide to the Afterlife.

August 17, 2021:  Jason Mankey
Join us as we catch up with author Jason Mankey.  Jason is a popular speaker at Pagan and Witchcraft events across North America and Great Britain, and has been recognized by his peers as an authority on the Horned God, Wiccan history, and occult influence in rock & roll and heavy metal music.

September 7, 2021:  Lou Garou
For over forty years Louis Garou, has travelled the South, working, playing, and writing with his old guitar he performs the Dark Americana that his music has evolved into... songs about love, revenge, depression... About people haunted and alone... And people best left alone... And beings who are not quite... People. Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Lou Garou

 September 21, 2021:  Jack Montgomery
Magical healings, ghostly encounters, and alternate realities have been a part of American society since the first colonial settlements. Jack Montgomery, author of  "American Shamans: Journeys with Traditional Healers" will be with us on Circle Talk , so join us as we talk all about ghosts!

October 5, 2021:  Clergy Appreciation Month with Rev. Cern Green & Rev. Char Bear
October is Clergy Appreciation Month and we will be talking with two Circle Sanctuary ministers who are also employed as clergy. Join us as we chat with Rev. Cern Green and Rev. Char Bear about on Circle Talk.

October 19, 2021:  Alexander James Adams
From the land of the Fae comes the Faerie Tale Minstrel with songs and stories of days gone by and futures yet to come. Guitar and fiddle support a voice that enchants the ear and comforts the heart. Jigs and reels, lush and lullabye, the magic and music are there for those that believe. Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Alexander James Adams.

November 02, 2021:  Dia de Muertos with Rev. Laura Gonzalez
Join us on Circle Talk as we talk with Circle Sanctuary minister, Rev. Laura Gonzalez about Dia de Muertos. Laura will share ancient and contemporary traditions and customs for honoring the dead in this Indigenous Mexican festival.

November 16, 2021:  2021 Parliament of World's Religions
For the first time, the 2021 Parliament was held virtually and had over 3,000 people of many faiths in attendance. Join us on Circle as we talk with Selena Fox and others on their perspectives on the 2021 Parliament of the World's Religions.

December 7, 2021:  New Circle Minister Rev. Judith Seizys
Join us on Circle Talk as we meet one of Circle Sanctuary's new ministers.  Rev. Judith Seizys was ordained during Samhain and will share with us her journey to ordination

December 21, 2021:  Celebrating Yule in a Christmas World
Join us for an encore presentation of an episode of Circle Talk where Deb Rose welcomed Cern and Regina Stovall to discuss hwo they celebrate Yule when so many others around us are celebrating Christmas.
Encore from December 20, 2016

January 4, 2022:  New Circle Ministers Rev. Andrew Bear & Rev. James Jufer
Join us on Circle Talk as we meet two of Circle Sanctuary's new ministers. Rev. Andrew Bear and Rev. James Jufer, who were ordained during Samhain and will share with us their journey to ordination.

January 18, 2022:  Author Opal Luna
Join us on Circle Talk as we talk with author Opal Luna about her new book," Fiber Magic: A Witch's Guide to Spellcasting with Crochet, Knotwork and Weaving". Spark imagination and crafting into your practice as we learn how to move magical intention from our minds to our hands.

February 1, 2022:  Author Tiffany Lazic
Each spoke on the Wheel of the Year represents an opportunity for transformation. Author Tiffany Lazic will be discussing her newest book, The Noble Art, from Shadow to Essence through the Wheel of the Year.

February 25, 2022:  Debra DeAngelo
Join us on Circle Talk as Author Debra DeAngelo discusses the "ABCs and 123s" of Paganism.  She is the author of Pagan Curious: A Beginner's Guide to Nature, Magic, and Spirituality.

March 1, 2022:  Heron Michelle
Join us on Circle Talk as we explore "Elemental Witchcraft-a Guide to Living a Magickal Life through the Elements" with the author Heron Michelle. Our discussion will include the Pentacle Path, a wholly unique system of Magickal practice that incorporates ritual Magick, journey work and spellcraft to help you fully engage with the elements.

March 15, 2022:  Frater Barrabbas
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with author, Frater Barrabbas about his book, "Elemental Powers for Witches. Our discussion will include the energy model of Magick, integration of ceremonial magic techniques into your practice and using the five elements to empower your life.

April 5, 2022:  Laurel Woodward - Backyard Garden Witchery
Would you like to live a mindful and magickal life?  Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with author Laurel Woodward about her book, Kitchen Witchery and her upcoming book, Backyard Garden Witchery.

April 19, 2022:  Madam Pamita
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with author, Madam Pamita about her book "Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft- From the Deep, Dark Woods comes Real Old World Magic".  We'll be talking with Madam Pamita about ancient and modern Slavic magical practices, from magickal poppets to using Ukrainian folk embroidery motifs as protective charms.

May 3rd, 2022:  Carmen Turner-Schott
Curious about Astrology and would like to know more about your sun sign, including self-care affirmations to optimal strategies for healing and transformation.  Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with author Carmen Turner-Schott about her book, Sun Signs, Houses & Healing.

May 17th, 2022:  Alise Marie
Join us on Circle Talk as Alise Marie teaches us how to explore the power of nature by crafting plant-powered elixirs, oils, and creams to achieve ageless beauty and self-confidence that is our birthright.  Her book, The Beauty Witch's Secrets is our guide to uncovering these timeless secrets.

June 7th, 2022:  Arthur Hinds
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Arthur Hinds , who is a featured musician at this year's PSG. Blending stories from Celtic myth and legend with songs drawn not only from Celtic and American folk traditions but from his own inspiration, Arthur takes his listeners along on a spell-binding journey to other times and places and also into the universal human spirit.

June 21st, 2022:  Lisa Wagoner
In these turbulent times, keeping a sense of positivity can seem like an unattainable feat. Tonight, on Circle Talk, we will be talking with author Lisa Wagoner about her book, "Positive Pagan which will show you techniques to create a core of positivity that will improve your magickal practice and life.

July 5th, 2022:  Diego de Oxóssi
Join us on Circle Talk as we discover the power, magic, and secrets of Afro-Brazilian herbal witchcraft. Diego de Oxóssi will be discussing his new book, 
"Sacred Leaves: A Magical Guide to Orisha Herbal Witchcraft.

July 19th, 2022:  Lesley A Morrison
Would you like to learn how to achieve balance, fulfillment and magic in your home? Join us on Circle Talk as we chat with Lesley A Morrison about her new book, "In the Spirit of Home,Practical Ways to Create Your Perfect Haven".

August 2nd, 2022:  Lady Liberty League
Join us on this encore presentation as we learn about Lady Liberty League, International information and networking organization sponsored by Circle Sanctuary.  Lady Liberty League provides religious Freedom Support for Wiccans, Pagans, and other Nature religion Practitioners worldwide. 
Encore from February 4, 2020

August 16th, 2022:  Author Devin Hunter
Are you a little like me and have some beautiful crystals but not sure how to use them in your spiritual and magickal practice?  Join us on Circle Talk as we talk with Devin Hunter about his upcoming new book, Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch, a must have resource for the magickal practitioner

September 6th, 2022:  Diego de Oxóssi
Join us on Circle Talk as we discover the power, magic, and secrets of Afro-Brazilian herbal witchcraft. Diego de Oxóssi will be discussing his new book, 
"Sacred Leaves: A Magical Guide to Orisha Herbal Witchcraft.

September 20th, 2022:  Durgadas Duriel
Tonight on Circle Talk, we take a journey of  compassion, authenticity, and spiritual connectedness as author Durgadas Duriel discusses his new book, " Worthy as You Are". With techniques such as affirmations, meditation, and journaling, we are going to learn how to change our everyday thoughts from negative to nourishing to embrace our authentic selves.

October 4th, 2022:  Corrine Kenner
Discover the Playful Antics of Lingering Souls and Antiques with Spirited Personalities on Circle Talk as we about paranormal entities from a Florida antique shop and the surrounding area with author Corrine Kenner. In her book, "Gently Haunted", besides her haunted stories, Corrine also shares numerous tips for using psychometry, pendulums, dowsing rods, and tarot cards to help you reach out to friendly shadows of the past.

October 18th, 2022:  J. Allen Cross
Tonight on Circle Talk, learn how to identify and solve the four main types of haunting, residual, poltergeist, human earthbound and inhuman entity. We will be talking with author J. Allen Cross who is the author of "The Witches Guide to the Paranormal and he will be guides us through the basic principles of a haunting, while building a foundation of paranormal investigation, witchcraft, and mediumship skills.

November 1st, 2022:  Frater Tenebri
Would you like to discover a life-changing spiritual paradigm that honors the divine Self and strives to elevate it to a higher state of being? In his new book, The Philosophy of Dark Paganism Wisdom & Magick to Cultivate the Self , Frater Tenebri introduces us to a spiritual path that focuses on self-transformation and shadow work. We will learn about the nine Dark Pagan principles, Dark Pagan traditions, gods and spirits, cosmic levels of existence, and more. So join us on Circle Talk as we look inward and in shadows to find our personal evolution.

November 15th, 2022:  Mat Auryn
Tonight on Circle Talk, we are going to learn how to boost our psychic ability and incorporate the greater mysteries of magick into our practice. We will be talking with author Mat Auryn about his new book, "Mastering Magick" which is a companion book to his international bestseller "Psychic Witch". Mastering Magick includes over sixty spells including more than a dozen more from well known witches and practitioners, including Christopher Penczak, Storm Faerywolf, Devin Hunter, Laura Tempest Zakroff, and others. So join us on Circle Talk as learn to cast magick to bridge the divide between the seen and unseen worlds to become psychic witches.

December 6th, 2022:  Oberon Zell
Tonight on this encore presentation of Circle Talk, we will explore this topic and others with Oberon Zell as we chat with him about his new book-The Undiscovered Country: A Traveler's Guide to the Afterlife.

Originally aired on August 3, 2021.

December 20th, 2022:  Rev. Mari Powers
Have you heard of the Feri Tradition but do not know much about it. Then you will want to join us on the encore presentation of Circle Talk as Rev. Mari Powers discusses her tradition of Feri.
Originally aired on November 3, 2020.



Divining Dreams with Selena Fox:

Explorations in Dream Magic, Spirituality, and Psychotherapy

Every Wednesday at 8:00pm Eastern

April 17, 2019:  Dream Imagery & Daily Life 
Learn ways that dynamics from daily life can appear in dreams and ways of bringing understanding of those dreams.

April 24:  Reoccurring Dreams
Learn ways of understanding and transforming reoccurring dreams for personal healing and growth

May 1, 2019Dream Mandalas & Artmaking
Creatively connecting with Dream imagery and dynamics for inspiration in crafting magical dream artworks.

May 8, 2019Dream Narratives
Approaches for writing Dream narratives as prose and poetry.

May 15, 2019Dream Characters 
Understanding and interacting with major and minor actors in Dreamlife.

May 22, 2019Lucid Dreaming
Ways of becoming aware of Dreaming while dreaming and developing skills in enhancing awareness, empowerment, and wellness during dreams and waking life.

May 29, 2019Dream Healing & Nightmares 
Understanding possible causes of disturbing Dreams and treatment options.

June 5, 2019Divine Healing Dream Temples 
Ancient and contemporary work wiht the Greek Healing God Asclepius & Wellness Goddess Hygeia and their Healing Dream sacred sites.

June 12, 2019Dreamscapes 
Exploring, interpreting and working with Dream places.

June 19, 2019Transforming Dreams 
Exploring ways of Dream magic, therapy, and divination.

June 26, 2019Dream Journaling
Types of Dream journals and some ways of working with them to aid Dream recall, Dream interpretation, and personal spiritual development.

July 3, 2019American Patriot Dreams
Reflections on George Washington's Dream Vision and on the Dreamwork of Dr. Benjamin Rush, signer of the Declaration of Independence and founder of American Psychiatry.

July 10, 2019Dream Inspired Inventions
Learn about machines, scientific concepts, and creative works that have emerged from dreams of inventors, scientists, writers, and others.  Explore ways of problem solving through Dreamcraft.

July 17, 2019Dreamwork with Children
Explore some ways of helping children process and understand dreams.

July 24, 2019Dream Circles
Discover some approaches for sharing nad discussing dreams within families, households, spiritual communities, and other groups.

July 31, 2019Lughnasadh Dream Magick
Incubating, interpreting, and working with dreams as part of Lughnasadh/Lammas celebrations.

August 7, 2019Dream Charms and Rituals  
Explore ways of creating and working with charms, chants, affirmations,  and rituals to aid dream recall, for dream divination, and for understanding dreams.
Encore from April 3, 2019

August 14, 2019Divine Healing Dream Temples  
Ancient and contemporary work with the Greek Healing God Asclepius & Wellness goddess Hygeia and their Healing Dreams sacred sites.
Encore from June 5, 2019

August 21, 2019Dream Mandalas & Artmaking 
Creatively connecting with dream imagery and dynamics for inspiration in crafting magical dream artworks.
Encore from May 1, 2019

August 28, 2019Improving Dream Recall
Rituals, meditations, charms, and other approaches to help remembering dreams.

September 4, 2019:  Dream Herbs
Herbs and herbal creations to support dreaming and dreamwork.

September 11, 2019:  Dreams & Nightmares of 9-11
Review of research about precognitive dreams involving the September 11th terrorist attacks on the USA and the impact of 9-11 on dreaming.

September 18, 2019:  Dreams About Animals
Ways of interpreting and working with dreams involving creatures.

September 25, 2019:  Lucid Dreaming
Ways of becoming aware of dreaming while dreaming and developing skills in enhancing awareness, empowerment, and wellness during dreams and waking life.
Encore from May 22, 2019

October 2, 2019:  
Due to technicial difficulties on the podcast hosting site, we did not record an episode on October 2nd.  Selena's series of the Story of Circle Sanctuary starts on October 9th.

October 9, 2019:  The Story of Circle Sanctuary Part-1
Through this 4-part series, we are celebrating the 45th Birthday of Circle Sanctuary with Selena Fox discussing the origins and history of Circle Sanctuary.

October 16, 2019:  The Story of Circle Sanctuary Part-2
Through this 4-part series, we are celebrating the 45th Birthday of Circle Sanctuary with Selena Fox discussing the origins and history of Circle Sanctuary.

October 23, 2019:  The Story of Circle Sanctuary Part-3
Through this 4-part series, we are celebrating the 45th Birthday of Circle Sanctuary with Selena Fox discussing the origins and history of Circle Sanctuary.

October 30, 2019:  The Story of Circle Sanctuary Part-4
Through this 4-part series, we are celebrating the 45th Birthday of Circle Sanctuary with Selena Fox discussing the origins and history of Circle Sanctuary.



Nature Spirituality with Selena Fox:

Explorations in Nature Spirituality and practices to connect with Nature through study, ritual, discussion, and more!

Every Wednesday at 8:00pm Eastern

November 6, 2019:  Nature Wisdom Ways
Join Selena Fox for a discussion exploring some ancient and contemporary paths of Nature Spirituality

November 13, 2019:  Tree Rituals
Join Selena Fox for a discussion on sacred work with trees.

November 20, 2019:  Celebrating Nature's Diversities
Join Selena Fox for a discussion on enhancing awareness and celebrating of diversity within humankind and the greater Circle of Nature of which we are a part.

November 27, 2019:  Eco-Thanksgiving Ritual
Join Selena fox for an online ceremony of Nature attunement and appreciation.

December 4, 2019:  Santa & Krampus Traditions
Learn about Yuletide lore and customs connected with Santa Claus as Pagan God and Christian Saint and his sometime associate, the Beast Krampus.

December 11, 2019:  Healing & Wellness at Yuletide
Explore ways to dispel winter blues, reduce holiday stress, and heal from loss and painful memories during the Yuletide season.  Learn ways to create personal and household rituals and traditions that promote well-being and joy.
Encore presentation from December 7, 2016.

December 18, 2019:  Winter Solstice Around the World
Discover some ways that Winter Solstice has been celebrated across cultures and through the ages and in contemporary times.

December 25, 2019:  Pagan Roots of Christmas
Examine Pagan origins of Christmas symbols and customs around the world and discover ways of celebrating cultural and religious diversity throughout the holiday season.
Encore presentation from December 23, 2014.

January 1, 2020:  Hogmanay and Other New Year Traditions
Explore some of old and new ways of welcoming in the new calendar year, including the kindling of celebratory fires and the singing of Auld Lang Syne, customs from the Scottish Yuletide & New Year festivities known as Hogmanay.
Encore presentation from 2013.

January 8, 2020:  Divination Rituals
Creating and conducting rituals for blessing Divination tools and for doing Tarot, Runes, I Ching, Mirror Gazing, and other forms of Divination.
Encore presentation from 2013.

January 15, 2020:  Brigid Magic
Learn about the Celtic Goddess Brigid and some of Her symbols, lore, and forms.  Discover ways of connecting and working with Brigid at her sacred time of Imbolc and year round for inspiration, healing, and transformation.
Encore presentation from 2013.

January 22, 2020:  Brigid of Sacred Waters
Since ancient times, Brigid has been a Goddess of Sacred Springs and Holy Wells.  Learn about some of these sacred sites associated with Her and some ways of working with Brigid as Goddess of Sacred Waters for healing, wisdom, inpiration, and wellness.

January 29, 2020:  Imbolc Brigid Night Healing Ritual
Connect with the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc through incantations and meditations in this ritual of healing for self, others, and Planet Earth.

February 5, 2020:  Interfaith Journeys
Explore ways that individuals and communities of diverse religious and spiritual traditions are converging and working together for a better world through dialogue, conferences, ceremonies, networks, and projects.
Ensore presentation from 2014.

February 12, 2020:  Labyrinths
Examine some types of Labyrinths and some ways of working with Labyrinths and some ways of working with labyrinth sites and imagery for healing, insights, wellness, and spiritual growth.

February 19, 2020:  Rock Crystals
Explore some sacred ways of attuning to and workign with clear quartz crystals.

February 26, 2020:  At the Crossroads
Explore sacred work with crossroad places including rituals and meditations.

March 4, 2020:  Magic Mirrors
Sacred work with mirrors, looking glasses, reflecting pools, and mirror imagery.

March 11, 2020:  Ritual Uses of Photographs
Creating and working with portraits, Nature scenes, and other types of photographs as ritual tools to aid personal, household, and community ceremonies.

March 18, 2020:  Spring Renewal Rituals
Exploring some ways of personal and community renewal through Springtime ceremonies.

March 25, 2020:  Green Man Magic
Green Man lore and forms across cultures and through the ages.  Ways of working with the Green Man for personal growth and planetary healing.
Encore presentation from 2015.

April 1, 2020:  Nature Meditations
Some meditative journeys and ways to work with Nature imagery for healing, wellness, and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 8, 2020:  EcoSpirituality
Exploring ancient and contemporary forms of Nature religion and Nature-centered spirituality.

April 15, 2020:  EcoPsychology
Selena and husband Dr. Dennis Carpenter discuss their personal, academic, and professional work, studies, and teaching in the emerging field of EcoPsychology.

April 22, 2020:  Earth Day 50th Anniversary
Celebrating Planet Earth, the Environment Moment, and fifty years of Earth Day Ecoeducation and Ecoactivism.

April 29, 2020:  Powers of Beltane
Connecting with Bringing in the May customs and the greening and flowering of the land at Beltane for personal and community healing and wellness.

May 6, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Air
Working with breath, winds, feathers, and incense for healing, renewal, and well-being.

May 13, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Water
Working with flowing and still waters, rain, tides, dew, chalices, bowls, and water imagery for healing, renewal, and well-being.

May 20, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Earth
Working with soil, rocks, caves, mountains, gardening, and ceramics for healing, renewal, and well-being.

May 27, 2020:  Healing with Sacred Fire
Working with candle flames, hearths, bonfires, and solar fire for healing, renewal, and well-being.

June 3, 2020:  Sun Magic and Sun Circles
Celebrating the daily and yearly cycles of Sun and Seasons.  Working with personal and group Sun rituals.
Encore presentation from 2012

June 10, 2020:  Crafting Summer Solstice Rites
Working with chants, rhythms, movement, herbs, symbols, and ritual tools for creating personal and household ceremonials celebrations of Summer Solstice.

June 17, 2020:  Sun Gods and Goddesses
Honoring and working with Sun Divinities across cultures and traditions.
Encore presentation from 2014

June 24, 2020:  MidSummer Traditions
Pagan Summer Solstice lore and customs that are part of St. John's Day and MidSummer festivities around the world.

July 1, 2020:  Align with the Divine
Attuning to Divine as One and as Many in personal spiritual life and community rituals.  Some ways of discovering and developing relationships with Deities, Elementals, Nature Spirits, Spiritual Communities, and other forms of the Divine.

July 8, 2020:  Goddesses, Gods, and Pantheons
Developing relationships with specific deities and groups of divinities.  Sacred work with single culture and multicultural pantheons.

July 15, 2020:  Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit
Exploring ways of attuning to and working with the Five Elements of Nature, individually and collectively.

July 22, 2020:  Nature Spirits
Developing relationships with sacred dimensions of plants, creatures, stones, metals, ecosystems, and places.

July 29, 2020:  Spiritual Communities
Exploring different types of spiritual groups, paths, and traditions.  Cultivating community connections.

August 5, 2020:  Women's Circles, Feminist Magic, & Goddess Power 
Reflections on the quest for equal rights for women and contributions of contemporary Paganism Feminist spirituality and Goddess studies in the 20th and 21st centuries.

August 12, 2020:  Celebrating Women's Life Passages
Supporting personal and community identity transformations through ritual celebrations of birth, menses, marriage, motherhood, menopause, and death.

August 19, 2020:  Transforming Women's Aging with Croning Rites
Celebrating women's passage into seniorhood with personal and community croning rituals.

August 26, 2020:  Votes for Women Centennial Celebration
Remembering the Quest for Women's Equality & Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Women getting Voting Rights in the USA.

September 2, 2020:  Full Moon Meditations
Join Rev. Selena Fox for an exploration of meditations connecting with the power of the Full Moon.

September 9, 2020:  Harvest Rituals
Creating and performing ceremonies for harvesting plants in gardens, fields, and forests.

September 16, 2020:  Autumn Equinox Magic
Welcoming Autumn with personal and community traditions, ceremonies, and celebrations.

September 23, 2020:  Circle Cemetery Memories
Selena Fox shares history and perspectives as part of celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the founding of Circle Cemetery at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin, USA.

September 30, 2020:  Pagan Power and Pagan Rights
Selena Fox shares some of her stories and experiences in working for equal rights for Pagans as Executive Director of Lady Liberty League.  Part of the celebration of Lady Liberty League's 35th Anniversary.

October 7, 2020:  Samhain Magic
Samhain lore, symbols, chants, and customs for crafting transformative meditations and rituals as Samhain approaches and during Samhain observances.

October 14, 2020:  Honoring Ancestors
Ancestral research, traditions, altars, artifacts, journeys, and rituals for enhancing understanding and deepening relationships with Ancestors at Samhain time and throughout the year.

October 21, 2020:  Witches
Exploring Witch lore, imagery, and magic across time and cultures.

October 28, 2020:  Spirits of the Dead
Guide to connecting and communing with Beloved Dead at Samhain time.

November 4, 2020:  Spiritual Healing
Join Selena Fox as she discusses methods of sacred work with herbs, sounds, words, movement, symbols, meditations, and rituals to aid spiritual healing of self and others.

November 11, 2020:  Veterans Day Celebration
Join Selena Fox as she leads a remembering, honoring, and giving thanks to Veterans and their loved ones.

November 18, 2020:  Reincarnation
Join Selena Fox for a discussion on exploring and learning from past lives.

November 25, 2020:  Thanksgiving Rituals
Join Selena Fox for a discussion on creating personal, household, and community ceremonies of thanksgiving.

December 2, 2020:  Yule Tree Magic
Meditations, Chants, and Rituals for selecting, decorating, and working with a Yule tree as part of Winter Solstice and Christmas time celebrations.

December 9, 2020:  Yuletide Cheer for Pandemic Year
Crafting joyful and Safe personal and household celebrations of Yuletide, including via video chats and social media.

December 16, 2020:  Good Yule!
Some rituals, symbols, foods, and customs for creating personal and household celebrations of Winter Solstice, Mothers Night, Christmas, Hogmanay, New Year, Twelfth Night, and other Happy Holidays.

December 23, 2020:  Yuletide Goddesses
Lore, imagery, and traditions of some Maiden, Mother, and Crone Goddesses around the world connected with Winter Solstice, Christmas, and New Year celebrations.

December 30, 2020:  Celebrating New Year's Eve
Creating personal and household rituals, feasts, divinations, and other celebrations at calendar year's end.

January 6, 2021:  Epiphany Traditions & Lore
Multicultural and interfaith Magi Magic for celebrating Epiphany, also known as Three Kings Day which marks the end of Yuletide and beginning of Carnival in many places around the world.  Includes Epiphany 2021 Ritual to uphold Democracy in the USA.

January 13, 2021:  Celebrating New Moon
Attuning to New Moon each month with reflections, meditations, chanting, and rituals as part of spiritual practice and development.

January 20, 2021:  Goddess Bless American
Learen about Lady Liberty, Lady Justice, Columbia, Minerva, and other goddesses with roots in ancient Pagan cultures and their evolution in the USA.  Explore ways to work with American Goddesses for personal and social well-being.
Encore from July 4, 2014.

January 27, 2021:  Celebrating Brigid at Imbolc
Explore ways to attune to and work with the Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc in late January and early February in the Northern Hemisphere.

February 3, 2021:  Interfaith and Multiculturla Goddesses
Exploring some of the Goddesses around the world who have evolved over time as divinities honored by people from multiple religions, languages, countries, and cultures.

February 10, 2021:  Crone Goddesses
Symbols, lore, attributes, adn transformative spiritual work with some Goddesses taking forms of old, wise, and powerful female divinities.

February 17, 2021:  Goddesses Around the Wheel of the Year
Exploring Goddesses and Great Goddess aspects associated with each of the eight Sabbats of the Wiccan/Pagan year, occurring at the beginning and midpoints of the four seasons.

February 24, 2021:  Goddess Shrine Rituals
Sacred work with Goddess Shrines, old and new.  Creating and tending a Goddess Shrine at home.

March 3, 2021:  Goddess Circles and Women's History
Celebrating Women's History Month with an examination of some of the contributions of multicultural and interfaith Goddess Spirituality in the 20th and 21st centuries.

March 10, 2021:  Priestess Life Reflections
Selena Fox shares some memories and learnings from her development as a priestess over the past fifty years.

March 17, 2021:  Pagan Ireland
Irish Pagan sacred sites, history, spirituality , lore, and customs, old and new.

March 24, 2021:  Circles of Womanhood
Rituals for celebrating Maiden, Mother, and Crone life passages.

March 31, 2021:  Spring Rituals
Spring customs, imagery, chants, tonics, charms, and ceremonies for cleansing, healing, creative inspiration, and well-being.

April 7, 2021:  Dancing with Dionysus
Some ancient and contemporary ways of working with the ancient Greek God Dionysus and His symbols, forms, stories, and powers for healing, inner wisdom, ecstatic celebration, and personal transformation.

April 14, 2021:  Bast Cat Magic
Attuning to and working with the ancient Egyptian Cat Goddess Bast for personal healing, cat blessings, and celebrations.

April 21, 2021:  Earth Day Meditations
Deepening connections with Planet Earth locally and globally through Nature walks, Nature awareness, and Nature communion at Earth Day and year round.

April 28, 2021:  Beltane Fires
Some old and new ways of celebrating the Celtic Fire Festival of Beltane with personal and community fire rituals, meditations, processions, and bonfires.

May 5, 2021:  Greenwood Magic
Some old and new ways of connecting and working with Forests in the Springtime.

May 12, 2021:  New Moon Meditations
Communing wtih the New Moon through Meditations for healing, well-being, and insights.

May 19, 2021:  Tree Spirits
Attuning to and working with Trees of different types and forms as part of spiritual practice.

May 26, 2021:  Full Moon Meditations
Communing with the Full Moon through Meditations for healing, well-being, and insights.
Encore from September 2, 2020

June 2, 2021:  MidSummer Month Celebrations
Welcoming in Summer time with old & new customs for personal and household celebrations of Summer Solstice, LGBTQ Pride month, Juneteenth, St. John's Eve, Fathers' Day, & MidSummer weekend.  

June 9, 2021:  Herbs, Foods, and Flowers of Summer Solstice
Lore and ritual uses of Mugwort, St. John's Wort, Yarrow, Strawberries, and other plants as part of Summer Solstice rituals.

June 16, 2021:  Summer Solstice Around the World
Celebrating Summer Solstice with customs, symbols, sacred stories, and festivals across cultures and through time. 

June 23, 2021:  MidSummer Night's Fairyland
Exploring Fairy Folk connections with Summer Solstice time.  Includes guided journey.

June 30, 2021:  Liberty & Justice Goddesses
Sacred work with ancient and contemporary forms of Libertas (Lady Liberty) & Justitia (Lady Justice).

July 7, 2021:  Forest Life
Reflections on living in a forest and experiences being part of a woodland ecosystem.

July 14, 2021:  Forest Therapy
Healing and wellness through forest walks, forest bathing, and forest psychotherapy.

July 21, 2021:  Forest Enchantments
Forest magic, meditations, and rituals.

Jully 28, 2021:  Lughnasadh & Lammastide Traditions
Some ancient and contemporary lore and ways of celebrating the Celtic Fire Festival of Lughnasadh also known as Lammas.

August 4, 2021:  Sacred Sun Rituals
Some ways of attuning to and communing with the Sacred Sun with rituals, chants, and meditations.

August 11, 2021:  Sacred Sun Divinities
Multicultural exploratoins of Solar Goddesses, Gods, Animal Spirits, and other Divine Forms across time and around the world.

August 18, 2021:  Sacred Sun Places
Some ancient and contemporary Temples, Stone Circles, Pyramids, and other Sacred Sites aligned with the Sun.  Creating and working with a Sacred Sun altar at home.

August 25, 2021:  Sacred Sun Charms
Sun Magic with herbs, trees, stones, and symbols aligned with the Sun.

September 1, 2021:  Autumn Traditions
Explore some Autumnal holidays, customs, and symbols from around the world.  Create and enhance personal and household Autumn rituals.

September 8, 2021:  Apple Magic
Sacred work with Apple trees, fruit, seeds, wood, cider, and orchards.  Apple lore, charms, and rituals.

September 15, 2021:  Harvest Altars
Creating and working with Harvest Altars for personal, household, and community Harvest rituals, feasts, and celebrations.

September 22, 2021:  Autumn Equinox Ceremony
Celebrating Equinox, Autumn, and Harvest in a guided ritual experience with reflections, meditations, invocations, blessings, and thanksgiving.

September 29, 2021:  Harvesting & Preserving Herbs
Harvest tools, rituals, and best practices for gathering, preserving, and storing herb leaves, flowers, seeds, stems, and roots.

October 6, 2021:  Samhain & Halloween Lore & Decor
Explore Samhain and Halloween symbols and customs, and some ways to incorporate imagery into personal and household observances.

October 13, 2021:  Ancestral Places
Explore some ways to connect with lands, homes, cemeteries, and other places associated with Ancestors, and ways to work with these places to deepen understanding of your Ancestors and self at Samhain and throughout the year.

October 20, 2021:  Samhain Full Moon Ritual
Celebrate Samhain and the Full Moon in this guided ritual ritual that includes the honoring of Ancestors and the Celtic New Year.
Encore from October 27, 2015

October 27, 2021:  Samhain Transformations Ritual
Ceremony of personal relfections, connections, repatterning, and renewal at Samhain time.

November 3, 2021:  Samhain Dark Moon Rite
Celelbrate Samhain time with this Dark Moon Ritual of release and renewal.

November 10, 2021:  Supporting Military Pagans
Remembering, honoring, and supporting Pagan Veterans and their families.

November 17, 2021:  Goddess Divination
Sacred work with Goddess Shrines, Oracles, and Rituals for insights and guidance.

November 24, 2021:  Thanksgiving Meditations
Creating and experiencing some gratitude and thanksgiving meditations.

December 1, 2021:  Yuletide Altars
Examine some types of altars that can be created and used as part of Yuletide celebrations.  Explore the use of Winter Solstice herbs, symbols, candles, and deity imagery.

December 8, 2021:  Yule Log Rituals and Traditions
Explore ancient and contemporary Yule Log ceremonies and customs.  Learn about different types fo Yule Logs and some ways of working with a Yule Log as part of celebratin gWinter Solstice.

December 15, 2021 - Io! Saturnalia:  Roman Pagan Solstice
Learn about the weeklong Roman Pagan Winter Solstice festivals fo Saturnalia and ways that its symbols, foods, traditins, and merry-making have contributed to Christmas celebrations, New Year's parties, and contemporary Pagan Yuletide.
Encore from Nature Magic, December 22, 2015

December 22, 2021 - Yuletide Giftbringers
Discover the Pagan and Christian roots of Santa Claus.  Explore the lore of other Yule Giftbringers including Holda (Germany), Julnisse (Norway), Yule Goat (Finland), Father Christmas (France), Krampus (Austria), La Befana (Italy), Old Man Frost (Lithuania), St. Nicholas (Holland), Grandfather Snow (Uzbekistan), Santa Lucia (Sweden), and others.
Encore from Circle Craft Study, December 25, 2012

December 29, 2021 - New Year Magic
Explore some ancient and contemporary ways of celebrating the ending and beginning of the calendar year, including year-in-review, home blessing, charitable giving, fireworks, revelry, meditation, resolutions, and divination.
Encore from Nature Magic, December 28, 2015

January 5, 2022 - Befana Night Ritual
Attune and commune with Befana, ancient Italian Crone Goddess & Christmas Witch.  Connect with her symbols, lore, and magic on Her special night, January 5 in this ritual that includes invocations, meditation, and divination. 

January 12, 2022 - Brigid Goddess Lore, Symbols & Powers
Explore some of the sacred plants, creatures, symbols, stories, places, and powers associated with the Goddess Brigid.  Learn about Brigid as Celtic Goddess and Saint, and some ways She is honored around the world today.

January 19, 2022 - Brigid Invocations & Meditations
Some ancient and contemporary prayers, poems, and incantations for invoking and attuning to the Goddess Brigid.  Some meditative ways of communing with the Goddess Brigid for healing, inspiration, and empowerment.

January 26, 2022 - Brigid Imbolc Traditions
Connect with the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc, the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.  Learn ways celebrating Imbolc with Brigid Crosses, Brigid Mantles, Bride Beds, Brigid Stories, Brigid Wells, and Brigid Fire.

February 2, 2022 - Candlemas Magic
Explore ancient and contemporary Pagan and Christian lore, customs, and traditions that are part of February 2 Candlemas celebrations.  Learn about Candlemas connections with the Celtic Fire Festival of Imbolc and American folkways of Ground Hogs Day.  Celebrate United Nations Interfaith Harmony Week with a guided Candlemas ritual.

February 9, 2022 - Incense Rituals
Some ways of burning dried herbs, gum resins, and/or powdered blends in ceremonies.  Using the smoke for one or more sacred purposes, such as offerings, meditation, consecration, healing, relaxation, inspiration, divination, and empowerment.

February 16, 2022 - Ceremonial Rattles
Selection and use of shakers, sistra, and other types of ritual rattles for cleansing, healing, energizing, and celebration rituals.

February 23, 2022 - Spiritual Cleansing
Sacred work with herbs, stones, imagery, sounds, meditations, and rituals for dispelling illness, stress, and negativity and to aid healing, renewal, and wellness.

March 2, 2022:  Celebrating New Moon
Personal and household meditations, rituals, and traditions for attuning to and working with the New Moon.

March 9, 2022:  Spiritual Journaling & Magical Diaries
Creating and workign with personal grimoires, books of shadows, magical diaries, dream logs, and spiritual journals.

March 16, 2022:  Spring Magic
Explore ways of working with Spring symbols, customs, and rituals for personal healing, growth, and transformation.

March 23, 2022:  Springtime Renewal
Guided Springtime meditative ritual journey of personal rebirth and renewal.

March 30, 2022:  Communing with Mother Earth
Deepening connections with Planet Earth through sacred work with Mother Earth Goddess rituals and meditations.

April 6, 2022:  Circle Green
Exploring environmental education, ecoactivism, and ecospirituality work of Circle Sanctuary, its Community, and its Land - Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in the Driftless Area bioregion of southwestern Wisconsin USA.

April 13, 2022:  Greening Death
Sacred work with Nature imagery in end-of-life counseling, meditations, crossing over rituals, funerals, and burials.  Considerations for Green burial and Green cemeteries.

April 20, 2022:  Earth Day Rituals
Some ideas for creating and facilitation personal, household, and community ceremonies for Earth Day celebrations.

April 27, 2022:  Beltane Fairy Magic
Exploring Fairy Folk customs and rituals for celebrating Beltane.



Moon Magic with Jeanet Ewing (RedWolf):

Celebrate the mystery, myth, and magick of the moon!  In the early half of each month we will explore concepts and practices of magic associated with the full moon each month of the year.  This will be followed by a full moon ritual in the second half of the month.

Thursdays at 8:00 pm

March 21, 2019:  Full Moon Ritual 
For the Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, & Sap Moon - honoring the time of balance during the Full Moon.

April 4, 2019:  Abundance Magic 
Discussion of herbs, crystals, and spellwork for new growth & creating abundance; will also include discussion of suburban & urban gardening for magic.

April 18, 2019:  Full Moon Ritual 
For the Pink Moon, Seed Moon, & Planting Moon - honoring the Seed Moon by planting seeds of change for new growth in our lives.

May 2, 2019:  Flower Magic 
Exploring correnspondences and magic associated with many common flowers and incorporating them in your magical workings.

May 16, 2019:  Full Moon Ritual 
For the Flower Moon, Dyad Moon, Willow Moon, & Corn Planting Moon - connecting with the May moon for fertility in all your endeavors.

May 31, 2019:  Magic for Creating Prosperity and Abundance in Your Life
Exploring prosperity and abundance magic through the use of fire and other magical tools.

June 13, 2019:  Full Moon Ritual
For the Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Mead Moon, Honey Moon, and the Strong Sun Moon and Rose Moon, the Mead Moon, the Full Moon will incorporate fire elements in honor of the Strong Sun Moon.

June 27, 2019:  Magic of the Home and Hearth
Discussing magic centered on the home and hearth as we lead in to the coming harvest season.

July 19, 2019: Moon Magic with Jeanet Ewing - Summer Full Moon Ritual
This weekend we are at the Mystic South Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, and will be leading our full moon ritual live from the hotel.  Join us as we honor July's Full Moon (Thunder Moon, Buck Moon, and Blessing Moon) with a journey to connect with the power of Thunder to empower us to make change withing ourselves and our world.

August 1, 2019:  Moon Magic with Jeanet Ewing - Lughnassadh and the Magic of Lugh
Tonight we will discuss the many aspects fo the Celtic Sun God Lugh, known as the God of all arts and crafts.  We will also discuss ways to celebrate Lughnassadh, the first harvest festival of the Wheel of the Year.

August 15, 2019: August Full Moon Ritual
This month we are honoring August's Full Moon (Green Corn Moon, Barley Moon, Grain Moon, and Fruit Moon) harvesting the energy of Lughnassadh for healing and wellness.

August 29, 2019:   Harvest Magic
Tonight we will discuss ways of connecting with and celebrating the coming harvest.

September 12, 2019:  Fall Harvest Moon Ritual 
The month of September is a time of harvest and reaping the bounty of Mother Earth.  Join us as we celebrate the full moon of September, known as the Harvest Moon, the Full Corn Moon, and Barley Moon.  This month's ritiaul will focus on abundance, prosperity, and job work.

September 26, 2019:  Protection Magic and Waning Moon Work
As the nights grow longer, we turn our thoughts toward home and hearth to prepare for dark times ahead.  This month's Moon Magic discussion will focus on various methods of personal and home protection, as well as other types of magic that can be performed during the waning moon.

October 10, 2019:  October Full Moon Ritual
Join us this month for our Full Moon ritual honoring October's Full Moon called the Hunters Moon, the Blood Moon, the Dying Moon, and the Falling Leaf Moon.  This month's magical working will focus on protection of the self, family, and home as we prepare for the dark days of the wheel of the year.

October 31, 2019:  Special Samhain Night Show
Join us on this special Samhain night show as we discuss the many customs and magical practices associated with Samhain.  We will also have a short ritual to honor our ancestors at the end fo the harvest.

November 14, 2019:  Special Guest Byron Ballard
The dark time of the year can be a powerful time to perform introspective work, shadow work, and baneful magic.  Join us as we discuss all of this and more wiht Asheville's Village Witch, author, and folklorist Byron Ballard!

November 28, 2019:  Connecting with the Ancestors
The dark time of the year can be a powerful time for introspection and meditation.  it is also a time when many seek to connect with those friends and family who have passed beyond the veil.  In this encore presentation from November 2015, Jeanet and David Ewing discuss various methods for connecting with familiy, community, and spiritual ancestors.

December 12, 2019:  December Full Cold Moon Ritual
December is a time when we prepare for the shortest days and longest nights of the year.  On this month's full moon, called the Cold Moon and the Long Night's Moon we will work on ridding ourselves of baggage and activities that no longer serve us and perform spellwork on those things we aspire to in the new year.

December 26, 2019:  December New Moon New Year Prosperity
December is a time when we celebrate Yuletide and welcome the new year.  On tonight's show we will lead a new moon ritual nad harness the moon's growing energy for luck and prosperity in the coming year.

January 9, 2020:  January Full Wolf Moon Ritual
The full moon of January is called the Wolf Moon, the Quiet Moon, and the Moon of Little Winter.  January is a great time to set your intentions and make new goals and changes in the coming year.  Join us as we use this Full Moon to create new goals for ourselves.

January 23, 2020:  Cleansing Magic
As we aproach Imbolc our attention turns to cleansing our home and our spiritual environment for the coming Spring.  Imbolc is also a time for some to perform initiations in to magical traditions or re-dedicate themselves to their current path.  On this episode, we will discuss various methods of cleansing your home and spiritual space.  We will also discuss various things to consider when performing a self-dedication/re-dedication.

February 6, 2020:  February Full Snow Moon Ritual
The full moon of February is call the Snow Moon, the Hunger Moon, and the Bone Moon.  This is a time when many dedicate themselves or re-dedicate themselves on their spiritual path.  This is also a time when many cleanse their ritual tools.
Join us as we use the energies of this Full Moon to cleanse our altar tools and dedicate/re-dedicate ourselves on our spiritual paths.

February 20, 2020:  Goddesses of Early Spring
As we celebrate the energy of Imbolc and prepare for Spring, we will discuss the magic of Brigid, Ostara, Freya, and other Goddesses associated with Spring and rebirth.

March 5, 2020:  March Full Storm Moon Ritual
The full moon of March is called the Storm Moon and the Worm Moon, a time when burrowing worms prepare the Earth for the growth of the new shoots in the Spring.  This is a good time to perform magickal work focusing on balance, rebirth, and fertility, and it can be a great time to start thinking of the things you would like to grow in your life.  This month we will bless seeds that will represent the various goals you would like to achieve during this growing season.

March 19, 2020:  Special Spring Equinox Ritual
The Spring Equinox, or Ostara, is a time when we celebrate balance, rebirth, fertility, and the return of growing things to the Earth.  Join us on this special episode of Moon Magic as we perform magickal workings to create balance in our lives and celebrate the rebirth of the land.

March 26, 2020:  Plant & Fungus Totems with Lupa Greenwolf
The month of March is a time when we welcome the Spring Equinox and new growth, an awakening of Mother Earth.  Join us as we discuss ways we can connect with plant and fungus totems with author and artist Lupa Greenwolf. 

April 9, 2020:  April Full Moon Ritual
The full moon of April is associated with becoming and growing as it is a time of change.  This full moon, we will channel the energy of the April Full Moon to rejuvenate our tired spirits and work to bring peace and calm into ourselves and our homes.  The April Full Moon is called the Pink Moon, the Hare Moon, the Wind Moon, the Grass Moon and the Egg Moon.

April 23, 2020:  Beltane Customs & Magic
Beltane is a time when many celebrate the fertility of the land.  This can also be a time for us to harness this energy for creative endeavors, and to connect with plants and trees blooming at this time.  In this episode, we will discuss the various magical practices and customs associated with Beltane and the energy of Spring.

May 7, 2020:  May Full Moon Ritual
The full moon of May is associated with when flowers are at their peak in bloom and when corn is ready to be planted.  In this time between planting and peak, we will plant seeds to enhance protection and abundance in our lives, including working with candle magic, using charm bags, working with plants, and more.  The May Full Moon is called the Full Flower Moon, the Corn Planting Moon, the Milk Moon, the Mother's Moon, and the frog Moon.  As a bonus, the May Full Moon is a Supermoon.

May 21, 2020:  Abundance
Join Circle Ministers Jeanet & David Ewing as they discuss methods to foster forms of abundance for ourselves, friends, and family.

June 4, 2020:  June Full Moon Ritual
The full moon of June is called the Strawberry Moon, Honey Moon, Rose Moon, and the Strong Sun Moon.  This month, we will connect to the growing energy of the Summer Solstice with a ritual to gain motivation and success in our endeavors.

June 18, 2020:  Summer Solstice Ritual of Renewal
The Summer Solstice, also called Midsummer and Litha, is a time when we honor fertility and solar deities, and embrace the power of the Sun and Mother Earth. Join us as we honor the longest day of the year with a solstice ritual of purification, renewal and new growth.  As Midsummer is a time of balance between the light and darkness, we will also use the power of the Sun to burn away that which no longer serves us.

July 2, 2020:  Full Moon Ritual for Justice and Freedom
As we approach the day where we in the US celebrate our Independence as a nation, we will be leading a full moon ritual for freedom and justice for all. During this Full Moon, we will call on the Goddesses of Liberty and Justice to lend their powers to aid those fighting for equality and justice in our community.
This is also known as the Blessing Moon, Hay Moon, Wheat Moon, Meadow Moon, and the Wort Moon.

July 23, 2020:  First Harvest Discussion for Lughnasadh
During this discussion we will talk about preparing for the upcoming Lughnasadh, focusing on the things we will be gathering during this first harvest including those goals we may have set for ourselves earlier in the year and checking their progress.
We will also briefly discuss first fruits, vegetables, and herbs harvested at this time of the year.

August 6, 2020:  Full Corn Moon Ritual
The full moon of August is called the Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, the Wheat Moon, the Blackberry Moon, and the Sturgeon Moon. In this time of harvest, we will harness this energy to focus on our physical health and well being, protect our home and loved ones, and prepare for the difficulties that lie ahead.

August 20, 2020:  The Magic of Herbs for Spellwork & Ritual
In this episode we will discuss the uses of many common and not-so-common herbs for use in spellwork, full moon rituals, sabbats, and aother magical workings.  We will discuss how to harvest, dry, and store herbs, leaves, and flowers for long term potency. We will also provide incense recipies for herbs to use in spells for prosperity, well being and protection, for harvest rituals, and how to use herbs for other magicak purposes.

September 3, 2020:  September Full Moon Ritual of Gratitude
This full moon of September is also known as the Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, the Grain Moon, and the Fruit Moon.
It has been a difficult time for many of us during this year.  With all the hardships and challenges we have faced, we will take some time during this ritual to use the energy of this moon to focus on giving gratitude for what we have including a discussion about the Gratitude Project.

September 17, 2020:  The Magic of Herbs Continued
In this episode of Moon Magic, we will continue our discussion on the uses of many common and not-so-common herbs to create tinctures, teas, washes, using hydrosols, and creating magical blends with herbs and essential oils.

October 1, 2020:  October Full Moon Ritual of Grounding
This full moon is the Harvest Moon, being the full Moon closest to the Fall Equinox, the Dying Grass Moon, and the Sanguine Moon.
As we move in to the dark time of the year, we see variuoos elements of Nature preparing for the coming Winter by drawing in as well as drawing down closer to the Earth.
Tonight, we will take time to reflect on and reset our goals and intentions.  We will perform a grounding, reflective meditation to assess where we are, ground ourselves, and prepare ourselves for the dark time of the year.

October 15, 2020:  Special Guest Amy Blackthorn
Tonight, we welcome our special guest Amy Blackthorn to Moon Magic to discuss what she's been up to recently, how she's weathered 2020, and her newest book, Blackthorn's Botanical Brews: Herbal Potions, Magical Teas, and Spirited Libations!

October 29, 2020:  October Blue Moon Ritual of Protection
The second full moon of October this year is also known as the Hunter Moon and this year is a Blue Moon.
In tonight's ritual, we will call on the Goddesses of Protection and the wisdom of our Ancestors to help protect the upcoming election process in the United States.  We will ask for protection of the ballots, protection of voters to ensure they are able to safely cast their votes, protection of the mail service in carrying ballots submitted by mail, protection of election workers for their safety in the process, protection to ensure the entire electoral process is fair.

November 19, 2020:  Journey Work and Guided Meditations
On tonight's program, Jeanet and David will discuss journey work and guided meditations, including the various ways these practices can connect one with threir Ancestors, spirit guides, and more.

December 3, 2020:  Beaver Moon Full Moon Ritual
The last full moon before the Winter Solstice is called the Beaver Moon, Snow Moon, Frost Moon, Moon of Feasting and the Mourning Moon.
This is a time to prepare for the dark nights of Winter, to rid ourselves of habits and relationships that do not serve us and to mourn those we have lost.
On this show, our ritual will focus on washing away those habits that do not serve us and also take some time to mourn those we have lost this year.

December 17, 2020:  Winter Solstice Magic
As the calendar year winds down, we also take time to slow down and look inward as we approach the Winter Solstice.
Tonight, we will discuss ways to connect wiht and harness the energy of the darkest night of the year.

December 31, 2020:  Full Moon Ritual for the New Year
The Full Moon of December, called the Cold Moon and the Long Nights Moon, is a time for introspection and change.  
Join us as we say good-bye to the chaos and upheaval of 2020 and welcome positive change for 2021.

January 14, 2021:  Goddesses of the Dark Time:  Cerridwen and Hecate
While there are many Goddesses associated with the full and waxing moon, there are very few that are associated with the waning or dark moon.  On tonight's show, we will discuss the mythology, symbolism, and magic associated with Cerridwen and Hecate.

January 28, 2021:  January Full Wolf Moon Ritual - Guidance from Cerridwen
The Full Moon of January is called the Wolf Moon and is also called the Cold Moon and the Quiet Moon.  Join us as we embrace this time of transformatoin where we call in Cerridwen for wisdom, introspection, and growth in this new year.

February 11, 2021:  Working with Amulets, Talismans, and Charms
There are many different tools that magical practitioners utilize to aid them in their daily lives.  Tonight, we will discuss how to create and empower amulets, charms, and talismans for protection, healing, employment, and more.

February 25, 2021:  February Full Snow Moon Arianrhod Ritual
This moon is also known as the Storm Moon, the Hunger Moon, and the Bone Moon.  This is the time where we begin to come out of our hibernation and prepare for the season of change and rebirth.  This month, we will connect with the Goddess Arianrhod and work with her energies of rebirth.

March 11, 2021:  Goddess of Spring
Springtime is often associated with the greening of the Earth and fertility of living things.  Join us as we explore Goddesses associated with the fertility and growth of Springtime, including Persophone, Demeter, Brigid, Freyja, and more.  We will wrap up our podcast with a short meditation to connect with these aspects of the divine feminine.

March 25, 2021:  March Full Storm Moon Ritual
The full moon of March is called the Storm Moon, Worm Moon, Goose Moon, Eagle Moon, and the Wind Strong Moon.  The full moon of March is also associated with Artemis, a powerful maiden goddess of the moon who protects women & children and is the patroness of animals & forests.  Join us as we work with these Springtime energies to protect to protect and empower women and children. 

April 15, 2021:  Making a Magical Garden
Spring is a time for many who follow earth-centered paths to begin planning their garden for the growing season.  The act of tilling the earth, planting, and harvesting is also a powerful grounding tool and is associated with many forms of magic.  In this episode, we will discuss ways of creating small and large gardens to connect with our deities, the elements of nature, the magic of pollinators and more.

April 29, 2021:  April Full Moon Beltane Ritual
The full moon of April this year also coincides with the season of Beltane.  This is a time when the earth is greening and is an opportunity to harness these energies to plant seeds for new growth.  The winds of April also bring new beginnings.  Join us as we lead a Full Moon Beltane ritual to bring in the winds of change and plants seeds of new growth for the year.

May 13, 2021:  Fire Festivals Around the World
People of many different cultures have worshipped and celebrated fire in the form of festivals around the world for millennia.  In this episode, we will explore the practices and origins of global fire festivals that occur throughout the year.

May 27, 2021:  May Full Moon Bast Ritual
The full moon of May is called the Flower Moon, the Budding Moon, the Frog Moon, and the Full Corn Planting Moon, and is a time of fertility and pleasure.  In this episode, we will honor and celebrate the magic of the Moon Goddess Bastet and connect with her powers of fertility, joy, and protection.

June 10, 2021:  Gods of Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice is celebrated as the longest day of the year and the beginning of summer when the Sun is at the height of its power.  Join us as we explore Father Gods, Sun Gods, and Sky Gods of the Summer Solstice, also known at Midsummer and Litha.

June 24, 2021:  June Full Moon Ritual
The full moon of June is called the Strong Sun Moon, the Honey Moon, the Strawberry Moon, and the Green Corn Moon. This is a time of balance between the sun at the height of its power and the energy of the full moon.
This month we will use these powerful dual energies to enhance the projects we started earlier this year, and strengthen the bonds of family, friendships, and tribe.

July 8, 2021:  Goddesses of Midsummer
Join us as we explore and connect with Goddesses of the Sun and Midsummer from cultures around the world.

June 22, 2021:  July Full Moon Ritual
The Full Moon of July is known as the Blessing Moon, the Hay Moon, the Buck Moon, the Thunder Moon, and the Wort (Herb) Moon.  In this month's ritual, we will connect with the energies of the Wort Moon to attune with and strengthen our bonds with our plant spirit allies.  Please have an image or cutting of a plant you would like to connect with to aid you in the attunement.

August 5, 2021:  Working with Resins
Plant resins have been used in meditations, prayers, and medicines around the world for over 5,000 years.  In this episode we will explore the origins and uses of frankincense, myrrh, dragon's blood, and other resins for meditations, spellworking and healing.

August 19, 2021:  August Full Moon Ritual
The Full Moon of August is known as the Corn Moon, the Barley Moon, the Grain Moon, and Ricing Moon.  This month marks the first month of the harvest in many places in the Northern Hemisphere.  In this month's ritual we will take some time to harvest those aspects of ourselves we wish to flouish and get rid of those that no longer serve us.

September 2, 2021:  Discussion with Byron Ballard
Join us as we talk with Asheville's Villlage Witch, Byron Ballard, about her most recent book, Seasons Of A Magical Life, her recent travels, projects and more!

September 23, 2021:  September Full Moon and Mabon Ritual
The Full Moon of September is called the Harvest Moon, the Barley Moon, the Grain Moon, and the Falling Leaves Moon.  This is also the month of the Fall Equinox, also called Mabon, and is associated with the harvest and abundance, but also transitions and is a time of balance.  In this episode, our ritual will focus on connecting wiht those aspects of light and dark to aid us in creating balance in our lives.

October 7, 2021:  Working with Baneful Herbs
Samhaintide is a time when many people increase their home and personal protection. In this episode we will discuss the use of baneful plants for protection, banishing, and other kinds of defensive magic.

October 21, 2021:  October Full Moon Ancestor Ritual
Samhain is a time when many seek to develop and strengthen the bonds of connections with our ancestors of blood, community, and culture.  In this ritual we will work with the moon Goddess Cerridwen to connect with and seek wisdom from our ancestors.

November 4, 2021:  Working with Animal Spirit Guides
As we move into Winter and the dark time of the year our thoughts turn to meditative work.  In this episode we will explore several methods of developing and connecting with animal spirit guides.  In the last half of the show we will lead a guided meditatoin to aid you in discovering your animal spirit guides.

November 18, 2021:  November Full Moon Transformation Ritual
The full moon of November is called the Beaver Moon, the Frost Moon, the Mourning Moon, and the First Snow Moon.  This is a time when many begin to turn inward toward self-reflection, let go of the past, and prepare for the new year.  In this ritual we will connect with the sacred elements of nature for transformation, cleansing, and release.

December 2, 2021:  Connecting with Animal Spirit Guides Part 2
Join us for a continuation of our work with animal spirit guides as we explore methods to connect wiht our guides.  In this episode we include a short journey to help you find or connect with your animal spirit guides.

December 16, 2021:  December Full Cold Moon Ritual
December is a time when we prepare for the shortest days and longest nights of the year.  On this month's full moon, called the Cold Moon and the Long Night's Moon, we will work on ridding ourselves of baggage and activities that no longer serve us and perform spellwork on those things we aspire to in the new year.
Encore from December 12, 2019

January 6, 2022:  Icelandic Myths and Mysteries
Join us as we share stories from our recent trip to Iceland.  Hear stories about trolls, elves, hidden people, ghosts, gods, and more!

January 20, 2022:  January Full Moon Ritual
January's full moon is known by many names:  the Wolf Moon, Ice Moon, Quiet Moon, Cold Moon, Severe Moon and Spirit Moon.  This can be an excellent time for self-reflection and rumination as well as an ideal opportunity to find inspiriation for new projects and life goals.  In this ritual we will connect with powers of this full moon for inspiration in helping us form our new goals for the year.

February 3, 2022:  Winter Magic
As we move into the snowiest month of the year for many in the Northern latitudes, the influence of Winter is all around us, including our magical work.  In this episode we will discuss ways of using snow, ice, and other wintry energy in spells, meditations, and rituals.

February 17, 2022:  February Full Snow Moon Ritual
February is still cold but there are signs in nature that the snow is melting and spring is coming.  In this ritual we will use the power of the melting snow as a tool for healing and cleansing mind, body, and spirit.

March 3, 2022:  Plant & Fungus Totems with Lupa Greenwolf
Join us as we discuss ways we can connect with plant and fungus totems with author and artist Lupa Greenwolf.  For more information about Lupa, visit
Encore from March 2020

March 17, 2022:  March Full Storm Moon Ritual
The full moon of March is called the Storm Moon, Worm Moon, Goose Moon, Eagle Moon, and the Wind Strong Moon. The full moon of March is also associated with Artemis, a powerful maiden goddess of the moon who protects women and children, and is the patroness of wild animals and forests.  Join us as we work with these springtime energies to protect and empower women and children.
Encore from March 2020

April 14, 2022:  The Magic of Trees
April is a time when many trees have begun to flower in North America and Europe. This can be a wonderful time to reconnect with our favorite trees after a long winter.  In this episode, we will discuss common trees native to the northern hemisphere, their magical properties, and how to incorporate tree spirit helpers into magical workings, rituals and more.
Note:  Due to both hosts being ill with COVID-19, the April episode was an encore where Jeanet and David discussed making a magical garden.

As we enter the month of May we are changing our show format with rituals at or around each new moon.  In this episode, we will celebrate the new moon and Beltane with a ritual using balefire for purification, protection, and prosperity. 

May 19, 2022: The Magic of Trees
Spring is a time when many trees have begun to flower in North America and Euorpe.  This can be a wonderful time to reconnect with our favorite trees after a long Winter.  In this episode, we will discuss trees native to the northern hemisphere, their magical properties, and how to incorporate tree spirit helpers into magical workings, rituals, and more.
This particular discussion was scheduled for April 2022 but had to be re-scheduled due to both hosts being ill with COVID-19 at that time. 

June 2, 2022:  New Moon in Gemini Ritual
As the first of our New Moon Ritual podcasts, we will focus each month on the astrological sign when each new moon appears.  This month the new moon of May is in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury and is associated with the element of Air.  In this show, we will lead a New Moon Ritual to set our intentions for increasing our creativity, connections, and speaking our truth. 

June 16, 2022:  Summer Solstice Stone and Crystal Magic
Summer Solstice is a time when the Sun is at its zenith in the Northern Hemisphere and the days are the longest.  For many, the brightness and heat of the Sun is associated with the element of Fire.  In this show, we will discuss gemstones and crystals associated with the element of fire, and how to incorporate them in spellwork, rituals, and meditations to connect with the energy of Summer. 

June 30, 2022:  June New Moon in Cancer Ritual
For the June New Moon in Cancer, we will work the energy of the New Moon in Cancer.  This is a good time to focus on re-centering yourself and reconnecting with the safety of your home as a respite from the rest of the world.  Tonight, we will work on building on that connection with your safe place and re-centering as we crest the mid-point of the year. 

July 14, 2022:  Full Moon Stone and Crystal Magic
This month we will continue our discussion on stones with a discussion on the uses and properties of stones and crystals associated with the Moon, which happens to be full the night before our show. We will also discuss stones and crystals associated with the element of water, as this element is also strongly tied to the Moon. 

July 28, 2022:  New Moon in Leo Lughnasadh Ritual
This month we will celebrate the new moon in Leo with a ritual to connect with our creative selves.  We will also take some time to celebrate the First Harvest of the season. 




Paganos del Mundo with Laura Gonzalez:

Saturdays at 7:00 pm Eastern

20 de Abril 2019 (April 20):  Paganos Del Mundo con Harwe Twileva
Porque enamorarse es divino, este programa va a ser el primero de nuestros viajes por la mitología, explorando el concepto de amor, deseo y cortejo en dioses y diosas de diferentes culturas. Es mediante este cortejo que personas de todas las civilizaciones han explicado, en una concepción muy relacionada con el animismo, cómo se han dado los ciclos de la vida y de la fertilidad, de los que hasta hace muy poco hemos dependido en gran medida. Acompáñanos en este primer viaje por las culturas paganas del mundo.

4 de Mayo 2019 (May 4):  Brujería y rebeldía: Los linajes de Lucifer, Diana y Aradia
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La brujería moderna como movimiento religioso y espiritual, pero también como un acto político de rebeldía y reclamación del poder negado

18 de Mayo 2019 (May 18):  Chamanismo Transcultural
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Nuestro viaje de este programa lo haremos a través del chamanismo, un sistema de creencias que, aunque se ha ligado únicamente al chamanismo norteamericano, en realidad, ha estado presente en multitud de lugares en todo el mundo y, aún hoy día, se practica en algunas comunidades. No dejes de acompañarnos en un recorrido apasionante en el que veremos que el chamanismo traspasa fronteras en el tiempo y en el espacio.

25 de Maio 2019 (May 25):  Entrevista com Wagner Perico
Pagãnos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Wagner é uma das personalidades mais importantes do paganismo brasileiro, tendo acompanhado e contribuído para o movimento das espiritualidades da Terra. Ele começou sua vida mágica no ocultismo, e depois, nos anos 90 se aproximou da bruxaria, chegando a organizar o primeiro encontro de bruxaria no Brasil em 1998.  Tendo passado por diferentes fases e vertentes, acabou conhecendo a tradição germânica Wanen, a qual trouxe para o Brasil. Vamos conversar um pouco sobre a história dele na magia e no paganismo, como ele observa que esse panorama e como a própria comunidade vem mudando através das décadas e também entender quais partes de uma vida bruxa fazem mais sentido e mexem com ele desde sempre.

1 de Junio 2019 (June 1):  La Diosa Oscura: Un recorrido por lo sagrado femenino oculto
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Conocer el poder de la sombra de lo sagrado femenino y sus diferentes manifestaciones culturales, psíquicas y religiosas.

8 de Junio 2019 (June 8):  Casas Astrológicas 
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Mónica Gobbin nos comparte parte de su sabiduría Astrológica para entender más a fondo el significado y uso práctico de las casas astrológicas.

15 de Junio 2019 (June 15):  Humor 
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
¿Quién dijo que nuestros dioses son serios? Al igual que los humanos, algunos dioses muestran mucho sentido del humor. En este programa hablaremos de los rudimentos del humor, de lo absurdo y la parodia, y de cómo algunas entidades, los tricksters, son expertos en hacer reír a todos... o casi todos.

22 de Junho 2019 (June 22):  Petrucia Finkler - Preces Celtas  
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Ao recitarmos uma prece celta, deixamos de estar sozinhos, nos unimos ao coro sagrado de um povo antigo, recitamos palavras repetidas por milênios, que ecoam no cosmos em busca de alívio e solução para os problemas humanos. O sacerdote druídico Nathair Dorchadas pesquisou seriamente o tema e traz o resultado em sua coleção de Preces, Encantamentos e Rituais Celtas, livro que acaba de ser lançado pela editora Ogma Books. No nosso próximo podcast de Paganos del Mundo, vamos buscar conexões ancestrais com palavras e atos de poder através da teia do tempo.

6de Julio 2019 (July 6):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Espiritualidad de la madre tierra 
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Ecopaganismo y espiritualidades centradas en la tierra y prácticas cotidianas de religiosidad y devoción.

13 de Julio 2019 (July 13):  PDM - Laura Gonzalez - Habilidades Psíquicas 
Paganos del mundo con Laura Gonzalez desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Laura compartirá sus 30 años de conocimientos, tradiciones familiares y experiencias que te guiarán a conectar con tus habilidades psíquicas y de adivinación. Su práctica en el mundo de las habilidades psíquicas y adivinación combinan una mezcla única de magia folclórica Mexicana, practicas Wiccan y Paganas y sus experiencias personales como "Bruja a Sueldo".

20 de Julio 2019 (July 20):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - El viaje de Astarté 
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Llamada poderosísima diosa por unos y abominación por otros, Astarté recorrió todo el Mediterráneo, desde Oriente Próximo hasta la costa atlántica de España, acompañando a intrépidos comerciantes y aventureros que hicieron de ella, probablemente, una de las diosas preromanas más importantes. Acompáñanos en su viaje, que ahora también es el tuyo.

27 de Julho 2019 (July 27):  Petrucia Finkler - Três mulheres - três eventos 
Pagãnos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Há uma participação feminina importante na produção e inovação dos eventos ligados às espiritualidades da Terra no Brasil. Neste episódio, vou conversar com Ligia Ramos, que organiza há três anos a Conferência de Runas e Espiritualidade Nórdica em São Paulo, com Máh Buadach, druidesa baiana a quem coube organizar e ser a anfitriã de 2019 para o Encontro Brasileiro de Druidismo e Reconstrucionismo Celta em Salvador, e também Lua Serena, que organiza o Encontro de Tradições na cidade de Taubaté, onde ela tem uma escola de holismo. Três eventos distintos, com seus desafios e alegrias na voz e experiência de três mulheres de muita fibra e determinação.

3 de Agosto 2019 (August 3):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Oráculos y exploración espiritual
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Sistemas oraculares en la espiritualidad de la Diosa, el paganismo y la Wicca.

10 de Agosto 2019 (August 10):   PDM - Carolina Amor - La Diosa Triple
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Como trabajar con la Doncella, la Madre y la Anciana Sabia.  En los segmentos, la persona aprenderá las correspondencias de cada aspecto de la Diosa, el aspecto en los panteones y como trabajar con ellas en nuestra vida y rituales.

17 de Agosto 2019 (August 17):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Mitologías actuales: Sailor Moon 
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  En esta ocasión contamos con la participación de Daniel Raventós, Historiador del Arte y Máster en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual por la Universidad Autonóma de Madrid y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Con su ayuda y sus conocimientos, nos adentraremos en uno de los mangas y animes japoneses que nos abrió a muchos las puertas de la mitología: la inolvidable Sailor Moon, de Naoko Takeuchi.

24 de Agosto 2019 (August 24):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Magia com dragões 
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.  No episódio de agosto, entrevisto Dragony Victor Scatha e Morgana Luna Boanna. Um casal unido por amor e por amor aos dragões. Desde que a deusa Tiamat se apresentou a eles, só lhes restou se renderem e iniciarem um trabalho que já tem alguns anos e resultou em dois livros. Vamos falar dos dragões, de seu alento, dos pilares da linha de magia que o casal desenvolve e também do bando de magos e alunos que voa junto com eles pelo Brasil.

7 de Septiembre 2019 (September 7):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Brujas Feministas y su espiritualidad
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Tertulia con Laura González, Gabriela Martínez y Christian Ortiz. La espiritualidad de la Diosa y su relación con la brujería feminista y los movimientos de reivindicación de los derechos de las mujeres y niñas.

14 de Septiembre 2019 (September 14):  PDM - Mónica Gobbin - Cambiando la Perspectiva Astrológica 
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Cambiando la perspectiva astrológica: des-patriarcalizando el paradigma astrológico. El siglo XXI nos desafía a integrar la complejidad emergente del sistema solar y superar la imagen pre-copernicana del Cielo. Nuevos cuerpos celestes para un microcosmos personal más complejo

12 Septiembre 2019 (September 21):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Mitología cananea: el verdadero origen de la Biblia 
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  En esta ocasión, Harwe Tuileva presentará a las divinidades de la mitología cananea, junto con sus mitos principales. Entender a estas divinidades nos permitirá comprender mucho mejor el origen politeísta de las corrientes monoteístas más populares del mundo, sus aparentes contradicciones y su relación con el Paganismo.

28 de Setembro 2019 (September 28):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Ervas sagradas 
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.  Para este episódio, converso com Julio Archanjo. Ele é terapeuta da alma, tem um trabalho profundo com cristais e ervas para cura do corpo e da mente para assim auxiliar as pessoas no despertar para uma nova consciência. Vamos conversar sobre as ervas mais tradicionais nos meios mágicos, ervas de uso mais recente, quais ervas locais do Brasil podem substituir as importadas e também vamos falar de preservação, já que o extrativismo exagerado por exemplo da sálvia e do palo santo estão colocando essas espécies em risco.

5 de Octubre 2019 (October 5):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Oráculos y exploración espiritual
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.  Oráculos y exploración espiritual. Sistemas oraculares en la espiritualidad de la Diosa, el paganismo y la Wicca.

12 de Octubre 2019 (October 12):  PDM - Laura Gonzalez - Día de Muerto
Paganos del mundo con Laura Gonzalez desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Día de Muertos.  En este episodio, Laura González nos llevará a un viaje explorando el origen y las tradiciones del Día de los Muertos. Desde los Aztecas, hasta la sobre comercialización de esta antigua fiesta sagrada.

19 de Octubre 2019 (October 19):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Enamorarse es divino (II)
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Enamorarse es divino (II)
¡Nos lo habéis pedido! Por aclamación popular, vamos a hacer una segunda parte del programa Enamorarse es Divino, con nuevos mitos que hablan de amor, cortejo y deseo en diferentes culturas. Enamórate con Paganos del Mundo.

26 de Outubro 2019 (October 26):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Criando oráculos, entrevista com Bela Síol
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.  Criando oráculos - uma entrevista com Bela Síol.  
Bela é a criadora do Oráculo de Nehalennia, lançado em 2018, do Oráculo de Morrighan, que sai no final deste ano, além de três outros ainda em fase embrionária. Ela foi líder de covens por dez anos em Manaus, mas desde 2012 é uma praticante solitária. Há alguns anos está morando em Nova York. Vamos conversar sobre a magia de canalizar e transformar as mensagens oraculares em cartas, sobre a magia do mar, da floresta e das runas.

2 de Noviembre 2019 (November 2):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - El Velo
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En este episodio Christian nos lleva a un paseo con entre los mundos con El Velo: El Dia de Muertos y Samhain.

9 de Noviembre 2019 (November 9):  PDM - Carolina Amor - La triple Diosa
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Como trabajar con la Doncella, la Madre y la Anciana Sabia. 
En los segmentos, la persona aprenderá las correspondencias de cada aspecto de la Diosa, el aspecto en los panteones y como trabajar con ellas en nuestra vida y rituales.

16 de Noviembre 2019 (November 16):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Baba Yaga: el mito tras los cuentos
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
En este episodio Harwe nos devela y explica un mito más de su extensa colección con Baba Yaga: el mito tras los cuentos

23 de Novembro 2019 (November 23):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Resgatando encantados da nossa terra
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.  Resgatando encantados da nossa terra - uma forma de ativismo mágico. Nesta entrevista com Lilo Assenci vamos conversar sobre o surgimento e crescimento da comunidade Reclaiming no Brasil e seu trabalho no resgate de figuras como cuca, curupira e saci dentro das práticas mágicas e nos processos de ativismo bruxo. Lilo é sacerdote, estudante, ativista e professor. É um dos idealizadores da comunidade da Tradição Reclaiming no Brasil, é sacerdote hierofante da Irmandade de Ísis e ajudou a trazer para o país o projeto #nóssomosaradia.

7 de Diciembre 2019 (December 7):  Crafting Yuletide Celebrations
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Cantando sobre los huesos: Cuentos sobre la fuerza espiritual y el invierno interior. Los fuegos, la huesera, la vendedora de fósforos, la mujer esqueleto y el anillo de bodas.

14 de Diciembre 2019 (Decemeber 14):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~  Astrología del año 2020
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Astrología del año 2020: Reinicio colectivo. Durante el año 2020 se produce el cierre y comienzo de grandes ciclos. Tres conjunciones muy importantes se completan, creando un restablecimiento de la sociedad y el inicio de "La Gran Transformación" que tendrá lugar durante la próxima década, 2020-2030.

21 de Diciembre 2019 (December 21):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Humor
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Humor: ¿Quién dijo que nuestros dioses son serios? Al igual que los humanos, algunos dioses muestran mucho sentido del humor. En este programa hablaremos de los rudimentos del humor, de lo absurdo y la parodia, y de cómo algunas entidades, los tricksters, son expertos en hacer reír a todos... o casi todos.

28 de Dezembro 2019 (December 28):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Covenant of Hekate e Paganismo em Portugal
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Covenant of Hekate e Paganismo em Portugal. Em dezembro, converso com Alexia Moon. Ela é portuguesa, mora na cidade de Braga e pratica de forma solitária, com muitas influências da Bruxaria Natural e da Bruxaria de Cozinha. Na internet, Alexia tem uma participação muito ativa no Covenant of Hekate, um grupo internacional responsável pelo movimento dos Ritos dos Fogos Sagrados de Hekate. Alexia é moderadora do grupo e editora de uma página ligada ao Covenant. Vamos falar sobre Hekate, bruxaria natural e entender um pouco sobre como os movimentos pagãos são vividos e entendidos no país dela.

4 de Enero 2020 (January 4):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Lo sagrado homosexual
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Lo sagrado homosexual: Espiritualidad y diversidad sexual. El poder espiritual negado en las relaciones de amor, placer y afecto en las relaciones e identidades no heterosexuales.

11 de Enero 2020 (January 11):  PDM ~ Laura Gonzalez ~ Como crear Abundancia y Prosperidad en nuestra vida
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia
Como crear Abundancia y Prosperidad en nuestra vida: reflexiones con Laura González y Christian Ortiz  para conectar con los conceptos de Abundancia y Prosperidad desde una visión espiritual que no se pelea con el mundo material.

18 de Enero 2020 (January 18):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Enamorarse es Divino
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Enamorarse es Divino: Un viaje por la mitología explorando el concepto de amor, deseo y cortejo en dioses y diosas de diferentes culturas. Es mediante este cortejo que personas de todas las civilizaciones han explicado, en una concepción muy relacionada con el animismo, cómo se han dado los ciclos de la vida y de la fertilidad, de los que hasta hace muy poco hemos dependido en gran medida.

25 de Janeiro 2020 (January 25):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ A Magia dos Quatro Elementos
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
A Magia dos Quatro Elementos - este episódio vai abordar os múltiplos usos das correspondências dos elementos no trabalho de dois bruxos: Petrucia Finkler e Raphael Kakazu. Ela acaba de lançar seu livro, Os Quatro Saberes, uma pesquisa bastante completa abordando as possibilidades mágicas para Ar, Fogo, Água e Terra. Seu convidado é o bruxo criador da página Covil dos Feiticeiros e tem um trabalho muito forte com alquimias. Sua linha de óleos mágicos inclui sinergias específicas para convocar a presença da força dos elementos em feitiços e encantamentos.

1 de Febrero 2020 (February 1):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Meditaciones y oraciones a la Diosa
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Meditaciones y oraciones a la Diosa: Un programa devocional a los rostros de la gran madre.

8 de Febrero 2020 (February 8):  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Tarot y el camino del héroe
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.

15 de Febrero 2020 (February 15):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Enamorarse es Divino II
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Enamorarse es Divino II -¡Nos lo habéis pedido! Por aclamación popular, vamos a hacer una segunda parte del programa Enamorarse es Divino, con nuevos mitos que hablan de amor, cortejo y deseo en diferentes culturas. Enamórate con Paganos del Mundo.

22 de Fevereiro 2020 (February 22):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Dança da águia e o caminho vermelho do xamanismo
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Dança da águia e o caminho vermelho do xamanismo -Em fevereiro Petrucia Finkler conversa com Gabriel Ossian, engenheiro florestal, terapeuta xamânico e vibracional, que trilha o caminho vermelho da Sweet Medicine Sun Dance ou Dança da Águia. Esse é um caminho xamânico baseado nos ensinamentos, medicinas e ritos  de linhagens da América do Norte, com um trabalho intenso de busca de visão feito através de rituais com duração de vários dias envolvendo desafios bastante físicos. Vamos conversar sobre essas jornadas e de que forma elas contribuem para a vida dos buscadores dessa senda.

29 de Febrero 2020 (February 29):  PDM ~ Chamanismo Trancultrultural ~ Harwe Tuileva
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Chamanismo Transcultural: Nuestro viaje de este programa lo haremos a través del chamanismo, un sistema de creencias que, aunque se ha ligado únicamente al chamanismo norteamericano, en realidad, ha estado presente en multitud de lugares en todo el mundo y, aún hoy día, se practica en algunas comunidades. No dejes de acompañarnos en un recorrido apasionante en el que veremos que el chamanismo traspasa fronteras en el tiempo y en el espacio.

7 de Marzo 2020 (March 7):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Autoamor y sanacin interior
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Autoamor y sanación interior: Trabajo espiritual y psicológico con el cuerpo y autocritica.

14 de Marzo 2020 (March 14):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte I
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte I: En esta serie de Astrología Mónica nos compartirá los rasgos mas característicos de los signos del Zodiaco desde su vibración mas baja a la mas alta. Aries, Tauro y Géminis.

21 de Marzo 2020 (March 21):  PDM ~ Primer Aniversario de Paganos del Mundo
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia
En este programa especial conversaremos y festejaremos nuestro primer aniversario con los locutores de Paganos del Mundo!

28 de Março 2020 (March 28):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Virtudes e não virtudes nas cortes feéricas
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Virtudes e não virtudes nas cortes feéricas. Quem não ama falar das fadas e encantados? Em Março nosso tema é a corte Seelie e a Corte Unseelie, as hierarquias existentes nesses reinos de seres invisíveis. Petrucia Finkler vai conversar com a druidista, escritora e oraculista Rowena A. Sen?w?en, para nos contar mais sobre o folclore e as práticas druídicas ligadas a essas cortes.

4 de Abril 2020 (April 4):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Arquetipos de Diosas
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Arquetipos de Diosas: Las Diosas interiores exploradas en la obra de Jean Shinoda Bolen y su influencia en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres.

11 de Abril 2020 (April 11):  PDM - Laura González - Religiones de la Tierra
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Religiones de la Tierra: El entendimiento de nuestra experiencia espiritual a través de la sabiduría de la naturaleza, explorando los cuerpos celestes y la rueda del año.

18 de Abri 2020l (April 18):  PDM - Carolina Amor - Mancias
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Una edición especial desde los archivos de Lunes Lunáticos con Carolina Amor charlando de diferentes Mancias, práctica y aprendizaje.

25 de Abril 2020 (April 25):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Diego Dias - Tradição Alexandrina
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
A Wicca é a vertente de bruxaria mais conhecida e aceita no mundo hoje, mas ela também tem seus vários caminhos e linhagens. Neste podcast, a conversa será com Diego Dias, iniciado na Tradição Alexandrina da Wicca. Diego desenvolve palestras para desmistificar preconceitos e estigmas em relação a essa linha de prática e filosofia, esclarecendo suas possibilidades e a tessitura comum a todos os covens.

2 de Mayo 2020 (May 2):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Arquetipos de Dioses
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Arquetipos de Dioses: Los Dioses interiores explorados en la obra de Jean Shinoda Bolen y su influencia en la vida cotidiana de los hombres.

9 de Mayo 2020 (May 9):  PDM - Laura González - Rituales
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Diferentes tipos de rituales: Exploraremos por qué y para qué hacemos rituales en nuestra vida mundana y espiritual.

16 de Mayo 2020 (May 16):  PDM - Mónica Gobbin - Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte II
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte II: En esta serie de Astrología Mónica nos compartirá los rasgos mas característicos de los signos del Zodiaco desde su vibración mas baja a la mas alta. Cáncer, Leo y Virgo.

23 de Mayo 2020 (May 23):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Cris Morgan
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Qual é a Arte da bruxa? É possível ligar e desligar o botão de um ser bruxo? Ou seria uma forma de perceber, estar e relacionar-se com o mundo? Neste podcast, a bruxa, professora, taróloga e psicóloga Cris Morgan vai nos contar sobre sua visão de como nosso ofício é compreendido em termos históricos e antropológicos.

30 de Mayo 2020 (May 30):  PDM - Laura González - Habilidades Psíquicas
Paganos del mundo con Laura Gonzalez desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Una edición especial desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo: Laura González hablando de Habilidades Psíquicas.

6 de Junio 2020 (June 6):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Luis Berdeja
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Persecución, sodomía y Paganismo. Luis Berdeja como invitado.

13 de Junio 2020 (June 13):  PDM - Carolina Amor - Rueda del Año
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Celebra la Rueda del Año con Carolina Amor - Ideas y Pautas para los Solsticios. Solsticio de Verano para Hemisferio Norte y el de Invierno para el Hemisferio Sur.

20 de Junio (June 20):  PDM - Laura González - Rituales
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Diferentes tipos de Rituales: Exploraremos por qué y para qué hacemos rituales en nuestra vida mundana y espiritual.

27 de Junho 2020 (June 27):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Marina Junqueira
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Os diversos caminhos do Sagrado Feminino - a vertente religiosa, a terapêutica e a ativista. É possível juntar os três ou temos de escolher? Quem escolhe? A conversa será com Marina Junqueira, jornalista, estudante de História, Terapeuta integrativa com foco no feminino e ativista de coletivos femininos. É facilitadora de círculos de mulheres, cursos e formações dentro do Sagrado Feminino. Taróloga, é sacerdotisa wiccana, neopagã e praticante kemética.

4 de Julio 2020 (July 4):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Vampiros emocionales y energéticos
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Vampiros emocionales y energéticos. Como detectar a depredadores emocionales y espirituales.

11 de Julio 2020 (July 11):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte III
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte III: En esta serie de Astrología Mónica nos compartirá los rasgos mas característicos de los signos del Zodiaco desde su vibración mas baja a la mas alta. Libra, Escorpión y Sagitario.

18 de Julio 2020 (July 18):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ En el jardín del Edén
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En el jardín del Edén: un mismo árbol, diferentes perspectivas. En este programa haremos un repaso por los mitos relacionados con los árboles del conocimiento en la antigua Mesopotamia. Nos centraremos en formas diametralmente opuestas de entender la verticalidad de los árboles, que nos acercan al cielo, ese cielo misterioso e inalcanzable en el que habitan las divinidades.

25 de Julho 2020 (July 25):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Cleber Lupino
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Uma conversa sobre bruxaria familiar e tradicional, e qual o papel dessas práticas e conexões antigas no equilíbrio do mundo de hoje. Como podemos contribuir? Este mês a conversa será com Cléber Lupino Haddad. Ele é o porta-voz da Tradição Familiar Lupino de bruxaria hereditária e tradicional, a qual trabalha com os poderes dos lobos entre outros e desenvolve estudos e pesquisas no ramo da feitiçaria natural voltados aos interesses da família espiritual e consanguínea.

1 de Agosto 2020 (August 1):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Del Chamanismo a al Medicina Moderna
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Del Chamanismo a la medicina moderna: Interconexión entre emociones y cuerpo. Explorando visiones holísticas sobre la curación natural.

8 de Agosto 2020 (August 8):  PDM - Carolina Amor - Rueda del Año II
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Celebra la Rueda del Año con Carolina Amor - en este episodio Imbolc/Lamas y Mabon/Ostara.

15 de Agosto 2020 (August 15):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - De Jotunn y Gigantes
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
De Jotunn y Gigantes, fuerzas caóticas del Universo. ¿Por qué es habitual encontrar en los mitos fuerzas caóticas e imprevisibles? Acompáñanos una vez más en Paganos del Mundo, a disfrutar de la perspectiva sobre estas entidades misteriosas, veneradas y, muchas veces, temidas.

22 de Agosto 2020 (August 22):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Luciano Raminelli
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Luciano Raminelli: Ritos de morte e ritos de vida no Candomblé. Neste episódio vamos conversar com o médico veterinário e babalorisá Luciano Raminelli sobre como o Candomblé se encaixa dentro da ideia de paganismo e de como seus ritos de passagem permanecem fortes na formação e manutenção do sentimento de comunidade de seus praticantes. Luciano foi iniciado no candomblé em 1980 e fundou seu terreiro, Yle Alaketu Asé Ogyian Ofururu, na cidade de Franca, SP no ano de 1988, e é também maçom, além de praticante e professor de magia.

29 de Agosto 2020 (August 29):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Brujeria y Rebeldia
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Una edición especial desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo: Christian Ortiz hablando de Brujería y rebeldía: Los linajes de Lucifer, Diana y Aradia.

5 de Septiembre 2020 (September 5):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Abundancia y prosperidad
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Abundancia y prosperidad con Laura Gonzalez. Te invitamos a conocer el entrenamiento de 40 días de prosperidad y la meditación de abundancia con la Madre Tierra.

12 de Septiembre 2020 (September 12):  PDM - Mónica Gobbin - Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte IV
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Luces y Sombras Zodiacales - Parte IV: En esta serie de Astrología Mónica nos compartirá los rasgos mas característicos de los signos del Zodiaco desde su vibración mas baja a la mas alta. Capricornio, Acuario y Piscis.

19 de Septiembre 2020 (September 19):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - La influencia de la televisión en la brujería actual
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La influencia de la televisión en la brujería actual, el caso de Embrujadas (o Charmed). En este programa contaremos con la presencia de Daniel Raventós, Historiador del Arte, cuyo trabajo de fin de master trató sobre la influencia de la serie Embrujadas o Charmed en la práctica de la brujería actual y cómo influyó en el boom de Wicca a principios del presente siglo.¡No te lo pierdas!

26 de Setembro 2020 (September 26):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Lua Serena
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
A Arte Bruxa sempre incluir saber curar e ferir. Para nosso episódio de Setembro para o  PDM, nossa convidada Lua Serena vai falar sobre a arte de maldizer e de que formas as maldições se apresentam como uma parte sempre presente da bruxaria ao longo da história. Lua Serena tem mais de 20 anos como praticante de bruxaria, e é também terapeuta e taróloga. Está à frente do clã Semente Ancestral e do Instituto Mãe Terra em Taubaté, SP.

3 de Octubre 2020 (October 3):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Decretos y programaciones
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Decretos y programaciones. Patrones de pensamientos y ejercicios de transformación personal.

10 de Octubre 2020 (October 10):  PDM - Carolina Amor - Rueda del Año III
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Celebra la Rueda del Año con Carolina Amor - en este episodio Samhain y Beltane.

17 de Octubre 2020 (October 17):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Tartessos, la civilización perdida
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Tartessos, la civilización perdida. Algunos autores equiparan a la civilización de Tartessos con la antigua Atlántida. Posiblemente una de las culturas más desconocidas e influyentes de Occidente, ha pasado inadvertida para muchos. Pero, ¿qué sabemos de Tartessos? ¿Qué lugares de culto conocemos de aquella época? ¿Qué territorio ocupaba y cuáles son las principales tesis sobre su creación y posterior destrucción? ¿Por qué apenas aparece en los libros de Historia?

24 de Outubro 2020 (October 24):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Leonni Moura
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Crônicas de Inis Fál. A mitologia irlandesa encontra eco em muitos corações na nossa Terra Brasilis. As traduções dessas histórias ainda são raras, mas temos alguns estudiosos apaixonados pelo assunto que contribuem imensamente para que essa poesia chegue até os leitores. Leonni Moura é um deles. Em 2019 publicou as Crônicas de Inis Fál, e mantêm um site com o maior acervo de mitologia irlandesa disponível em português do Brasil. No episódio do PDM de outubro, vamos conversar sobre esses mitos e como essas histórias podem impactar nossas vidas.

31 de Octubre 2020 (October 31):  PDM - Laura González - Día de Muertos
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Una edición especial desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo: Día de Muertos.
Desde los Aztecas, hasta la sobre comercialización de esta antigua fiesta sagrada.

7 de Noviembre 2020 (November 7):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Ecopaganismo
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Ecopaganismo. Orígenes agrícolas de la rueda del año, Lunaciones y ciclos naturales y su influencia en las sendas neopaganas.

14 de Noviembre 2020 (November 14):  PDM - Laura Gonzalez - Monarcas
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Entrevista con Jessica Copilkiahuitl Zapata y Adriana Rivera (Dachi), rescatistas de Monarcas, eco-activistas, inmigrantes y artesanas de Chicago.

21 de Noviembre 2020 (November 21):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - El paganismo de los cuentos rusos
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Los formalistas rusos encontraron mucha inspiración en los cuentos populares de su patria, y eso ha dado lugar a una gran cantidad de análisis literarios que, posteriormente, ha influenciado hasta el cine actual. De hecho, gracias a Morfología del cuento, obra de Vladimir Propp que analiza los cuentos de hadas rusos, sabemos que esa estructura narrativa se denomina "camino del héroe", y se ha convertido en un universal que impregna incluso historias como las de Star Wars.
En este programa contamos con la presencia de Yoli, que es rusa, y que nos contará mucho más sobre los cuentos rusos, las mitologías paganas  que llevan entretejidas y cómo sus historias han influenciado a las mitologías actuales, como la historia de un chico llamado Luke Skywalker.

28 de Novembro 2020 (November 28):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Andrea Souza
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Mistérios da Natureza Feminina - neste episódio a conversa será um bate-papo com Andréa Souza, psicóloga e Moon Mother que trabalha há anos com questões do feminino especialmente dentro do ambiente corporativo. Qual a importância de trazermos esses temas da espiritualidade da mulher para os contextos onde a religião é a produtividade? Andréa Souza e Petrucia Finkler começaram recentemente um projeto de círculo de mulheres em formato digital, usando as ferramentas presentes no nosso dia a dia para buscar provocar reflexões e conectar almas. Vamos juntas abordar ideias de como o conceito de sacralidade e da Deusa podem melhorar nossa relação com a secura da engrenagem do dia a dia.

5 de Diciembre 2020 (December 5):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Cierre de año
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Cierre de año. Programa especial para cerrar el año con ejercicios y prácticas sanadoras.

12 de Diciembre 2020 (December 12):  PDM - Mónica Gobbin - Astrología del año 2021
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Astrología del año 2021: Análisis y prognosis de los ciclos planetarios del 2021, tránsitos, eclipses y retrógrados...continúa el GRAN CAMBIO.

19 de Diciembre 2020 (Decemer 19):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Métodos adivinatorios contemporáneos: las cartas de Clow
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Métodos adivinatorios contemporáneos: las cartas de Clow. En el programa de diciembre junto Harwe Tuileva tenemos a Nuhmen Delos, experto en la utilización de las cartas de Clow, procedentes del anime y manga Sakura Cardcaptor. Hablaremos sobre cómo utilizar estas cartas como método adivinatorio, en el cual nuestro invitado está más que versado. ¡Prácticamente este método lo inventó él! Hablaremos sobre cómo las imágenes se comunican con nuestra psique y hacen posible que hasta el método más contemporáneo pueda utilizarse con fines adivinatorios. ¡No te lo pierdas!

26 de Decembro 2020 (December 26):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Emanuel Santos
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Emanuel Santos. A cartomancia e a leitura do futuro. O fascínio dos oráculos em forma de baralho permanece através da história com a mesma força, mesmo em meio a uma existência tão tecnológica. Vamos conversar com Emanuel Santos, bacharel em história, mestre em letras e um estudioso da cartomancia em suas mais diversas vertentes. Juntos vamos desvendar o que faz com que essas ilustrações místicas se tornem portais para o conhecimento e a revelação.

2 de Enero 2021 (January 2):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Denisse Calleros - El despertar espiritual
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Denisse Calleros - El despertar espiritual. El camino del despertar espiritual no siempre es asumido desde la comodidad, es más un proceso de crisis y preguntas que invitan a la evolución. Denisse Calleros, psicóloga y acompañante espiritual, nos comparte algunas ideas para vivir más lucidamente este tránsito existencial.

9 de Enero 2021 (January 9):  PDM - Carolina Amor - Tarot y el camino del héroe
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: Escuela de Magia con Carolina Amor: Explorando el Tarot y el camino del héroe.

16 de Enero 2021 (January 16):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ La metamorfosis de Apuleyo
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La metamorfosis de Apuleyo, brujería y los ritos de Isis Empezamos el año nuevo con un clásico de la literatura universal, la Metamorfosis de Apuleyo, también conocido como el Asno de Oro. En esta obra inmortal, hilarante y de rabiosa actualidad a pesar de ser del S. II d.C., se describen con bastante precisión algunas de las prácticas brujeriles y paganas más interesantes del Imperio Romano de su época, así como los ritos asociados a la diosa Isis, que a primeros de esta era estuvo en auge. Acompáñanos a la antigua Roma, en este nuevo paseo de la mano de Paganos del Mundo.

23 de Janeiro 2021 (January 23):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Entrevista com Wagner Perico
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Dos arquivos de Paganos del Mundo, convidamos você a desfrutar: Entrevista com Wagner Perico. Wagner é uma das personalidades mais importantes do paganismo brasileiro, tendo acompanhado e contribuído para o movimento das espiritualidades da Terra.

30 de Enero 2021 (January 30):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Noche de Tarot y Adivinación! (Enero 2021)
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En este programa especial de Paganos del Mundo las Tarotólogas Laura González y Claudia Elgueta estarán ofreciendo mini sesiones de Tarot y otras artes adivinatorias para el 2021.

6 de Febrero 2021 (February 6): PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ La Diosa es en el Mundo
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La Diosa es en el Mundo. Espiritualidad con Diosas y arquetipos de la naturaleza, devociones y rituales para la práctica cotidiana.

13 de Febrero 2021 (February 13): PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos (Aire)
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos (Aire) 
El futuro inmediato y la Magia del Elemento Aire

20 de Febrero 2021 (February 20):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Animismo
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Animismo. Etiquetado como "la primera creencia de la Humanidad" por múltiples antropólogos, sociólogos y folcloristas, el animismo ha resurgido de la mano del Paganismo actual, aunque su presencia es escasamente reconocida, debido en gran parte a la falsa creencia de que es algo reservado a pueblos antiguos. ¿Te atreverías a ver tu creencia pagana a través de ojos animistas? Si es así, quédate con nosotros en Paganos del Mundo.

27 de Fevereiro 2021 (February 27):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Fernanda de Yemanjá
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre  tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Magia do mar e magia das conchas com Fernanda de Yemanjá. Fernanda tem formação sacerdotal em várias linhas de magia como a Nação Africana Jeje Ijexá, Umbanda de Angola (Nova Terra), Kimbanda kirumbu (Luciferiana) e em Bruxaria - com a Tradição Imortais da Terra (Mestre). É facilitadora de Círculos e Cursos para a ligação do Humano ao Sagrado e fundadora da Escola Renascer de Desenvolvimento Espiritual.

6 de Marzo 2021 (March 6):  PDM - Christian Ortiz - Sanar el dolor de nuestra infancia herida
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Sanar el dolor de nuestra infancia herida. Trabajo con los arquetipos de Niño / Niña interior y la propia historia de dolor y trauma.

13 de Marzo 2021 (March 13):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Aniversario de Paganos del Mundo
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En esta ocasión estaremos con el equipo de Paganos del Mundo celebrando nuestro segundo aniversario!

20 De Marzo 2021 (March 20):  PDM - Harwe Tuileva - Leynedas Cherokees
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Leyendas Cherokees. En esta ocasión, vamos a leer y desgranar algunas de las leyendas cherokees más bonitas que se han publicado, mediante las cuales este pueblo hacía llegar su cultura e introducía a sus miembros en la misma. Si bien es cierto que mucho de esto ha pasado por el filtro de la colonización, es innegable que la cosmovisión cherokee tiende mucho a dotar de significado a todo, incluyéndonos a nosotros mismos. Algo muy necesario en los tiempos que corren.

27 de Março 2021 (March 27):  PDM - Petrucia Finkler - Lua Valentia
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Magia do Caos - minha entrevistada de março é a bruxa e escritora Lua Valentia. Ela é também criadora do portal Specula, um site sobre arte, magia e bruxaria.  Bruxa do Caos, foi a resposnsável por trazer ao Brasil as cartas dos Quarenta Servidores. Também se preocupa com ecologia e Sagrado Feminino, além de ser vocalista da banda Caotes, um hipersigilo musical.

3 de Abril 2021 (April 3):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ El poder sanador de la oscuridad
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El poder sanador de la oscuridad. Conocer la sombra psíquica y su influencia en la cultura y en nuestra vida cotidiana.

10 de Abirl 2021 (April 10):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Crea tu realidad
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En esta ocasión aprenderemos técnicas efectivas de magia práctica y cotidiana para crear nuestra propia realidad.

17 de Abril 2021 (April17):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ De Jotunn y Gigantes
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: De Jotunn y Gigantes, fuerzas caóticas del Universo. ¿Por qué es habitual encontrar en los mitos fuerzas caóticas e imprevisibles? Acompáñanos una vez más en Paganos del Mundo, a disfrutar de la perspectiva sobre estas entidades misteriosas, veneradas y, muchas veces, temidas.

24 de Abril 2021 (April 24):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Rafael Nolêto
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Paganismo Piaga - para o programa de abril, a conversa é com Rafael Nolêto, o piauiense que fundou uma religião pagã totalmente brasileira e é criador da Vila Pagã, uma colônia no interior do Piauí com membros que fortalecem o desenvolvimento social, espiritual e econômico da região.

1 de Mayo 2021 (May 1):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Arquetipos de Dioses
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: Arquetipos de Dioses. Los Dioses interiores explorados en la obra de Jean Shinoda Bolen y su influencia en la vida cotidiana de los hombres.

5 de Mayo 2021 (May 5):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Agua)
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Agua)
El futuro inmediato y la Magia del Elemento Agua

15 de Mayo 2021 (May 15):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Sintoísmo
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En esta ocasión, hablaremos de una de las religiones más conocidas de Japón, el Sintoísmo, muy cercana al animismo, que convive en este país junto con el Budismo. ¿Por qué es tan importante esta aproximación religiosa? ¿Es realmente paganismo? ¿Qué tiene de culto a los ancestros? Todas estas preguntas, y mucho más, en este programa de Paganos del Mundo. ¡No te lo pierdas!

22 de Maio 2021 (May 22):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Cátia Molter
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Para o episódio de maio, nossa convidada é Cátia Molter. Cátia é uma bruxa que aprendeu o ofício dentro de tradições familiares e expressa sua magia também na criação de joias, adornos e talismãs. Seu trabalho com cristais é bastante conhecido e ela ensina como eles trazem energia, cura, fortalecimento e transformação para nossas vidas.

29 de Mayo 2021 (May 29):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Magia y Tarot
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En este episodio Laura González nos compartirá acerca de sus experiencias utilizando el Tarot como una herramienta mágica que va mas allá de la adivinación.

5 de Junio 2021 (June 5):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Magia y folclore en latinoamerica
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Magia y folclore en latinoamerica. Un recorrido por prácticas mágicas populares.

12 de Junio 2021 (June 12):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Monarcas
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: Monarcas. 
Entrevista con Jessica Copilkiahuitl Zapata y Adriana Rivera (Dachi), rescatistas de Monarcas, eco-activistas, inmigrantes y artesanas de Chicago. 

19 de Junio 2021 (June 19):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Hékate y la Magia, una perspectiva helenista
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Hékate y la Magia, una perspectiva helenista. Llegamos a ese programa que todo el mundo quiere oír: en el que hablamos de una de las diosas más populares y extendidas quizá de todo el Paganismo, así como de su atribución como Diosa de la Magia por excelencia. Hablemos de Hékate, pero desde una óptica muy poco conocida hoy en día, puesto que lo habitual es trabajar con ella desde una perspectiva contemporánea. Vayamos a las fuentes helénicas clásicas, a sus tradiciones, y ahondemos en el apasionante y misterioso mundo de una de las diosas más interesantes que, quizá, haya existido. 

26 de Junho 2021 (June 26):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Matheus Richter
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. 
Matheus Richter. Para o mês de junho, o convidado é Matheus Richter místico, herético, ocultista, aspirante a alquimista, devoto da Arte Tradicional dos Sábios. Vamos conversar sobre a bruxaria antiga e sua ligação com ordens místicas, hermetismo, cavalaria e a marca de Caim. 

3 de Julie 2021 (July 3):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ María Sabina: Hongos mágicos y curación
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
María Sabina: Hongos mágicos y curación. Las curaciones espirituales y físicas en la práctica tradicional Mazateca de Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca. Cantos, rezos, sincretismo y psicodelia. 

10 de Julio 2021 (July 10):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Fuego)
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Fuego)
El futuro inmediato y la Magia del Elemento Fuego

17 de Julio 2021 (July 17):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ El viaje chamánico
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El viaje chamánico. Sublimado por muchos, temido por otros tantos, malentendido fuera del contexto cultural, el viaje chamánico suscita muchas preguntas: ¿qué características tiene un viaje chamánico? ¿En qué cultura se da? ¿Es común en todas las culturas, es decir, tiene un aspecto transcultural? ¿Cómo sé si un formador me puede enseñar? ¿Es algo que uno pueda aprender de manera solitaria? En esta ocasión, vamos a intentar responder a algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre esta práctica tan interesante.

24 de Julho 2021 (July 24):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Janus O Guardião
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Nosso convidado para o mês de julho é Janus, o Guardião, um terapeuta e oraculista muito familiarizado com o trabalho com dragões. Janus trabalha com esses seres mágicos e míticos há mais de quinze anos. Vamos conversar sobre formas de interação, como eles podem auxiliar em nosso crescimento espiritual e as diferenças entre dragões Cósmicos e Elementais.

31 de Julio 2021 (July 31):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Rituales
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: Rituales. Diferentes tipos de Rituales: Exploraremos por qué y para qué hacemos rituales en nuestra vida mundana y espiritual.
Originalmente transmitido el 20 de Junio del 2020

7 de Agosto 2021 (August 7):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Madre Mundo: Sus misterios para romper las cadenas
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés comomitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Madre Mundo: Sus misterios para romper las cadenas. Una visión transcultural de lo sagrado femenino para retornar a la paz. Ella ha sido ocultada, encadenada, negada, traficada, nulificada; pero el espíritu indómito de lo que en nuestra cultura se ha llamado femenino, es mucho más grande que cualquier sistema opresor o colonizador. Ella al igual que las mujeres y todo lo "femenino" no puede ser devastado, Ella retorna continuamente, siempre ha sido así y siempre será de esta forma. Ella es la verdad y el templo debajo del templo.

14 de Agosto 2021 (August 14):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Temazcales
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En este episodio aprenderemos acerca de la mitología y el uso de los tradicionales baños de vapor del México antiguo (y moderno!) conocidos como Temazcales.

21 de Agusto 2021 (August 21):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Los misterios eleusinos
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como
mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Los misterios eleusinos. Continuando la estela del programa de junio sobre Hékate, en esta ocasión estaremos hablando de los misterios de Eleusis, grandes desconocidos por ser, precisamente y como su propio nombre indica, mistéricos. Nos adentraremos en la mitología que los rodea y en aquello que nos es conocido, por la historiografía y los documentos de la época. ¿Nos acompañas?

28 de Agosto 2021 (August 28):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Gabriela Franco
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Gabriela Franco. Em agosto vamos falar com Gabriela Franco, bruxa e jornalista especializada em cultura pop, sobre a presença de Deusas, Deuses, heroínas e heróis no cinema e nos quadrinhos. De que maneira isso mantêm acesa a presença dos Deuses no nosso cotidiano desperta o interesse de novas gerações sobre temas mitológicos,e o quanto essas expressões são adequadas, se podem ser respeitosas ou até uma nova forma devocional.

4 de Septiembre 2021 (September 4):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ El fuego de la Diosa: Historia y Tealogía
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El fuego de la Diosa: Historia y Tealogía. La tradición no es la adoración de las cenizas, sino la preservación del fuego." - Gustav Mahler. Un breve recorrido sobre la espiritualidad de la Diosa y el reconstruccionismo Neopagano.

11 de Septiembre 2021 (September 11):  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Tierra)
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El ritmo del Zodíaco: al compás de los cuatro Elementos. (Tierra) 
El futuro inmediato y la Magia del Elemento Tierra

18 de Septiembre 2021 (September 18):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Rosacrucianismo
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Rosacrucianismo. En Paganos del Mundo también recorremos el mundo de las sociedades secretas y, en esta ocasión, hablaremos de la Orden de la Rosa-Cruz, que tanto llama la atención a los buscadores sinceros de conocimiento, y en cuyas filas se encuentran muchos paganos. Desde el misterio que rodea a su fundador, hasta las órdenes existentes en el día de hoy, el Rosacruz se perfila como el heredero de los saberes de civilizaciones antiguas y misteriosas.

25 de Setembro 2021 (September 25):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Hefesto Dioniso Orfeu
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Mistérios iniciáticos na academia. É possível integrar o olhar acadêmico com a prática das religiões da Terra? Em setembro converso com Hefesto Dioniso Orfeu, sacerdote do Clã Teia de Circe. Hefesto é professor de Filosofia Grega Antiga na Universidade Federal do Ceará, além de ser doutor em metafísica e ter um pós-doutorado pela Universidade de Atenas, na Grécia.

2 de Octubre 2021 (October 2):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Los 5 caminos del dolor y su sanación
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Los 5 caminos del dolor y su sanación. Un recorrido por los traumas de vida y los mecanismos restaurativos de conexión y equilibrio.

9 de Octubre 2021 (October 9):  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Astrología y magia lunar
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Astrología y magia lunar. Cómo trabajar con la Luna Llena y la Luna Nueva por signos.

16 de Octubre 2021 (October 16):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Espíritus guía
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Espíritus guía. Los guías están presentes en multitud de civilizaciones, especialmente en las vinculadas al Chamanismo. Este programa de Paganos del Mundo es un poco más práctico y más centrado en los Espíritus Guía: sus tipos, cómo contactar con ellos, y qué se supone que son desde diferentes prismas.

23 de Outubro 2021 (October 23):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Vanessa Lanaro
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. Bruxaria italiana. Em outubro, a convidada para o Paganos del Mundo em português é Vanessa Lanaro. Vanessa é praticante de Stregoneria e condutora de círculos de mulheres, um trabalho que ela desenvolveu no Brasil e na Itália. Ela possui formação em artes, comunicação e terapias integrativas, além de se dedicar ao estudo da arqueologia cultural, filosofia, mitologia e da cultura pagã ítalo-romana.

30 de Octubre 2021 (October 30):  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Día de Muertos
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Desde los archivos de Paganos del Mundo te invitamos a disfrutar de: Día de Muertos. Desde los Aztecas, hasta la sobre comercialización de esta antigua fiesta sagrada. Originalmente transmitido el 12 de Octubre del 2019.

6 de Noviembre 2021 (November 6):  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Los ojos de la oscuridad: cuentos nocturnos de poder
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Los ojos de la oscuridad: cuentos nocturnos de poder. Se incluyen: La loba, en compañia de lobos, la llorona y una loba herida.

13 de Noviembre 2021 (November 13):  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Camino Druida
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Camino Druida. Como incorporar los elementos en la práctica espiritual

20 de Noviembre 2021 (November 20):  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Brujería tradicional andaluza, mitos y leyendas del Sur de España
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Brujería tradicional andaluza, mitos y leyendas del Sur de España. En la Península Ibérica se habla de meigas, de brujería vasca pero, ¿qué ocurre con Andalucía? Esta tierra bañada por el sol también cuenta con interesantes historias y con una tradición brujeril propia que ha sido muy estudiada en los últimos años. Este programa de Paganos del Mundo lo vamos a dedicar a repasar los embrujos más habituales en la Andalucía de la Edad Moderna, en la que se evidencia el crisol que es esta tierra entre el Cristianismo, el Islam y el sustrato pagano en el que se encuentra.

27 de Noviembro 2021 (November 27):  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Karagan Griffith
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Em novembro, o convidado é Karagan Griffith, autor, podcaster, cinematógrafo, ator, diretor de cinema e teatro e ocultista. Karagan é de origem portuguesa, mas mora nos Estado Unidos, onde iniciou a linha de Wicca Alexandrina Queensberry e é o sumo sacerdote do seu coven em Boston. Vamos conversar sobre o caminho dele dentro do ocultismo, o que observa como características e atitudes que nos ajudam a nos mantermos  firmes na nossa trajetória e aquilo que sustenta uma caminhada séria dentro da magia.

4 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Cierre de año
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a escuchar: Cierre de año. Programa especial para cerrar el año con ejercicios y prácticas sanadoras.
Transmitido originalmente el 5 de Diciembre del 2020

11 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Astrología del año 2022
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Astrología del año 2022: Análisis y prognosis de los ciclos planetarios del 2022, tránsitos, eclipses y retrógrados...continúa el GRAN CAMBIO. 

18 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ La bebida sagrada
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La bebida sagrada: El soma, la cerveza, el vino... todas ellas han sido consideradas bebidas sagradas por alguna civilización en algún lugar del mundo. Vamos a hacer un recorrido por las más importantes y también, por qué no, por las más míticas y misteriosas. ¡Embriágate de Paganos del Mundo!

PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ A Grande Mãe
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
A Grande Mãe - Nas diversas vertentes do paganismo e das espiritualidades da Terra, há um resgate da imagem da Deusa na figura da Grande Mãe. Esse feminino primordial é venerado e integrado na nossa espiritualidade, mas além de ser a Deusa, ela também é um arquétipo que buscamos coletivamente no mundo e em nós - sendo pagãos ou não pagãos. Em dezembro vou entrevistar Malena Contrera, doutora em Comunicação e Semiótica e psicoterapeuta junguiana. Ela é especialista em mitos e estudos culturais, e vamos conversar sobre como essas imagens da Grande Mãe nos afetam de maneira tão potente desde sempre como Seres Humanos.

1 de Enero:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ El templo interior: Devoción y espiritualidad 
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. El templo interior: Devoción y espiritualidad. Prácticas de espiritualidad cotidianas para conectar con nuestro poder.

8 de Enero:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Gordofobia 
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Gordofobia. En este episodio exploramos la gran paradoja de nuestra sociedad. La Divinidad del Ser y el cuerpo humano, contrastando con la crueldad de la crítica, la implacable cultura de dieta y la gordofobia.

15 de Enero:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Chamanismo y Tantra en el Himalaya 
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Chamanismo y Tantra en el Himalaya. El Chamanismo Bon es un gran desconocido para la cultura occidental, que considera que lo habitual para ser chamán es vivir en América. Sin embargo, existe una mezcla de creencias en esta cultura que hace de los Bon una población a caballo entre el Budismo y el chamanismo. ¿Nos vamos de viaje al Himalaya para conocer sus costumbres?

22 de Janeiro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ André Correia 
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história. André Correia: O tambor como instrumento de devoção e conexão. Para começar o novo ano, o entrevistado será André Correia, bruxo, psicólogo, músico e fabricante de tambores ritualísticos. Vamos ouvir o André falar e também tocar seu tambor, para entendermos mais sobre a presença desse instrumento tão querido na maioria dos rituais e celebrações pagãs.

28 de Enero:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Amor Propio Radical!
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. Amor Propio Radical! Se acerca el Día de San Valentín y las Lupercales, los temas típicos de Febrero, sin embargo, ¿Cómo andamos con el amor en primera persona? Radicalízate y ámate todos los meses de todos los años!

5 de Febrero:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  El camino del sanador herido
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
El camino del sanador herido. Desde el chamanismo, hasta la terapia moderna. El poder del dolor transitado y como se aplica para sanar.

12 de Febrero:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 1
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 1. Los rincones de nuestra Vida en la Carta Natal. Regentes y significados de las doce Casas astrológicas. La gran diferencia entre el Zodíaco y la división de los ámbitos de Vida. Signo "no es igual" a Casa. Espacio-Tiempo: Los diferentes sistemas de Casas o domificación. ¿Cuál elijo?.
Mónica recomienda que tengas a mano tu carta astral al escuchar este episodio. Si no la tienes ve a para obtener la tuya de forma gratuita. También en y

19 de Febrero:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Misterios y Leyendas de los gatos
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Misterios y Leyendas de los gatos. Los gatos, misteriosos por naturaleza, han sido venerados por multitud de culturas. En este programa de Paganos del Mundo haremos un recorrido por las leyendas que rodean a estos animales y por las culturas que los han elevado a los altares. Haremos también un análisis de lo que ha llevado a ello, porque, ¿cómo puede un pequeño felino convertirse en algo tan importante para el ser humano y su sentir religioso?

26 de Fevereiro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~  Zoe de Camaris
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Em fevereiro, a entrevistada do Paganos del Mundo em Português é a curitibana Zoe de Camaris. Ela é formada em Letras, escritora, professora de oficinas literárias, pesquisadora e taróloga. Em 2003 escreveu um livro com uma extensa pesquisa sobre a Grande Mãe indígena brasileira, Cy, mas esse livro ainda não foi publicado. Vamos conversar sobre as descobertas feitas por essa pesquisa intensa que ela fez durante anos junto à cultura e religiosidade dos povos originários, representatividade do feminino na mitologia indígena brasileira, lugar de fala e a possibilidade do resgate de legados das tradições.

5 de Marzo:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ María Sabina: Hongos mágicos y curación
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a escuchar PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ María Sabina: Hongos mágicos y curación.
Las curaciones espirituales y físicas en la práctica tradicional Mazateca de Huautla de Jiménez, Oaxaca. Cantos, rezos, sincretismo y psicodelia.
Origianlmente transmitido el 3 de Julio del 2021

12 de Marzo:  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Explorando el camino del Héroe
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Explorando el camino del Héroe. Durante esta clase recorremos el camino del héroe utilizando la arcana major y los simbolos de astrologia.

19 de Marzo:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ El Ganges y los Aghori
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El Ganges y los Aghori. El Ganges es mundialmente famoso por ser uno de los ríos más importantes de la India, así como el lugar donde miles de hindúes y practicantes de Hinduísmo van a purificarse cada año. El río tiene una orilla sagrada y, sin embargo, cuenta la leyenda que en la otra orilla habitan unos misteriosos seres, los Aghori, de los cuales se dice que son caníbales. Rompedores de tabúes, despreciados por la sociedad, ¿qué hay de cierto en la visión que el Hinduismo general tiene de los Aghori, los misteriosos habitantes de la orilla maldita del Ganges?

26 de Março:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~  Honda Sommer Lupus
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Honda Sommer Lupus. Em março, o bate-papo é com Honda Sommer Lupus, mestre na Tradição Imortais da Terra e também iniciada nas artes da Nação Africana e no xamanismo. Ela é autora do livro Universo de Ártemis e sua busca espiritual passa pelos ritos dos mistérios antigos. Ela tem um trabalho forte como condutora de grupos com diversas medicinas da floresta e um caminho chamado Voo da Abelha, que se tornou uma escola de saberes xamânicos.

2 de Abril:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ La Fuerza Interior
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
La Fuerza Interior. Resiliencia y procesos de adaptación y evolución. Sobre la fuerza que nos habita y cómo despierta a partir de situaciones catalizadoras.

9 de Abril:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 2
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 2. Los rincones de nuestra Vida en la Carta Natal. Regentes y significados de las doce Casas astrológicas. Casas I, V y IX: Yo y mis circunstancias: mi personalidad, mi creatividad y mi mundo espiritual. Casas de Fuego:¿Qué signo aparece allí?
Mónica recomienda que tengas a mano tu carta astral al escuchar este episodio. Si no la tienes ve a para obtener la tuya de forma gratuita. También en y

16 de Abril:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ El Inframundo en las culturas semitas
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El Inframundo en las culturas semitas. En este programa vamos a hacer un viaje por las antiguas culturas semitas, desde Babilonia hasta Palestina. ¿Por qué es tan importante el concepto de Más Allá de estas culturas para nuestra sociedad? ¿Qué tenemos de semita en el ideario actual occidental? Acompáñanos, una vez más, en una aventura apasionante a través de los siglos, desde el creciente fértil hasta el Israel actual, y su influencia en la creencia en los infiernos tan popular en el Esoterismo que practicamos ahora.

23 de Abril:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~   Diovane Vicenzo
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Na véspera do nosso Samhain no Hemisfério Sul, o entrevistado será Diovane Vicenzo, praticante de Bruxaria Folclórica e grande devoto de La Santíssima Muerte, a Santa esquelética muito amada no México. Vamos conversar sobre o culto a essa entidade, seus múltiplos aspectos e bênçãos concedidas, e de como podemos justamente celebrar a vida ao falarmos abertamente sobre a morte.

30 de Abril:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Daphne la Hechicera
Paganos del mundo con Laura Gonzélez desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
En este episodio especial de Paganos del Mundo nos acompaña Daphne la Hechicera quien estará compartiéndonos su conocimiento y tradiciones familiares acerca de la Brujería de Rancho.

7 de Mayo:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Sanación Natural: Cristales, Hierbas y Curación
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Sanación Natural: Cristales, Hierbas y Curación. Una revisión sobre teoría de las firmas, herbolaria tradicional y el trabajo vibracional con gemas y cristales.

14 de Mayo:  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ El Oraculo de Lenormand
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde USA nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El Oraculo de Lenormand. Una introduccion para aprender como utilizar este oraculo en tu practica cotidiana.

21 de Mayo:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Hechiceras poderosas en la literatura: Medea, Circe y Celestina
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Hechiceras poderosas en la literatura: Medea, Circe y Celestina. Temidas y deseadas a la vez, las hechiceras han sido mujeres consideradas tradicionalmente poderosas en todas las culturas, desde Grecia hasta la España medieval. ¿Quieres saber más sobre ellas? En este programa hablaremos de tres mujeres hechiceras muy célebres de la literatura universal: Medea, Circe y Celestina.

28 de Maio:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~   Antonio Augusto Fagundes Filho
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
O PDM de maio conta com a presença de Antonio Augusto Fagundes Filho, jornalista, folclorista, escritor e especialista em ciências ocultas. Antonio escreveu O Livro dos Demônios, um manual das entidades dos reinos das trevas que foi publicado em 1997, mas agora foi reescrito com maior riqueza de detalhes contando suas experiências pessoais e jornadas aos infernos.

4 de Junio: PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ El Poder escondido de lo Sagrado Femenino
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El Poder escondido de lo Sagrado Femenino. Este análisis se basa en la realidad de discriminación, desigualdad e injusticia social que caracteriza a una sociedad patriarcal que sostiene símbolos de lo sagrado masculino e invisibiliza o condena como "inadecuados" los símbolos de lo sagrado femenino. Incluye meditación guiada de contacto con el poder.

11 de Junio:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 3
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 3. Los rincones de nuestra Vida en la Carta Natal. Regentes y significados de las doce Casas astrológicas. Casas II, VI y X: Yo y mis recursos laborales y profesionales. La Abundancia y la Autoestima. Mis jefes y mis colegas. Casas de Tierra:¿Qué signo aparece allí?
Mónica recomienda que tengas a mano tu carta astral al escuchar este episodio. Si no la tienes ve a para obtener la tuya de forma gratuita.
También en y

18 de Junio:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Cábala luriana
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Cábala luriana. ¿Quién fue Isaac Luria? ¿Qué implicaciones tiene su forma de entender la Cábala en los esquemas que tenemos hoy en día? ¿Qué influencia ha tenido en el desarrollo de la Cábala esotérica posterior, que conocemos hoy en día? Ven con nosotros a la Edad Media y conozcamos a esta figura tan interesante y, a la vez, tan enigmática, y conozcamos más sobre su grandísima influencia como místico, que llega hasta nuestros días.

25 de  Junho:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Cassia Larrubia
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Cassia Larrubia. Para marcar o solstício de inverno, vamos encontrar os mistérios e encantos de Perséfone através de Cassia Larrubia, uma grande devota dessa divindade. Cassia é jornalista, está no caminho pagão há 25 anos, é fundadora e sacerdotisa do coven Luz et Umbra de bruxaria eclética e foi iniciada nos mistérios de Perséfone em 2010.

2 de Julio:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ Lilith: Poder sagrado
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Lilith: Poder sagrado. La Historia la cuentan los vencedores, y esto es válido en términos de razas, etnias, nacionalismos, e, incluso religión. Por ello, las religiones de corte patriarcal, han demonizado durante milenios a las deidades femeninas.

9 de Julio:  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Arquetipos
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Arquetipos. Aprende como utilizar los arquetipos en tu vida para facilitar cambios y manifestar tus deseos. Estaremos explorando el arquetipo de la guerrera, la reina, la hechicera, etc.

16 de Julio:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Grimorios famosos: El libro de San Cipriano, el Picatrix y la Tabla Esmeralda
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Grimorios famosos: El libro de San Cipriano, el Picatrix y la Tabla Esmeralda. Hay mucha leyenda negra y mucha controversia alrededor de los grimorios más famosos de la Historia. Algunos dicen que solo abrir un libro puede causar la muerte. Otros, atribuyen su autoría a dioses. Sin embargo, a veces la verdadera historia supera a la ficción y los grimorios no fueron escritos por quienes se pensó. ¿Quieres saber más de ellos? No te pierdas este programa de Paganos del Mundo.

23 de Julho:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Gabriel Mello
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Gabriel Mello. No mês de julho, o convidado para o Paganos del Mundo em português é Gabriel Mello.  Gabriel é ator, performer, tarólogo, praticante de reconstrucionismo helênico e bruxaria tradicional moderna. Ele é um grande devoto de Dionísio, deus do teatro, da festa, da alegria e também de grandes transformações. E é sobre esse Deus tão querido que nós vamos conversar e entender melhor os paralelos entre o culto tradicional e o culto moderno à grande divindade do vinho.

30 de Julho:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Sekhmet
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Sekhmet. No dia 30 de julho teremos um programa extra em língua portuguesa. Para essa data especial, teremos um especial sobre a deusa egípcia Sekhmet. Uma Deusa da guerra, da peste, da cura e da defesa do equilíbrio e da justiça. Prepare-se para aprender sobre Ela e sua energia e fazer uma vivência para um encontro com a Deusa de cabeça de Leoa.

6 de Agosto:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Machismo en el neopaganismo
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Machismo en el neopaganismo. Una visión política de las prácticas de abuso espiritual en las sendas neopaganas.

13 de Agosto:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 4
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 4. Los rincones de nuestra Vida en la Carta Natal. Regentes y significados de las doce Casas astrológicas. Casas III,VII y XI: El pensamiento, la comunicación y las relaciones en mi Vida. Casas de Aire:¿Qué signo aparece allí?
Mónica recomienda que tengas a mano tu carta astral al escuchar este episodio. Si no la tienes ve a para obtener la tuya de forma gratuita.
También en y

20 de Agosto:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~  Brujería y prostitución, las dos caras de la marginalidad
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Brujería y prostitución, las dos caras de la marginalidad. En este programa hablaremos sin tapujos de una cuestión controvertida y difícil, pero que no debe ser ignorada porque ha afectado a multitud de mujeres que han intentado ganarse la vida sin depender de un hombre, acto que las ha llevado, muy a nuestro pesar, a la marginalidad. Se trata de la relación, o más bien extraña pareja, que han hecho en muchas ocasiones la prostitución y la brujería en el caso concreto de las féminas.

27 de Agosto:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Dagda e Morrighan
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Dagda e Morrighan. Em Agosto vamos percorrer o território de dois deuses da cultura Celta: Dagda e Morrighan. A conversa será com Juliana Boduogena e Ariel Molina. Juliana trilha há oito anos o caminho do druidismo e é vate no clã Caer Saille, Ariel é oraculista, trilhou um caminho de reconstrucionismo celta e também se encontra nas práticas mais tradicionais de bruxaria.

3 de Septiembre:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Sanación antipatriarcal y Autocuidado
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Sanación antipatriarcal y Autocuidado. Curanderismo, enfermedades de filiación cultural y enfoques de salud antisistema.

10 de Septiembre:  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Sanación de Chakras y limpiezas energéticas
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Sanación de Chakras y limpiezas energéticas. Como utilizar distintos elementos para  realizar limpiezas energéticas.

17 de Septiembre:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~  Enamorarse es Divino
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar una vez mas de "Enamorarse es Divino: Un viaje por la mitología explorando el concepto de amor, deseo y cortejo en dioses y diosas de diferentes culturas. Es mediante este cortejo que personas de todas las civilizaciones han explicado, en una concepción muy relacionada con el animismo, cómo se han dado los ciclos de la vida y de la fertilidad, de los que hasta hace muy poco hemos dependido en gran medida"
Originalmente transmitido en Abril 20, 2019.

24 de Setembro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Bruxaria Hekatina
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Em Setembro o Paganos del Mundo em português vai receber a autora do livro "Bruxaria Hekatina", Marcia C. Silva. Marcia é uma sacerdotisa que facilita o conhecimento embasado sobre a deusa Hekate na língua portuguesa e auxilia pessoas na conexão com essa grande Rainha das Bruxas.

1o. de Octubre:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Samhain "Noche de brujas"
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Samhain "Noche de brujas". Celebrando la conexión entre los mundos.

8 de Octubre:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 5
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Con los pies en la Tierra - Programa 5. Los rincones de nuestra Vida en la Carta Natal. Regentes y significados de las doce Casas astrológicas. Casas IV, VIII y XII: Yo, mis raíces y lo Oculto. Los secretos, la espiritualidad y la Magia. Casas de Agua:¿Qué signo aparece allí? Las Casas en movimiento: casas derivadas. Mónica recomienda que tengas a mano tu carta astral al escuchar este episodio. Si no la tienes ve a para obtener la tuya de forma gratuita. También en y

15 de Octubre:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Chamanismo Transcultural
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: Chamanismo Transcultural. Nuestro viaje de este programa lo haremos a través del chamanismo, un sistema de creencias que, aunque se ha ligado únicamente al chamanismo norteamericano, en realidad, ha estado presente en multitud de lugares en todo el mundo y, aún hoy día, se practica en algunas comunidades. No dejes de acompañarnos en un recorrido apasionante en el que veremos que el chamanismo traspasa fronteras en el tiempo y en el espacio.
Transmitido originalmente el 18 de Mayo del 2019.

22 de Outubro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Amanda Celli
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Em Outubro, vamos falar com Amanda Celli, a bruxa e bióloga criadora do Tempero de Bruxa - um projeto multi plataforma sobre Bruxaria, Magia Natural e Culinária Mágica. Vamos falar da aliança tão importante dos bruxos com o reino vegetal e também sobre a grande mãe Gaia que acolhe e nutre a todos nós.

29 de Octubre:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Día de Muertos
Paganos del mundo con Laura Gonzélez desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: Día de Muertos. En este episodio, Christian Ortiz y Laura González nos llevarán a un viaje explorando el origen y las tradiciones del Día de los Muertos. Desde los Aztecas, hasta la sobre comercialización de esta antigua fiesta sagrada.
Transmitido originalmente el 12 de Octubre del 2019.

5 de Noviembre:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Magia, Curanderismo y Brujería Mexicana
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Magia, Curanderismo y Brujería Mexicana: Saberes, Tradición y Resistencia.

12 de Noviembre:  PDM ~ Carolina Amor ~ Trabajando con las energias de los animales
Paganos del mundo con Carolina Amor desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Trabajando con las energías de los animales. Exploraremos como utilizar oráculos de animales, conectar con tu animal totem y como incorporar las energías en tus prácticas mágicas.

19 de Noviembre:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~   El viaje de Astarte
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: El viaje de Astarte, Llamada poderosísima diosa por unos y abominación por otros, Astarté recorrió todo el Mediterráneo, desde Oriente Próximo hasta la costa atlántica de España, acompañando a intrépidos comerciantes y aventureros que hicieron de ella, probablemente, una de las diosas pre-romanas más importantes. Acompáñanos en su viaje, que ahora también es el tuyo.
Transmitido originalmente el 20 de Julio del 2019.

26 de Novembro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Magia com dragões
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Do acervo do Paganos del Mundo, te convidamos a desfrutar mais uma vez da Magia com dragões: entrevista com a dupla do Alento do Dragão. Dragony Victor Scatha e Morgana Luna Boanna. Um casal unido por amor e por amor aos dragões. Desde que a deusa Tiamat se apresentou a eles, só lhes restou se renderem e iniciarem um trabalho que já tem alguns anos e resultou em dois livros. Vamos falar dos dragões, de seu alento, dos pilares da linha de magia que o casal desenvolve e também do bando de magos e alunos que voa junto com eles pelo Brasil. 
Transmitida originalmente em 24 de Agosto de 2019.

3 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~  Gratitud y Sabiduría
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia. 
Gratitud y Sabiduría para cerrar el año con autoamor. 

10 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Mónica Gobbin ~ Astrología del año 2023
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin desde Argentina nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Astrología del año 2023: Análisis y prognosis de los ciclos planetarios del 2023, tránsitos, eclipses y retrógrados....Saturno en Piscis y una pincelada de realidad espiritual.

17 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~   Mitologías actuales: Sailor Moon
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de; Mitologías actuales:  Sailor Moon. En esta ocasión contamos con la participación de Daniel Raventós, Historiador del Arte y Máster en Historia del Arte Contemporáneo y Cultura Visual por la Universidad Autonóma de Madrid y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Con su ayuda y sus conocimientos, nos adentraremos en uno de los mangas y animes japoneses que nos abrió a muchos las puertas de la mitología: la inolvidable Sailor Moon, de Naoko Takeuchi.
Originálmente transmitido el 17 de Agosto del 2019

24 de Dezembro:  PDM ~ Petrucia Finkler ~ Uma mesa redonda sobre Shadow Work
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
Uma mesa redonda sobre Shadow Work. Ultimamente anda muito na moda no meio bruxo falarmos em trabalhar com a sombra ou integrar a sombra. Mas do que exatamente estamos falando quando dizemos "sombra" e o que entendemos ser o trabalho de tocar nessas partes escuras dentro de nós. Para melhor entendermos as alegrias e os perigos de fazer isso, convidei três psicólogos pagãos: Cris Morgan. André Correia e Renato Capelozza.

31 de Diciembre:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Temazcales
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Desde los archivos de PDM te invitamos a disfrutar nuevamente de: Temazcales. En este episodio aprenderemos acerca de la mitología y el uso de los tradicionales baños de vapor del México antiguo (y moderno!) conocidos como Temazcales.
Originálmente transmitido el 14 de Agosto del 2021

7 de Enero:  PDM ~ Christian Ortiz ~ El templo interior: Devoción y espiritualidad
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El templo interior: Devoción y espiritualidad. Prácticas de espiritualidad cotidianas para conectar con nuestro poder.
Transmitido originalmente el 1o de Enero del 2022

14 de Enero:  PDM ~ Laura González ~ Gordofobia
Paganos del mundo con Laura González desde Estados Unidos nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Gordofobia. En este episodio exploramos la gran paradoja de nuestra sociedad. La Divinidaddel Ser y el cuerpo humano, contrastando con la crueldad de la crítica, la implacable cultura de dieta y la gordofobia.
Transmitido originalmente el 8 de Enero del 2022

21 de Enero:  PDM ~ Harwe Tuileva ~ Vivir una existencia mágica
Paganos del mundo con Harwe Tuileva desde España nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Vivir una existencia mágica. En este programa vamos a mostrar una óptica personal sobre cómo se compagina una vida más mundana, más terrena, o un trabajo de día, con las prácticas espirituales y/o brujeriles. ¿Cómo se integra todo en la práctica? ¿Qué conlleva todo ello para una persona? ¿Qué rituales diarios podemos hacer?

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